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Flu season is coming: are you ready? Boost your immunity
Winter is here and with it the annual troubles with flu or cold. Don't let illness break you and strengthen your immunity in time.

Influenza in pregnancy. Is it dangerous and how is it treated?
This is a period of increased incidence of respiratory diseases. Influenza is one of the most common seasonal diseases.

Are you overwhelmed by nervousness and stress? In pregnancy, it is necessary to minimize them
Nervousness and stress have a big impact on people, whether we realise it or not. If they are long-term conditions, they can affect the health of even a previously healthy individual. Pregnant women are no exception! Pregnancy is stressful in itself and any extra stress can have consequences. What does the latest research show about the effect of stress on fetal development?

Mandatory childhood vaccinations: relevance and safety into adulthood?
In the past, people died of diseases that we now consider trivial thanks to medical advances. Even diseases that the general public now only learns about on the internet have had fatal consequences. They are rare in poorer countries. How have they been suppressed?

Protein in the urine during pregnancy? May or may not be a problem
Proteinuria is the technical name for the presence of protein in the urine. It is important to check it regularly during pregnancy, as its occurrence can indicate serious complications such as pre-eclampsia or HELLP syndrome.

What to do for constipation and how to defecate without difficulty?
Pregnancy brings with it emotions of joy and anticipation. However, many of the feelings that accompany pregnancy are not entirely pleasant. Many women are surprised by constipation in pregnancy. How to deal with it or how to avoid it altogether?

Itchy skin in pregnancy? What causes burning skin and what helps?
Pregnancy is for many women one of the most beautiful periods of life. And even though it is accompanied by many inconveniences. One of them is itching of the skin. The cause can be harmless changes in the body, but also a serious disorder.

Beware of ovarian inflammation in pregnancy. What causes and symptoms does it have?
Ovarian inflammation is a relatively common gynaecological disease. It can cause various health complications, including infertility. In pregnancy, this inflammatory disease also poses a risk to the fetus and its treatment requires a specific approach.

Influenza in children: how to prevent it, what is its course and how is it treated?
Children have started going to nurseries, schools. The weather has turned colder, the cold season is coming. Among the annual seasonal illnesses is the flu.

How are endometriosis and infertility related + Other symptoms and health problems
Not much is known about endometriosis, but it still has a significant impact on a woman's life. The causes, manifestations and treatment of this gynaecological disease are highly individual. It can have a significant impact on fertility, changing future prospects for planned pregnancy and parenthood.

Ovulation, calculation of fertile and infertile days. How to plan pregnancy?
Ovulation occurs periodically every month, just like menstruation. For some women, it takes place without drawing attention to itself, while for others, mild symptoms are present. Most women only realise the importance of the ovulation cycle when planning a pregnancy.

How does the ovulation test work, when to test, what confirms positivity?
Ovulation tests are becoming an increasingly popular tool for women and couples trying to conceive. They reliably detect ovulation based on luteinizing hormone levels and are therefore a good indicator of fertile days.

The first signs of pregnancy. How to recognize them?
Whether you are trying for a baby or not, it is good to know the first signs of pregnancy. These often occur before a positive pregnancy test.

How does the menstrual cycle work? Cycle length and phases + symptoms
The menstrual cycle is part of the physiological functioning of the female reproductive and hormonal system. How does the cycle work, what are its four phases and manifestations?

How does ectopic pregnancy manifest itself? Know the symptoms early
The concept of ectopic pregnancy is a scarecrow for many women. When can it occur, how does it manifest itself and what does this problem entail?

A child is not a miniature of an adult! What are the differences?
Babies are adorable and sometimes look a little too much like adults in appearance. Modern dresses, designer shoes, and "little adult" is the world. But in reality, babies are more different by a certain age than it might seem at first glance. If you have a baby at home or are expecting one, it's good to know these differences. Why is it important?

Stretch marks in pregnancy not only on the abdomen? Do you know when they arise?
Stretch marks form during pregnancy in many women. How do they form and how can they be prevented? Find out in our article.

Head spinning in pregnancy: at the beginning and as a symptom, what else does it mean?
Every expectant mother has to go through a series of unpleasant changes. In addition to nausea and fatigue, pregnant women often complain of dizziness. This common symptom can have several causes. Some should not be taken lightly.

When does it start? And more importantly, when does it end?
Compared to the nine months of pregnancy, childbirth lasts only a few hours - although it seems endlessly long. And it is these few hours that occupy the minds of expectant mothers and their partners the most.

In pregnancy, beware of anemia. What causes it, symptoms?
Pregnancy puts a certain strain on the whole organism. The heart and lungs no longer work for just one body. The volume of blood increases, which must also take care of the needs of the unborn child. All this is linked to the risk of anaemia in pregnancy.