Tingling: causes of tingling in the head, hands, feet, over the body?

Tingling: causes of tingling in the head, hands, feet, over the body?
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Tingling often occurs in the upper or lower limbs, face, lips. It can accompany a momentary nerve compression or an acute illness, as well as a chronic problem. There are several causes.

Tingling is also known professionally as paresthesia. It is an unpleasant sensation, feeling, symptom. People may describe it as a tingling or other unpleasant sensation - burning, itching or prickling of the skin.

It occurs with normal and non-committal nerve compression, you know, sitting cross-legged for a long time, accompanied by tingling, tingling. Then it is a transient problem.

It happens a lot:
You wake up with a hand that is numb. You can't move your fingers, your muscles are stiff.
Gradually, an unpleasant tingling sensation sets in. After a while, the whole condition passes.

However, tingling and tingling in the skin, limbs, face or lip may also indicate more serious acute conditions that have a vascular basis and cause brain numbness. It may also be a stroke.

Tingling in one upper limb is an example of a cervical spine problem, which can persist for a long time.

So it can be a harmless phenomenon, but also a symptom that precedes a serious illness.

Want to know more about tingling?
Why does it occur and what are its main causes?
Read with us.

Skin sensitivity disorder can be described as tingling, stinging, itching or other unpleasant skin sensations.

Hypesthesia and hepesthesia is a weakening or, conversely, an intensification of the actual sensation. Touch is perceived as either weaker or stronger. If a light touch is perceived as an unpleasant sensation, it is dysesthesia. If a light touch is perceived as pain, it is allodynia.

There may be a complete loss of sensation.

Tingling as a minor phenomenon

There are several non-severe conditions that are associated with paresthesias.

An example is tingling in the upper limb or legs...

The extremities of the human body are a good and common example of peripheral nerve oppression. This temporary condition is caused by nerve oppression from the outside.

When the position is unchanged and uncomfortable for a long time, the nerve is pressed from the outside. The irritation is the basis for the development of unpleasant sensations.

Carpal tunnel as one of the possibilities

Carpal tunnel syndrome has a similar mechanism, but no longer transient. It is a tunnel syndrome that manifests itself in tingling in the hand.

The main manifestations of carpal tunnel are:

  • tingling in the fingers of the hand
  • reduced sensitivity of the skin of the hand
  • wrist pain radiating to the forearm or shoulder
  • local swelling
  • impaired finger mobility
  • weakening of flexion, opposition of the thumb
  • problem with gripping objects
  • frequent dropping of objects from the hands

Unpleasant symptoms are provoked by prolonged unnatural and forced hand positions. Often computer work, piano playing, also occurs in cooks or seamstresses. Handling vibrating mechanisms is also inappropriate.

The risk is chronic ischemia (underblooded / reduced blood supply) of the hand tissue. In addition to nerve compression, there is also compression of blood vessels.

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Spinal problem as a second cause

Spinal pain is one of the most common problems with which a person visits a doctor. Apart from pain, other symptoms also occur with spinal problems. One of them is tingling.

The cause may be a functional problem that is temporary and not serious. It may recur.

The other side is organic causes, which may stem from a damaged intervertebral disc or a narrowed spinal canal.

An example of this is a tingling sensation in the right arm up to the shoulder, which radiates from the neck and thoracic spine.

When researching these causes, you may come across terms such as radiculopathy or pseudoradiculopathy.

  • Radiculopathy - a root syndrome that has its basis in direct oppression of the spinal nerve; depending on the section and location of the oppression, there are also associated problems
  • pseudoradiculopathy - a less severe condition that occurs without nerve compression

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Abulging intervertebral disc is one example that represents a radicular syndrome and therefore nerve oppression. Spinal stenosis has a similar effect.

Both diagnoses need to be addressed before they progress.

Compressive causes are further divided into degenerative and non-degenerative.

Non-compressive is divided into metabolic or infectious, as inflammation in the spinal region may be behind the problem. In this case, fever is also associated.

Symptoms include:

  • spinal pain
  • pain radiating to the limbs, head
  • tingling (paresthesia)
  • sensory disturbances
  • muscle weakness
  • muscle spasms

Sciatica (sciatica ) is similarly caused by the radiation of pain into the lower limb.

In this case, the tingling comes from the back. Pressure on the nervus sciatica causes discomfort in the buttocks, the back of the thigh, the calf up to the plantar surface of the foot and the little finger.

Professionally, it is referred to as sciatica.

Other non-serious causes

The reason for paresthesias can be due to a deficiency of vitamin B12. Also, a deficiency of minerals such as magnesium or calcium. This is the basis of increased neuromuscular irritation.

In this context, there may be tingling and tingling of the head, face, lips and tongue, upper and lower limbs up to the fingers. Basically the whole body.

