Menstrual cycle disorders and their main causes? (+ Types)

Menstrual cycle disorders and their main causes? (+ Types)
Photo source: Getty images

Their causes are diverse. They are caused by diseases of the endocrine system, liver, kidneys. The cause is, of course, also in the genital system. Sometimes the cause is cysts, inflammation or sexually transmitted diseases.

Menstrual cycle disorders can be in the form of excessive bleeding, too light bleeding during menstruation, but also bleeding outside the regular menstrual cycle. Sometimes it is directly a disease of the genital organs.

Diseases of the genital system

Typical menstrual disorders are diseases of the female genital tract, such as endometriosis, in which excessive bleeding occurs, even outside the uterine cavity itself.

But the uterus is also affected by other serious diseases, such as uterine cancer. The most common form is cervical cancer. These may not only be malignant, but also benign tumours that cause bleeding problems outside the menstrual cycle.

Inflammation of the uterus also causes menstrual cycle disorders. It is usually bacterial and affects the cervix, the lining or the muscles of the uterus. Bleeding outside the menstrual cycle or even after the menstrual cycle is typical.

Diseases of the ovaries

A gynaecological disease that causes problems with menstruation is also an ovarian disease. For example, with ovarian inflammation, bleeding occurs outside the menstrual cycle. Lower abdominal pain and cramps are also present.

Cysts may also be found on the ovaries. The most common form of the disease is polycystic syndrome, which causes menstrual cycle disorders, such as light bleeding during menstruation or complete absence of menstruation.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Bleeding outside the menstrual cycle can also be a form of menstrual bleeding disorder. Such bleeding is typical of infectious sexually transmitted diseases.

For example, chlamydial infection (caused by Chlamydia trachomatis) or gonorrhoea (caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae).

condom on woman's hand, man lying in bed
Frequent change of sexual partners is a risk for sexually transmitted diseases. Source photo: Getty Images

Hormonal diseases

Hormonal diseases are also a problem. Any fluctuations in hormone levels result in disturbances in the menstrual cycle. When there is insufficient hormone production, menstruation becomes less frequent or disappears.

Similarly, excess hormone production is dangerous, especially in pregnancy, as it can lead to miscarriage. Cushing's syndrome and pituitary adenoma, which are also metabolic diseases of the endocrine system, are also dangerous.

Problems with menstrual bleeding also occur with endocrine diseases that disrupt the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. Cycle disorders can occur with thyroid and adrenal diseases.

Other diseases

Drugs freely scattered, red and white in colour and green drugs in the background in a bottle
Also, certain medications may be behind the menstrual disorder. Photo source: Getty Images

Disorders of regular menstruation can also be caused by other diseases, such as liver damage. In cirrhosis of the liver, for example, there is a decrease in libido and sometimes a complete interruption of the menstrual cycle.

Similarly, in kidney disease, impaired liver and kidney function results in impaired steroid metabolism, which in turn causes problems with the menstrual cycle and bleeding.

Blood disorders, systemic diseases and treatment with anti-clotting drugs (anticoagulants), antipsychotics and some antidepressants also have an impact.

In eating disorders

A scale, a tailor's tape measure and an apple
Unbalanced diet and eating disorders are also a possible cause. Source photo: Getty Images

In women who have an eating disorder (bulimia or anorexia), bleeding during the menstrual cycle may be too light. Sometimes menstrual bleeding does not even occur.

The disease has an overall bad effect on a woman's body and fitness.

If a woman notices any unnatural disturbances in her menstrual cycle or if they are accompanied by pain, she should see a gynaecologist immediately. If neglected, there is a risk of early as well as late complications and fertility problems.

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