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Depression in pregnancy. What causes it in expectant mothers?

Depression in pregnancy. What causes it in expectant mothers?

Beautiful, plump and happy - that's the idyllic image in the context of pregnancy. But the reality differs from this distorted image in many ways. Various influences cause frequent mood changes, from euphoria to depression. Depression in pregnancy is not unique. Unexplained crying and tears are familiar to most expectant mothers.
Nosebleeds. What are the most common causes and how to stop it?

Nosebleeds. What are the most common causes and how to stop it?

One of the most common bleeds that we are all familiar with is the epistaxis. It is mainly caused by a large blood supply in the front of the nasal septum at a place called the locus Kiesselbachi. However, it can occur on all the walls of the nasal cavity. Hairlines and veins bleed more often than arteries. Should we be worried about it? When does it become dangerous for us? What are the causes of its occurrence and how to stop it? The answers to these questions can be found in the article.
Who is a midwife? And what is her job?

Who is a midwife? And what is her job?

Every mother has the right to bring one or more people to accompany her during the birth. This can be the baby's father, a family member, a friend or a doula.
What is travelers' thrombosis: Causes and symptoms? How to avoid it?

What is travelers' thrombosis: Causes and symptoms? How to avoid it?

Venous thrombosis is a serious and painful disease with a high risk of further health complications. Many factors are involved in its development, one of which is the conditions that arise during prolonged travel. The development of thrombosis in connection with travel is called 'traveller's thrombosis'.