Beware of ovarian inflammation in pregnancy. What causes and symptoms does it have?

Beware of ovarian inflammation in pregnancy. What causes and symptoms does it have?
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Ovarian inflammation is a relatively common gynaecological disease. It can cause various health complications, including infertility. In pregnancy, this inflammatory disease also poses a risk to the fetus and its treatment requires a specific approach.

Inflammation that affects both the fallopian tubes and the ovaries is technically called adnexitis. Inflammation of the fallopian tube itself is salpingitis. Inflammation of the ovaries is oophoritis.

Since inflammation of the ovary almost never occurs in isolation, the term adnexitis is mainly used. It therefore means inflammatory disease of both the fallopian tube and the ovary.

Adnexitis most often affects young women, for whom it greatly complicates their quality of life. The infection spreads from the cervix through the uterus and fallopian tubes to the ovaries. In severe cases, it can also affect the entire pelvic area.

The ovaries and fallopian tubes are paired organs located in the pelvic area. The fallopian tubes are shaped like thin tubes that lead from the uterus to the ovaries on their sides.

During a woman's fertile days, their job is to catch the egg expelled by the ovary, which then waits in the ovary to be fertilised by the male sperm. Only then, whether fertilised or unfertilised, does it travel to the uterus, where it either nests or is expelled out of the woman's body during menstruation.

Types of adnexitis:

classification according to the route of spread ascending inflammation the infectious agents spread from the vagina through the uterus to the fallopian tubes
descending inflammation spread from other adjacent inflamed organs (appendicitis...)
through the blood viral influenza, mumps, scarlet fever, etc.
classification according to the stage of the disease acute stage sudden onset of pain, fever, vaginal discharge
chronic stage the problems persist after the acute stage has passed, or the inflammation recurs. It can last for years.
division according to the site of inflammation true adnexitis the right fallopian tube and right ovary are affected
left adnexitis the left fallopian tube and ovary are affected
bilateral adnexitis both fallopian tubes and ovaries on both sides are affected

Read more about uterine and ovarian adnexitis.

What can cause adnexitis

Inflammation of the ovaries does not arise from a cold, not even sitting on the cold ground. A cold or inappropriate clothing can only worsen an already ongoing illness.

The chronic stage often poses a risk of permanent infertility.

The disease is caused by vaginal microflora, which progresses upwards to other parts of the genital organs. Together with pathogenic microorganisms, which, under the right conditions, penetrate into the female genital organs, cause inflammation.

A risk factor that contributes to the infection is frequent and risky sexual behaviour. As a result, bacteria multiply and travel through the genital organs. A weakened immune system also contributes significantly to the condition.

Adnexitis can also affect women after multiple births, miscarriages or as a transmission of inflammation from other organs of the abdominal cavity.

Less common causes of ovarian inflammation:

  • Miscarriage
  • multiple births
  • transmission from other organs of the abdominal cavity, for example appendicitis
  • insertion of an intrauterine device
  • injury during gynaecological examination
  • curettage

Inflammation can also occur after childbirth, during the six-week period.

Risk factors

  • frequent change of sexual partners
  • cold
  • hormonal fluctuations
  • Inadequate hygiene
  • weakened immune system
  • misuse of antibiotics

The most common pathogens are bacteria and chlamydia. Less common pathogens are staphylococci and streptococci.

Inflammation of the ovaries in pregnancy

Frequent or untreated inflammation can be responsible for infertility or ectopic pregnancy. Inflammatory changes in the ovaries and fallopian tubes can cause so-called adhesions. This makes it difficult for the egg to move through the fallopian tubes, making it harder for it to settle.

The disease can also cause ectopic pregnancy, when a fertilised egg nestles outside the uterus, for example in the fallopian tube.

The foetus is not sufficiently protected against infections during pregnancy. Pregnancy is a risky period in terms of infections. The baby is at risk of transmission of inflammation through the bloodstream or the placenta. The mode of transmission can also be during birth, through the birth canal.

Risk to the pregnancy and the baby

  • Miscarriage
  • fetal necrosis
  • premature birth
  • neonatal sepsis
  • other irreversible damage to the baby

How to recognize ovarian inflammation during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is usually accompanied by various unpleasant sensations and abdominal pain. Therefore, the symptoms of ovarian inflammation may be overshadowed by other accompanying symptoms of pregnancy.

Most often, the inflammation initially manifests itself only as a kind of pain in the lower abdomen. Later, the pain turns intense and more prolonged.

As the inflammation spreads, the area of pain also grows. Increased temperature, pain during intercourse, fatigue or even vaginal discharge will join.

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Treatment of ovarian inflammation in pregnancy

The nature of treatment depends on what caused the inflammation and at what stage the inflammation is. Pregnant women with adnexitis must observe strict bed rest.

A cool compress may be applied to relieve the pain and prevent further spread of inflammation. Diet is also important. Food should be dietary with adequate fluid intake.

It is essential that the child is protected from infection.

In the period of pregnancy, it is generally recommended to take medication only in small amounts and for the shortest possible time. However, it is necessary to cure inflammation in pregnancy properly. Therefore, it is very important to follow the instructions of the doctor and consult with him every problem.

An untreated infection affects the vagina and the cervix, i.e. the entire birth canal. During delivery, the baby is unprotected and completely exposed to the infection that is in the birth canal. Therefore, a cesarean delivery is often performed.

If the adnexitis was caused by microorganisms that are the causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases, termination of pregnancy is recommended. These are, for example, microorganisms that cause gonorrhea and syphilis.

It is important to rest and drink enough. If the disease is accompanied by severe pain, it is important to take pain-relieving drugs. However, they must be consulted by a doctor. It is also necessary to support the weakened immune system by taking appropriate vitamins and dietary supplements.

In pregnancy, any use of medication should be consulted with a doctor. Otherwise, you may endanger the health and life of your unborn child.

If adnexitis is timely and properly treated, it usually has no adverse effect on a woman's fertility. However, the occurrence of ovarian inflammation during pregnancy requires special treatment procedures and a responsible attitude on the part of the pregnant woman.

How to avoid the development of ovarian inflammation

Normally, even during pregnancy, it is important to protect your private parts from undesirable influences. In particular, women who are planning a pregnancy should avoid neglecting or undertreating infections of the female genital organs.

An irresponsible attitude and neglect of treatment can result in problems with pregnancy or complete infertility.

Prevention consists of avoiding risky sexual intercourse or frequent changes of sexual partners. The use of condoms as barrier contraception is advisable.

A healthy and responsible lifestyle, including personal hygiene, a balanced diet and strengthening of immunity, is of considerable benefit in the fight against the causative agents of this disease and others.

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