Life-threatening diseases and First Hour Quintet

What is life like after a heart attack? Does it limit, cause incapacity for work?

What is life like after a heart attack? Does it limit, cause incapacity for work?

Diseases bring with them various limitations, and not only during their duration. Some diseases and conditions require a permanent change in lifestyle. Myocardial infarction is one of these conditions. Just because someone has overcome it does not mean that they will continue to live as they have been living. The aim is to prevent a recurrence of the disease, which is more likely with each successive heart attack in life. It is therefore necessary to change some habits or bad habits that may have been established.
How to detect a stroke early?

How to detect a stroke early?

Stroke, cerebral infarction, ictus, stroke and many other names name a sudden condition occurring in our brain. It is caused by a lack of blood supply to part of the brain, or bleeding. The symptoms in both cases are almost identical. However, they are different in intensity, duration and have disastrous consequences. How to catch the symptoms of a cerebral infarction in time?
Disorders of consciousness: what are their causes and how are they classified? (Qualitative/quantitative)

Disorders of consciousness: what are their causes and how are they classified? (Qualitative/quantitative)

Consciousness is what defines us. It is what we are able to perceive ourselves and our surroundings through. It is the manifestation of the activity of the central brain system. It is where our mental processes, our thinking, our memory take place. Sometimes conditions occur that disrupt its function and a disturbance occurs. This can be short or long term. In addition, disturbances are divided into qualitative or quantitative.
Aortic diseases

Aortic diseases

Aortic disorders are not common but are all the more serious. They can take place very quickly and acutely with life-threatening but also chronically.
Ischemic heart disease: Causes and symptoms of coronary heart disease?

Ischemic heart disease: Causes and symptoms of coronary heart disease?

Ischemic heart disease, also known as coronary heart disease, bothers us with insufficient blood supply to the heart. The main reason is the involvement of the heart, ie coronary vessels. It can be in acute or chronic form. The dreaded heart attack also includes the acute type.