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Mucus plug in pregnancy: when does it form, what does it look like, how does it go away?
What is a mucus plug, what is its significance? When is it formed, what does it look like and when is it expelled?
What are the dangers of vomiting in children? Risks of recurrent condition
Vomiting is quite common in children. This symptom entails a fairly wide range of different causes of its occurrence. Let's zoom in on situations when every parent should be alert.
How long does pregnancy last? How many days, weeks and months?
How long does pregnancy last, exactly how many days, weeks, months? What is the fetal and gestational length of pregnancy? You can read all this in the article, along with possible disorders of the duration of the duration of pregnancy.
Depression in pregnancy. What causes it in expectant mothers?
Beautiful, plump and happy - that's the idyllic image in the context of pregnancy. But the reality differs from this distorted image in many ways. Various influences cause frequent mood changes, from euphoria to depression. Depression in pregnancy is not unique. Unexplained crying and tears are familiar to most expectant mothers.
How to fight low blood pressure with lifestyle and food?
Do you get out of bed in the morning with foggy eyes, tinnitus, feeling faint? Is nausea your morning enemy?
Nosebleeds. What are the most common causes and how to stop it?
One of the most common bleeds that we are all familiar with is the epistaxis. It is mainly caused by a large blood supply in the front of the nasal septum at a place called the locus Kiesselbachi. However, it can occur on all the walls of the nasal cavity. Hairlines and veins bleed more often than arteries. Should we be worried about it? When does it become dangerous for us? What are the causes of its occurrence and how to stop it? The answers to these questions can be found in the article.
Thrombosis: A disease of the old? It threatens the young too + Causes and manifestations
Vascular thrombosis is a disease or condition that represents a serious medical and social problem. It affects mostly adults, less often adolescents, and children are no exception.
How is the egg fertilised and how long does it take to nest?
The fertilization of an egg by a sperm, its development and subsequent nesting in the uterus is the basis of pregnancy and life itself.
Does your heart pound at rest or after a meal? What can it mean?
When our hearts race during exertion or mental agitation, we usually don't attach any significance to it. But it's not completely normal at rest.
Hemorrhoids in pregnancy and after childbirth: why do they arise, how to treat them?
Hemorrhoids during pregnancy, childbirth and after childbirth can properly torment many women. Why do they form, how do they manifest themselves and can they be prevented? You can find out in the article along with their treatment from the comfort of home.
What helps with low blood pressure? Can lemon, herbs or other grandmotherly advice help?
Are you often dizzy, tired and weak? Maybe you also suffer from low blood pressure. So you should also know what you are at risk of and how to help yourself from low blood pressure.
Who is a midwife? And what is her job?
Every mother has the right to bring one or more people to accompany her during the birth. This can be the baby's father, a family member, a friend or a doula.
What is travelers' thrombosis: Causes and symptoms? How to avoid it?
Venous thrombosis is a serious and painful disease with a high risk of further health complications. Many factors are involved in its development, one of which is the conditions that arise during prolonged travel. The development of thrombosis in connection with travel is called 'traveller's thrombosis'.
Abortion: what are the types and stages of abortion? What does abortion entail?
By the word abortion, we imagine the loss, the ending of a beginning life. Whether spontaneously or by artificial termination of pregnancy. What types of abortion we know, you can read in the article.
How to prevent cardiovascular disease?
Cardiovascular disease ranks first in morbidity and mortality worldwide. Learn about effective prevention with us.
Date of birth: how to calculate the most accurate date of birth?
Many moms right after the confirmation of pregnancy are looking for more detailed information regarding pregnancy and the exact date of delivery. They want to know when they can expect the arrival of their offspring.
Untreated hypertension threatens health and life. What are the complications?
High blood pressure goes on for many years, and yet it may not manifest itself in any way. Until the time when health- and life-threatening complications arise.
What is the placenta, when is it formed and what is its function during pregnancy?
The placenta (amniotic sac) has a great influence on the course of the whole pregnancy. During pregnancy, it nourishes your baby so that it can grow nicely. It protects it, breathes for it and replaces all the organs that develop during intrauterine development. It is the link between mother and baby.
No, false, possible or certain first signs of pregnancy. When do they appear?
Can some of the first signs of pregnancy be considered certain and unambiguous? How to distinguish if our body is just playing tricks on us or if it is really pregnancy?
What are the typical symptoms of high blood pressure?
High blood pressure is a disease that can accompany you through life unnoticed. Herein lies its danger. The risk is mainly the outbreak of complications that can threaten health and life.