Do you know a disease called tetany?

Tetany is aggravated by deepened and rapid breathing. It's hyperventilation tetany, hyperventilation syndrome. The aggravation can be spasms of the muscles of the fingers and face.

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In addition, this unpleasant sensation can be caused by a change in hormone levels in women, during ovulation, menstruation or during pregnancy and menopause.

Women report a burning sensation in the thighs, tingling of the skin of the arms, shoulders. More often in this case, the hands tingle at night. The unpleasant sensation may also be presented as a spider web feeling on the skin of the face or elsewhere on the body.

Neurological diseases associated with tingling

The main causes are grouped under specialist names such as neuropathy, neuritis or degenerative diseases.

They are divided into, for example:

  • headaches, migraines and other
  • nerve pain
  • post-traumatic conditions
  • strokes
  • seizure disorders such as epilepsy
  • degenerative diseases
  • diseases of the elderly
  • severe disabling diseases

Neuropathy + main problem - tingling

Neuropathy is a disease that manifests itself mainly and typically by tingling. It is a disorder of the peripheral nerves.

It typically manifests as:

  • disturbances in the perception of feelings
  • tingling
  • cold sensation in the extremities
  • rest pain

It may affect one or more nerves at the same time. If more than one nerve is involved, it is referred to as polyneuropathy.

Causes are varied, examples are:

  • autoimmune diseases - celiac disease
  • rheumatic diseases - read also article Rheumatism is harmful to the whole organism and at any age
  • infectious diseases - mononucleosis, parotitis
  • metabolic diseases, the main representatives of which are diabetes, porphyria, thyroid disorders and also cirrhosis of the liver
  • drugs - cytostatics
  • toxic substances - alcohol and alcoholism, lead poisoning
  • tumour - such as paraneoplastic polyneuropathy, lung cancer

Neuritis - inflammation of a nerve

An inflammatory process that occurs as a result of various external factors, infections (bacteria, viruses), diseases (autoimmune, diabetes, leukemia and a host of others) or due to trauma.

The spectrum of development is therefore wide. And so are the symptoms. It depends directly on which nerve is affected. Neuritis can affect several nerves simultaneously.

The main symptoms are impaired sensitivity, nerve pain, weakness, fatigue or weakening or paralysis of the muscles of the affected area.

Neurodegenerative diseases

Multiple sclerosis is a degenerative disease of the nerves. It has a multitude of manifestations, the nature of which results from damage to a particular nerve. From visual impairment, to dizziness, impaired balance, muscle weakness throughout the body, urinary disorders and more.

Examples include tingling and tingling sensations in the extremities, fingers, torso, burning sensations, tingling sensations and changes in the perception of cold or heat to a decrease in sensitivity to these sensations.

Among the known neurodegenerative diseases, you know Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Accident, injury, trauma

Injury can have a different mechanism. A minor cut and severance of a nerve, for example even in a finger, is sufficient to perceive a tingling sensation. It is therefore a direct injury to the nerve.

Nerve impingement can be caused by a broken bone or dislocation.

Stroke and heart attack

A stroke is an acute health and life-threatening condition. It can be ischaemic (non-bloody brain) or haemorrhagic, when the brain is damaged by the bleeding itself.

In both, brain function is impaired. It occurs suddenly and can have a wide range of symptoms. Multiple features matter.

The most well-known symptoms of stroke include:

  • headache
  • dizziness
  • difficulty maintaining balance, coordination of movement
  • feeling nauseous to vomiting
  • visual disturbance
  • speech impairment
  • sensory disturbances, tingling, tingling, paresthesias
  • impaired mobility and muscle weakness
    • paresis, partial paralysis, weakening of a limb
    • plegia is complete paralysis
    • one limb (monoparesis)
    • half of the body (hemiparesis/hemiplegia) - an example is weakness in the right or left arm and leg at the same time
  • impaired consciousness
    • short-term loss of consciousness, fainting, collapse
    • qualitative disturbance of consciousness - disorientation, dementia, confusion, aggressiveness, psychomotor restlessness
    • quantitative disturbance of consciousness, somnolence, somnolence, sopor to coma
  • convulsions of the body, as in an epileptic seizure

Myocardial infarction...

A heart attack, more specifically a myocardial infarction, is a condition of the heart muscle becoming undercooled. The cause is its undercooling or lack of blood supply relative to the current demand.

However, the manifestation is usually chest pain. The pain can vary from burning, pressure and a vague sensation (discomfort) to excruciating pain.

In addition, the chest pain can radiate to virtually any side. Characteristic symptoms include radiating to the left upper arm, shoulder and hand and fingers.

People often describe this radiation also as a tingling, tingling, unpleasant sensation.

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