Pregnancy in weeks: changes in the mother and faetal development

Pregnancy by weeks: how does pregnancy and fetal development proceed?
If you're pregnant or planning a pregnancy, you're probably wondering what's going to happen to you and your baby over the next few weeks.

Week 1 of pregnancy: when does pregnancy begin?
Pregnancy starts counting from the first day of your last period. Even if you haven't actually conceived yet, you're already counting.

Week 2 of pregnancy: when does ovulation occur? + Fertilization
Pregnancy starts counting from the first day of your last period. Even if you haven't actually conceived yet, you're already counting.

Week 3 of pregnancy: how does a new life emerge?
The union of egg and sperm has created a single cell that begins to divide incredibly quickly. Only now does the real pregnancy begin.

Week 4 of pregnancy: skipping my period. Am I pregnant?
The fertilised egg finishes its journey and joins the uterus this week. It attaches to it, which is called implantation or nesting. Some women only find out they are pregnant now when they miss their periods.

Week 5 of pregnancy: is the baby's heart beating yet?
Some women only realise that they have missed their period at this time and start to wonder if they might be pregnant. The best and quickest option is to take a home pregnancy test. A pregnancy test will show you whether the human chorionic gonadotropic hormone hCG, which is only found in the body during pregnancy, is present in your urine.

Week 6 of pregnancy: are you starting to suffer from morning sickness?
Your baby is growing at lightning speed, his development is very fast. During this period, body parts and their systems are developing and forming, so he is especially very sensitive to adverse environmental influences.

Week 7 of pregnancy: how does the embryo develop in this week?
Your baby is developing and growing in the womb. You are only seven weeks pregnant and nothing is visible on the outside. But your baby is growing at lightning speed.

Week 9 of pregnancy: which organs are already functioning in the embryo?
In the 9th week of pregnancy, the pregnancy hormone HCG is at its peak. This causes the strongest symptoms in the form of morning sickness, mood changes, heartburn and fatigue.

8th week of pregnancy: is the embryo starting to resemble a baby?
Even if your pregnancy is not yet visible on the outside, big changes are happening in your body. The same is true for your baby, who is in constant rapid development. You can read how your baby is developing this week in our article.

Week 10 of pregnancy: is your baby already becoming a fetus?
Your baby is still tiny, but it has already formed almost all its organs. From this week on, we no longer look at it as an embryo. But it is already becoming a fetus that will grow and develop until birth.

Week 11 of pregnancy: is it already possible to distinguish the sex of the baby?
Your baby already looks like a little person. The embryonic stage is complete and from this week onwards your baby is considered a fetus. All the baby's organs have formed during the embryonic stage. Now they will only grow and mature.

Week 12 of pregnancy: does the fetus take the form of a real baby?
In the last three weeks your baby has doubled in size, growing at a very fast rate. He is already measuring approximately 5-6 cm from the top of his head to his tailbone.

13th week of pregnancy: what is the size of the baby? + Healthy diet as an important component
You've only recently found out you're pregnant. You're already 13 weeks pregnant. The fetus is beginning a period of rapid growth. Your belly is starting to protrude and round out.

14th week of pregnancy. How does the second trimester begin?
This period of pregnancy is considered by most expectant mothers to be the most pleasant. Gradually, nausea subsides, energy returns and the tummy takes on the right pregnancy curves.

15th week of pregnancy. How is it with sex and the first movements of the baby?
The second trimester is in full swing. Is it possible to predict the sex with certainty? We will reveal what changes are taking place, but also other interesting facts.

16th week of pregnancy: what will the ultrasound show? How is the future mommy doing?
At 16 weeks of pregnancy, you are almost halfway through the journey called pregnancy. There are more examinations to come. There may be some difficulties caused by pregnancy. Which ones are they?

17th week of pregnancy: can you feel the first movements already?
You are slowly tipping into the fifth month of pregnancy. What is waiting for you in the 17th week? Is it okay if you can't feel your baby kicking yet?

18th week of pregnancy: movements or pain in the lower abdomen?
At this time, the future mom is becoming more and more aware and feels life under the heart. The baby is already making itself known. Do you know what awaits you in this period?

Week 19 of pregnancy: why can't I feel the movements yet?
You haven't felt your baby move yet? Don't worry. It's coming soon. You may experience leg cramps and sleep disturbances. What about sports during pregnancy?