Flu, cold, runny noses, sore throats and viruses (intestinal and others)

What do you mean by sore throat?

What do you mean by sore throat?

The winter season takes a toll on our mood and also on our health. Epidemics are peaking and the statistics of the sick are filling up. Sore throat is one of the symptoms that accompanies this period. What causes inflammation in the throat? How to arm yourself during inflammation in the throat? These and other information you will learn in our article.
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Home treatment of sore throat: how can we speed up pain relief?

The treatment of sore throats consists in the correct estimation or diagnosis of the inflammation. And this is mainly because it can be caused by either a virus or a bacteria. Here the treatment of the different types differs. But we have some home recipes for sore throats for you.
Phlegm in children: why does it cause vomiting and how is it treated?

Phlegm in children: why does it cause vomiting and how is it treated?

Mucus swelling is a nightmare for parents of children from newborn to school age. It is mainly caused by weakened immunity, poor hygiene, change in weather and vitamin deficiency. The viruses that cause rhinitis are highly infectious. They are spread by droplet infection during sneezing and coughing, by shaking hands or using an infected towel, touching a door handle or a toy.
Bacteria, viruses and others: as agents of serious diseases?

Bacteria, viruses and others: as agents of serious diseases?

In the past, the origin of disease was attributed to the wrath of gods, demons and spirits. In healing (magic), amulets and talismans were used. However, with the development of mankind, the real causative agents were being discovered. Among the first to be discovered were bacteria and parasites. Less well known and very old organisms related to bacteria are archaea, the classification of which is ambiguous. In 1897, the famous scientists Loefler and Frosh looked at a pathogen whose existence was known but not described. Thus viruses were discovered. In the context of the search for the causative agent of BSE, prions came to prominence. Fungi are also among the causative agents of disease.
Angina loves the heat. How to deal with it during the summer days?

Angina loves the heat. How to deal with it during the summer days?

Purulent tonsillitis, or bacterial tonsillitis, or in layman's terms "sore throat", occurs very often in summer. Unpleasant scratching in the throat, sore throat when swallowing, change in voice colour, enlargement and pain of regional lymph nodes, combined with high fevers, shivering and other accompanying symptoms can spoil the joy of the long-awaited sunny days. In this article, we will look together at the main causes of tonsillitis in summer and how to avoid it.
Summer flu and colds in children. Do you know how to avoid them?

Summer flu and colds in children. Do you know how to avoid them?

Although summer is not the typical season for colds and flu, it is often when they are unavoidable. The change from holidays or vacations to constant care for small patients is not pleasant for any family member. Do you know what the most common triggers of colds in summer are and how to avoid them?
Scarlet fever and its typical symptoms: how to recognize it in time?

Scarlet fever and its typical symptoms: how to recognize it in time?

Scarlet fever is one of the most common bacterial diseases. It mainly affects children between the ages of 3 and 10 years. It manifests itself mainly with exanthema (skin rash), but also with fever, chills or lack of appetite. If treated early with antibiotics, it has a mild course and does not require hospitalisation.