Bone disorders
Bone disorders include
- Cranial disorders
- Spinal disorders
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Axial spondyloarthritis
Axial spondyloarthritis is a rheumatic inflammatory disease. It affects the axial part of the body, namely the spine and pelvis. However, disease changes can also be found in other areas of the body.

Facet joint syndrome
Facet syndrome and chronic back pain are closely related. It is stated that pain arising from the articulation of vertebrates is the cause of 15-45% of long-term difficulties. The problem is mainly the lumbar section of the spine, less often the neck.

Kyphosis hyperkyphosis
Kyphosis is a term for the natural curvature of the spine. Inaccurately, this term also refers to pathological bending, ie excessive kyphosis. Professionally hyperkyphosis.

Lordosis refers to the natural curvature of the spine. Hyperlordosis is excessive. It can be caused by a birth defect or poor posture. It causes back pain, but, in the worst case, structural changes in the vertebrae or platelets.

Lumbago, or simply a cut in the back, is a source of unpleasant pain in the lower spine. Pain is accompanied by movement problems, which make the difficulties worse.

Osteochondrosis is a long-term degenerative process that affects the spine and primarily the intervertebral disc. Consequently, pathological changes have a negative impact on the affected vertebra as well as the entire segment. The result is back pain and other issues.

Osteoporosis causes weakening and fragility of the bones. It is a silent and gradually developing disease. Who is at risk? What are the symptoms and treatment?

Scheuermann's Disease
Scheuermann's disease is a disease of the spine. It affects a relatively high percentage of the adolescent population. It is manifested by hyperkyphosis, i.e. abnormally excessive convex curvature of the spine. Pain and other difficulties are associated with back curvature.

Scoliosis is a lateral deviation of the spine to the side. The spinal misalignment is especially noticeable in children, but it can affect any age group. It not only has a medical impact, but also a social or cosmetic one.

SI joint block
Blockade of the sacroiliac joint, which is also referred to as the SI joint, is characterized by unpleasant pain in the back, crosses with transfer to the sciatic muscles, ie the buttocks, but also to the groin. Difficulty is aggravated by movement.

Spinal Cord Injuries
Injuries to the spine and spinal cord are classified as serious and dangerous. The mechanism of an accident is different and can range from a traffic accident, falls, sports injuries to regular daily activities.

Spinal Disc Herniation
We speak of a bulging intervertebral disc or disc herniation rather than a popped or protruded disc. Pain of this origin is intense, significantly impairs the quality of life of the affected person and is the reason for incapacity for work.

Spinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis develops due to degenerative changes that lead to a narrowing of the spinal canal. The spinal canal and spinal nerves passes through the spinal cord. The condition develops over a long period of time and usually manifests itself after the age of 50.

Spondylarthrosis is a degenerative disease of the intervertebral joints. It affects the adult population and mainly men. It is manifested by both pain and stiffness of the spine.

Back pain can be caused by a less common condition called spondylodiscitis. The technical name refers to an infection of the spine, intervertebral discs and vertebrae.

Spondylolisthesis is the medical term for the displacement of one spinal vertebra compared to another. This happens for several reasons. This is in the lower lumber region and causes issues with posture, muscle weakness and other signs and complaints.

Spondylosis is classified as a degenerative disease of the spine. It affects any part of the spine and is a source of other symptoms besides back pain. It is a common problem, especially in middle and older age.

Tumours of the spine and the spinal cord
Spinal tumours are said to make up only a small part of all causes of back pain. However, in addition to pain, they can also cause other problems.

Vertebrogenic Pain Syndrome
Vertebrogenic algic (pain) syndrome is a term that brings together a broad group of spinal disorders. The problems stem from a functional or structural disorder of the spine. They have one common symptom, namely back pain.

Coccygeal pain
Coccygodynia, ie coccyx pain, is an unpleasant experience. In addition to problems in the coccyx, it is accompanied by other difficulties. We often associate it with an injury or prolonged sitting. It bothers women to a greater extent.