Neuralgia, or nerve pain, is commonly occurs with colds, overexertion or rapid movement. This pain in the form of lumbago is familiar to many people. Another cause can be inflammation, but also various other neurological diseases. Neuropathy, alcoholism, diabetes, tumor. Nerve pain also occurs after injuries.
Nerve pain can be related to a disruption of their structure. This happens due to various injuries, mostly skin injury, or in other part of the body with specific nerve endings.
Neuralgia, or nerve pain, is also related to problems and diseases of the nervous system.
Nerve fibers are located almost all over the body.
That is why it is sometimes very difficult to recognise whether the pain is conditioned by another factor, i.e. secondary or primary nerve pain.
Nerve pain due to injury
In the event of an injury or open wound to any part of the skin, the mucous membrane or an organ with lots of nerves the nerve function will be disrupted.
The irritation sends a signal to the brain and the person feels pain.
In this case, the pain is triggered by an external factor and the nerves only mediate this signal to the central nervous system. It is therefore not a disease of the nerve.
Intense pain indicating injury due to a cut. Source: Getty Images.
A signal is sent that there has been some disruption of the surface structure where the nerve fibres are.
Of course, with a more serious injury, nerve fibre disruption can also occur.
Diseases of the nerves
Nerve pain is also called neuralgia. It is a disease of the nerves involving different types or kinds of nerves. There are several different neuralgias.
Trigeminal neuralgia: when the face, tongue, teeth hurt
Trigeminal neuralgia is very common. Nervus trigeminus, or the trigeminal nerve, is a cranial nerve. It is also called the fifth cranial nerve, cranial nerve V, or simply CN V.
This nerve innervates the whole face, the oral cavity, the palate, the teeth, the nasal cavity, also the orbit of the eye, part of the ear, and the dura mater, i.e. or a brain membrane.
The disease of this nerve is manifested by pain in the facial nerves and around the eye or the ear, i.e. the whole area of its innervation.
Pain in the area of innervation of the trigeminal nerve. Source: Getty Images.
Usually the pain is present across half of the face, it lasts for a very short time, but it is very intense and severe.
It commonly occurs after the age of 40.
Pain usually provokes irritation of thetrigger point. The provocation may be caused by chewing, talking, stimulation by a certain temperature, i.e. cold or heat, but also when brushing the teeth.
The onset of pain is seasonal, especially in spring and autumn.
The pain is also manifested as toothache. It is well-known that during toothache, the triangular area between tooth, face, eye and ear also hurts.
Other causes of pain
Many times the nerves hurt even in the teeth. In this case, it is an inflammation of the nerve cavity of the tooth. Inflammatory nerve diseases, various infections and the like are a very common cause of nerve pain. This pain is a symptom that something is wrong with the nerve.
A disease that is associated with inflammation of the nerves is called neuritis. It is caused by irritation of a nerve. The cause of the disease can be an injury, prolonged pressure on the nerve, or even the presence of toxic substances.
For example, the optic nerve, the aforementioned trigeminal nerve, the sciatic nerve or other nerves in the body may be inflamed. This inflammatory disease manifests itself mainly by intense pain at the site.
Sciatica, or pain of the sciatic nerve. Photo: Getty Images
For example, in sciatic nerve pain, otherwise known as sciatica, the spinal roots are irritated. That is when sciatic nerve pain is present. Depending on the severity, the pain also radiates to the lower limb and manifests as pain in the back of the thigh, in the shin and as nerve pain in the leg.
There are also some autoimmune diseases. These cause the body to attack its own nervous system. However, these are very rare diseases.
Peripheral nerve disease, or neuropathy, also manifests in pain. Root nerve pain has a sharp character and can also be caused by too much physical activity.
A well-known example is, for example, a dislocated or damaged intervertebral disc. The pain is caused by the oppression of the nerve by this disc. There is mechanical damage or pressure on the nerve.
An example is lifting a heavy object, a sudden movement or a cold. The occurrence of this intense pain in the area of the neck and sacrum is also called lumbago.
In lumbago there is no radiation of pain as in sciatic root irritation, i.e. in sciatica. The cause of lumbago is the muscles or tendons, not the nerve disease. However, the pain may still shoot into the lower limb.
Inflammation of the skin due to herpes zoster. Source: Getty Images.
Some other causes of nerve pain:
neuropathies, e.g. in diabetes, thyroid disease, tumours, injuries, after a stroke, alcoholism
for damage to soft structures, such as pain from cervical spine from muscle strain or muscle overload
age and degenerative changes
damage to the intervertebral disc, i.e. disc herniation
spondylolisthesis, occurs when the vertebrae are displaced
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Bc. Lukáš Tóth
Healthcare worker
The secondary medical school in Nitra gave me the basis for my career in the field of health and diseases. Thanks to it, I worked for 2 years in the traumatology clinic and outpatient clinic at the Nitra Hospital. Since 2006 I was employed in the emergency medical service, where I stayed until 2017.
I completed my bachelor's degree at the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra in the field of emergency health care. The bachelor's degree allowed me to continue my mission as a paramedic. In the meantime, I got a job at the emergency line 155. I have been working in pre-hospital health care until today.
I had an interest in people, health and even diseases in my childhood, which gave me the prerequisite to pursue this topic in adulthood. Studying and acquiring new information in practice provided me with a great basis for writing professional texts, in the form of articles that can be understood by ordinary people. Thus, my interest in the Health Portal has a solid foundation in years of practice and personal interest. Similarly, I am also interested in healthy eating, nutrition and overall healthy lifestyle. I fill my free time with family and sports.
The aim of the portal and content is not to replace professional
examination. The content is for informational and non-binding purposes
only, not advisory. In case of health problems, we recommend seeking
professional help, visiting or contacting a doctor or pharmacist.