Erectile dysfunction: what are the causes? Can they be both psychological and physical?

Erectile dysfunction: what are the causes? Can they be both psychological and physical?
Photo source: Getty images

A man's sexual need is also important for reproduction (procreation). But this is not its only role. To fulfill it, in the case of the male sex, an erection is needed. Its disorder implies a problem that can have its roots in multiple diseases.

The familiar term impotence expresses the same problem. It is erectile dysfunction, which is characterized by long-term problems with achieving and maintaining an erection.

Erectile dysfunction need not be a major problem. A man may experience it on various occasions during his life. Most of the time it is an organic cause, but stress and other psychological factors also play a role.

If it is not a long-term problem, there is no need to see a doctor. It is more serious if the inability to get an erection persists for more than 6 months and it is not possible to maintain a sufficient erection needed for sexual intercourse. At that time we are already talking about potency disorders or erectile dysfunction.

Impotence can take different degrees and forms. It most often affects men over the age of 40. From 30 to 70 years, it affects 30% of the male population. The disease affects only the erection process and does not affect fertility.

Cardiovascular disease and erectile dysfunction

a man with a broken cigarette indicates erectile dysfunction
Smoking causes heart disease, lung disease and impotence. Photo source: Getty Images

It is most often caused by vascular form. Cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, heart disease have a negative effect. Here smoking also plays a role. It causes a number of diseases that have a common link with impotence.

On the subject of smoking, it is impossible not to mention chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Smoking is its most common cause. And in addition to a number of health problems, it also causes erectile dysfunction.

Diabetes in close connection

Diabetes also causes diabetic angiopathy. Basically, it is damage to blood vessels that results in erectile dysfunction. This is also why conscientious treatment of diabetes is important.

Potency problems also occur in diabetic neuropathy. This is a nerve disease in which the function and structure of the nerves are affected. This type of neuropathy is again one of the complications of diabetes.

This disease can affect various nerves, from the nerves of the striated muscles to the nerves affecting the muscles of the internal organs. Erectile and potency problems occur when the nerves of the penis and the urinary system are affected. In this case, the man also has a problem with urination.

Hormones and potency

Erectile dysfunction also occurs as a result of changes in hormone levels. For example, in pituitary adenoma, which is a cancer of the pituitary gland that controls the production of multiple hormones.

Problems can occur with increased production of prolactin. In women it affects milk production in pregnancy, but in men it mainly affects sex drive and potency. Excessive production causes impotence.

Reduced production of testosterone (male hormone) also causes impaired potency. Other diseases related to hormone levels are hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism and hypogonadism.

Connection with liver disease

Glass of red wine
Alcoholism is bad for the liver. Photo source: Pixabay

Some liver diseases can also be a problem. For example, even in haemochromatosis, erectile dysfunction occurs due to reduced gonadal function, especially in younger people.

The disease is caused by excessive deposition of iron in the tissues in the form of ferritin and hemosiderin. There is also subsequent toxic damage. The disease can be either congenital or acquired. It is mainly seen in middle-aged men, i.e. between 30 and 50 years of age.

In liver cirrhosis, the liver is damaged and ligaments are formed, which impairs liver function. Erectile dysfunction is also present. This is particularly typical in alcoholic cirrhosis, where alcohol also affects the quality of potency.

Neurological diseases, post-operative conditions and injuries

Erectile dysfunction occurs at the same time as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy. A correlation should also be sought in the case of abdominal surgery and especially in the pelvic area.

Serious spinal injuries can result in mobility and erectile dysfunction. Penile injuries are not rare either. In this case, a specialist examination is necessary.

Obesity and anorexia have a negative effect. Even the use of certain drugs has a bad effect on erection. Radiation treatment in the small pelvic area also. Watch out for high cholesterol levels.

Psychogenic causes affecting erection

Lifestyle also affects potency, especially in younger men. Approximately 25% of men suffer from psychological problems, stress, overwork.

man and woman in bed have disagreements
Disagreements in a relationship as a cause. Source photo: Getty Images

Psychogenic causes affecting erection include:

  • stress, especially intense negative distress
  • work overload
  • lack of sleep
  • disagreements between partners
  • fear of loss of intimacy
  • fear of failure
  • low attractiveness of sexual partner
  • depressive disorder
  • anxiety disorder
  • and other psychotic and neurotic disorders

Other factors also have a negative impact on potency. These include poor eating habits, inappropriate diet, inadequate drinking, lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle.

Alcohol, smoking and drugs in the long run cause innumerable problems in the body. They cause organic and also psychological problems. And one of the consequences of bad lifestyle habits is also erectile dysfunction.


Expert guarantor of the article Zuzana Kožlejová, MD, PhD, adds information.

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