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Wet skin due to inflammation, dermatitis or eczema? Know the causes

Wetting of the skin

It can be caused by a bacterial infection. It occurs in areas where the skin is excessively stressed by perspiration and in skin folds. It occurs in the case of various diseases such as allergic or atopic eczema. Another cause of wet skin is trauma and skin damage. However, it can also be caused by skin cancer.

Itchy scalp: What does this unpleasant problem mean?

Itchy scalp

Or just a minor skin irritation? Dandruff, psoriasis, but also other diseases such as dermatitis. And not only in children, it can also be lice.

Orange skin: why do I have orange skin on my thighs or buttocks (+ Stadiums)

Orange skin

Orange skin is mainly a cosmetic problem. It affects mostly women. It is aggravated by being overweight or obese, but it is not a prerequisite for developing it. The risk is inappropriate diet, lack of exercise and, of course, genetic predisposition.

Blue skin: what does blueness of the skin (cyanosis) of the hands, feet, lips or face mean?

Blue leather

Cyanosis, as this symptom is technically called, occurs when cold exposure is present. It is clearly visible, for example, on the fingers. Alternatively, it is also a sign of hypothermia itself. Cyanosis can also be caused by a serious disease of the respiratory or cardiovascular system.

Slow wound healing: what are its causes (+ risk factors)

Slow wound healing

There are risk factors for impaired wound healing, such as increased age, impaired blood flow, and decreased immunity. Diseases that directly affect wound healing include diabetes or anemia, as well as decreased blood clotting.

Moles: why are they increasing and what do they mean? Could they be a problem?


Birthmarks are present on our skin at birth. But most start to form during life. Some are lifelong and some need to be monitored. The dangerous ones even need to be surgically removed.

Brittle hair: what causes high brittleness and fragility of hair?

Brittle hair

Like the skin, hair can also signal the state of the organism and its health or the presence of diseases. This is reflected in the softness, brittleness of the hair and its ends. In another case, their condition indicates the degree and correctness of care. The hair can also be negatively affected by the environment or an unbalanced diet and insufficient content of necessary substances.

What are the causes of hair loss in women and men? (Alopecia)

Loss of pubic hair

The cause of this symptom is various skin diseases. It can be, for example, atopic eczema, but also purulent inflammations. Typically, it occurs in alopecia. Hormone levels, nutrient and vitamin deficiencies are also related. Obesity and radical dieting or starvation have a negative effect. It also occurs in inflammation of the liver or in its cirrhosis.

Red blood cell breakdown: what is haemolysis and why does it occur?

Breakdown of red blood cells

This symptom is a sign of various diseases. It occurs in anemia, other blood diseases, but also in liver or kidney damage. Blood breakdown is also caused by the action of bacterial toxins or poisons. The cause can also be a parasite that causes malaria.

Edema: What are the causes of edema (legs, arms and body)?

The Island

Swelling is a common symptom of various diseases or health problems. It occurs in diseases of the blood vessels, heart, but also in many skin and metabolic problems, as well as in injuries. It can be a generalized swelling that occurs throughout the body. Or it can be a local swelling that affects only a certain part of the body. Professionally, swelling is referred to as edema.

Low blood pressure: What are the symptoms and risks of hypotension? Is 90/60 not enough?

Low blood pressure

Low blood pressure is a condition where the blood pressure falls below 100/60. Professionally, it is also called hypotension. Its cause is not fully understood. Sometimes it arises as a consequence of another disease.

Zdroj foto: Cserhelyi photo

Dry cough

A dry irritating cough is a common symptom of a respiratory infection. In addition, it can be a symptom of a number of other diseases. Coughing also functions as a defence reflex.

Hiccups: do you often suffer from hiccups? What causes them and how to stop them?


Hiccups occur quite frequently. But what can be done if it is too frequent? Can it be a manifestation of a more serious problem?

Pulmonary oedema: Why does pulmonary oedema occur? Is it a common cause of death?

Lung Island

Pulmonary oedema is a serious and life-threatening condition if it occurs suddenly (acutely). Its chronic form is milder. It can be caused by chest trauma, pneumonia, drowning or inhalation of a foreign body. It is more common as a consequence of heart failure in the elderly population. It can also develop in pregnancy during eclampsia. Symptoms include breathlessness and other discomforts.

Vomiting and nausea after eating: possible causes and treatment

Vomiting after eating and nausea

Vomiting is a defensive reflex of the body to get rid of the contents of the digestive tract. The cause may be a dietary error, a psychological factor or a clinical symptom of a particular disease. What are all the possible causes of nausea and vomiting after eating?

White spots on the nails: what do they mean and what are the causes?

White spots on the nails

A change in the shape, colour or texture of the nail can indicate damage, vitamin deficiencies or certain diseases. White spots on the nails are professionally called leukonychia. What do they signal and why do they occur?

Shoulder Pain: Symptoms, Treatment

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder joint pain is a common musculoskeletal problem that can complicate even the most mundane daily activities. What is behind the development of shoulder pain?

Pain under the left rib: is it a symptom of some disease?

Pain under the left rib

Pain occurring under the left rib can occur with muscle strains, after injuries, but can also indicate a serious problem.

Pain under the right rib. What's the pain telling us?

Pain under the right rib

Pain under the right rib can occur with physical exertion, but it can also indicate a more serious problem.

Increased tearing: what causes it and what other symptoms can accompany it?

Increased watery eye

Increased tearing is one of the common reasons for visiting the eye doctor. It can be caused by many eye problems, but there can be more reasons.