Pregnancy and motherhood

Or: How do I know I'm ovulating?

Or: How do I know I'm ovulating?

Ovulation is part of a woman's healthy menstrual cycle. It occurs around the middle of the cycle and is the most opportune time for a woman to conceive a child. What does ovulation involve and what are the possible symptoms?
Postpartum diastasis: cause and symptoms? + Exercises at home

Postpartum diastasis: cause and symptoms? + Exercises at home

Pregnancy is a physically and mentally challenging time in a woman's life. One of the most common physical side effects of pregnancy is postpartum abdominal muscle separation. How does abdominal muscle diastasis arise in pregnancy and what treatment options are available?
Week 5 of pregnancy: is the baby's heart beating yet?

Week 5 of pregnancy: is the baby's heart beating yet?

Some women only realise that they have missed their period at this time and start to wonder if they might be pregnant. The best and quickest option is to take a home pregnancy test. A pregnancy test will show you whether the human chorionic gonadotropic hormone hCG, which is only found in the body during pregnancy, is present in your urine.