What causes the feeling of heavy legs? Is there a need to worry about an inflammatory disease?

What causes the feeling of heavy legs? Is there a need to worry about an inflammatory disease?
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Most often, the feeling is a manifestation of diseases of the vessels of the lower extremities. It can be caused by poor lifestyle, female sex, improper footwear, prolonged sitting, standing, etc. Sometimes the cause is neurological problems.

The feeling of heavy legs is almost always related to vein disease and vascular problems. It afflicts most people with lack of exercise.

It is the lack of exercise that causes the high risk of developing venous disease.

Varicose veins are among the most well-known. Heavy legs do not only affect people who lack exercise and have a predominantly sedentary lifestyle. Standing for long periods of time also puts a strain on the lower limbs and their veins.

The problem is in the blood vessels

Varicose veins are plaguing more and more people, especially in older age. Their occurrence can be influenced by genetic predisposition, but also by hormone levels. Women are more affected.

Professionally, they are called varicose veins of the lower limbs.

Blood accumulates in the lower limbs, weakening the vessel wall and widening the vein. Various folds form and protrude to the surface. The functionality of the vein is compromised. Complications include thrombosis, inflammation and, in some cases, ulceration.

The feeling of heavy legs is not only related to varicose veins. There are several diseases in which there is a problem in the venous system. For example, in chronic venous disease, there are abnormalities in the structure or function of the venous system.

These abnormalities and changes take place over a long period of time and are manifested by various subjective symptoms or difficulties. However, it is the excessive blood flow and the feeling of heavy legs that are the most commonly experienced problems.

Chronic venous insufficiency is also a very common disease. It is also a long-term venous disease in which abnormalities occur in the venous system. They also lead to swelling, various changes on the skin and also to the appearance of ulcers.

Sedentary lifestyle, obesity and increasing age are major contributors to this disease. In the disease, the return of venous blood from the lower limbs to the heart is particularly impaired.

Night cramps in the lower limbs and a feeling of heaviness in the legs at night are also common. A complication can be inflammation, which often develops into a chronic form. In this case, we are already talking about chronic inflammation of the veins of the lower limbs.

Trousers, legs, shoes
Lack of exercise, but also prolonged standing is the cause of varicose veins. Source photo: Getty Images

These risk factors influence the development of vascular difficulties:

  • Heredity
  • age
  • gender, women more often
  • lack of exercise, prolonged sitting, standing
  • overweight, obesity
  • pregnancies and their number
  • hormonal contraceptives
  • inappropriate diet
  • reduced fluid intake
  • smoking
  • inappropriate footwear
  • sitting on the toilet for long periods of time

Neurological problems

Sometimes the sensation of heavy legs occurs with diseases of the neurological system. An example is the serious disease multiple sclerosis, also known by the technical name multiple sclerosis.

It is an autoimmune disease of a chronic type that affects the spinal cord, brain and cerebellum. In the disease, the myelin sheath that encases nerve fibres and helps transmit impulses is disrupted and breaks down.

Foot and moulded orthopaedic shoe insert
A suitable prevention is orthopaedic footwear. Photo source: Getty Images

The anatomical problem

Heavy feet may also be related to an anatomical problem in the feet. They are also a symptom of flat feet. In children, a congenital disorder or weakness of the connective tissue of the foot may be behind the development of flat feet.

In adults, it is usually due to overloading of the foot. On the other hand, it may be due to too little load and poorly chosen footwear. Most often, a person has a feeling of heavy legs or a feeling of fatigue in the legs, especially after prolonged exertion. It does not matter whether it is a long walk or, on the contrary, a long standing.

In pregnancy

Pregnant women are familiar with the feeling of heavy legs. The cause is the changes that the body experiences during pregnancy. In addition to the feeling of heavy legs, swelling of the lower legs is also present during pregnancy. This again contributes to the feeling.

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