World Spine Day? 16 October for a healthy back and against spinal pain

World Spine Day? 16 October for a healthy back and against spinal pain
Photo source: Getty images

Neck pain and spinal pain affect a large percentage of the population, which is why education and awareness raising is needed. World Spine Day is set for 16 October, but the back needs to be kept in mind all year round.

World Spine Day is an international day and takes place on 16 October.

The aim of this international day is to raise awareness of the spine and the problems associated with it, every part of it from the neck, thoracic, lumbar to sacrum and coccyx.

Back pain afflicts children, adolescents, adults and the elderly. It does not avoid women or men, and it occurs all year round. That is why prevention and keeping the spine in good condition should also be kept in mind at all times.

The aim of International Spine Day is to provide information about spinal problems.
How to avoid, prevent and treat them.
Read with us!

Awareness of the problems that can lead to back pain is low. So is people's awareness of how to prevent and treat them. These are unpleasant experiences that reduce quality of life.

It has been reported that almost everyone will experience back pain at least once in their lifetime.
80-90% of the population to be exact.
And that's too much.

Sometimes a non-serious functional problem is behind the problem.

Other times it is structural damage or even a more serious disease. It is not always possible to get rid of the discomfort in a few days, and often it persists for a long time. In some more serious cases, it even persists for a lifetime.

Does your neck ache and radiate pain into your head, shoulders, arms? Does it make your head and the world spin?

Does it hurt between your shoulder blades or under your right or left shoulder blade? Does it sting your chest and make you unable to breathe or cough?

Does it hurt in your hip area and you can't move? Does the pain radiate to your abdomen or groin?

What about the sacrum, the pain above your buttocks spreading to your legs? Can't even turn around and every movement is a problem?

Painful tailbone even after a long-ago injury, but even without an injury mechanism.

How can we help?
How to treat? Can we treat it at home?
Can we prevent spinal problems?
These and many more are the subjects of our articles.

The cause can be poor movement. It comes after faulty exercise, as a result of a back cold in a draught or prolonged strain on the back due to sedentary living and inactivity as well as workload.

Lifting loads, working sitting, standing or bending over.

Pregnancy and back pain are really close.

Other times it is caused by an accident, a fall, a quick turn or also inflammation of the spine.

But also degenerative processes progressing with age, which we can't stop. We can only slow them down. But we can also negatively encourage them and thus approach the problem faster. The disease affects the intervertebral discs, vertebrae, small joints of the spine, nerves, the spinal canal and others.

Sometimes a bad bed, mattress and mattress are behind back difficulties. It is not the impact of a single excessive load that is helpful, but also long-term physical overload.


The following factors also contribute negatively:

Stress, mental discomfort, chronic mental overload, fatigue and lack of rest.

Pain affects all sections of the spine, in approximately percentage distribution:

  • 30% of the cervical spine
  • thoracic spine 10 %
  • lumbar spine 60 % + includes the transition between the lumbar region and the sacrum
  • polytopic form - multiple spinal segments

Lower back pain is more common. This is because the lumbar and lower back are more stressed.

Let's recap...

Spinal sections + their names and number of vertebrae:

  1. cervical - 7 vertebrae, vertebrae Cervicales C1 to C7
  2. thoracic - 12 vertebrae, vertebrae Thoracicae Th1 to Th12
  3. Lumbar - 5 vertebrae, vertebrae Lumbales L1 to L5
  4. sacral - 5 or 6 vertebrae, vertebrae Sacrales S1 to S5 (S6), together forming the sacrum axis (sacrum)
  5. coccyx - 4 or 5 vertebrae vertebrae Coccygeae Co1-Co4 (Co5)

Intervertebral discs = 23 pieces.

They are located between the vertebrae from the C2-C3 section to the transition of the L5 and S1 vertebrae.

The spine is used for movement. And it has an important defensive function. It protects the spinal cord.

Spinal nerves exit the spinal cord and transmit various signals. We have 31 pairs of spinal nerves. 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral and 1 coccygeal.

Pain from the spine can radiate to different parts of the body, from the head, to the chest, to the abdomen, to the lower abdomen, to the groin, to the upper and lower extremities.


Also, some diseases can manifest themselves in such a way that the difficulties in them are transferred to the spine.

The following are articles that are based on the issue of spinal pain.

In each case, a specialist examination is necessary. Diagnosis is carried out to find the exact cause of the problem and the specific disease. After diagnosis, appropriate specialist treatment is then given.

In the following section of the article, we list diseases that are closely related to the spine in clear bullet points with references.


Spinal pain as a symptom + various connections

Spinal pain is a symptom.

Of course.

The articles in the symptoms category provide information about what disease this unpleasant symptom may relate to.

Symptoms category:

Magazine posts that complete the whole

The articles in the magazine provide information on various aspects of health, diseases, symptoms, causes and other related areas.

A plus are the posts that include information with advice, explaining how to help yourself with a particular problem, diagnosis.

Magazine articles helping with back pain issues:

The basic principle leading to a vital spine

We list the basic pillars on which a vital and healthy spine is based. They should be used in prevention, but also when problems occur.

  • appropriate and adequate activity
  • Stress reduction
  • sufficient drinking
  • a rational diet
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Interesting resources

The aim of the portal and content is not to replace professional examination. The content is for informational and non-binding purposes only, not advisory. In case of health problems, we recommend seeking professional help, visiting or contacting a doctor or pharmacist.