- A lump in the breast
- Abdominal Pain
- Accelerated heart rate
- Acetone Breath
- Anal pain
- Anxiety
- Apathy
- Aphthae
- Assisting
- Aura
- Back Pain
- Belly button pain
- Birthmark
- Black stool
- Bleeding
- Bleeding after sexual intercourse
- Bleeding gums
- Blindness
- Blindness in one eye
- Blisters
- Bloating - flatulence
- Blood in the power
- Blue leather
- Blurred vision
- Bone Pain
- Bone thinning
- Breast enlargement in men - Gynecomastia
- Breast pain
- Brittle hair
- Brittle nails - onychoschizia
- Buds
- Bulging eyes
- Bulk on the cap
- Chest pain
- Cloudy urine
- Cold extremities
- Concentration disorders
- Confusion
- Constipation
- Coughing up blood
- Coughing up mucus
- Cracked lips
- Cramping in the abdomen
- Cramps in the abdomen
- Cutting the eye
- Damp cough
- Dark urine
- Deafness
- Decrease in libido
- Decreased body temperature
- Deepened nails
- Defence
- Deformed nails
- Dementia
- Depression - depressed mood
- Deterioration of vision
- Diarrhoea
- Discharge from the ear
- Disorders of consciousness
- Double vision
- Dry cough
- Dry mouth
- Dry skin
- Ear Pain
- Enlarged lymph nodes
- Erectile dysfunction
- Excessive Hair Loss: Causes, Treatment
- Eye Pain
- Eye irritation
- Falling eyelids
- Fatigue
- Feeling of heavy legs
- Fever
- Flank Pain
- Flat feet
- Flatulence - bloating
- Frequent urge to urinate
- Frequent urination
- Full nose
- Gaining weight
- Groin Pain
- Hallucinations and delusions
- Hard ulcer
- Head spinning
- Headache
- Heart enlargement
- Heartburn
- Heel Pain
- Hiccups
- High blood pressure
- Hoarseness
- Hyperpigmentation
- Increased appetite
- Increased blood sugar levels
- Increased body temperature
- Increased iron levels in the blood
- Increased saliva production
- Increased watery eye
- Indigestion
- Itching of the rectum
- Itching of the vagina
- Itchy eye
- Itchy scalp
- Itchy skin
- Joint Pain
- Leg Pain
- Light stool
- Limb pain
- Lingering in the ears
- Liver enlargement
- Long menstrual bleeding
- Loss of field of vision
- Loss of pubic hair
- Loss of sense of smell
- Low blood pressure
- Lower Abdominal Pain
- Lung Island
- Malaise
- Malnutrition
- Memory disorders
- Menstrual cycle disorders
- Mood disorders
- Muscle Pain
- Muscle cramps
- Muscle stiffness
- Muscle weakness
- Nausea
- Nerve pain
- Nosebleeds - Epistaxis
- Oily skin
- Orange skin
- Overweight
- Ovulation pain
- Pain in the ovaries
- Pain that Radiates into the Shoulder
- Pain under the Right Shoulder Blade
- Pain under the left rib
- Pain under the right rib
- Pain when swallowing
- Painful Breathing
- Painful Lymph Nodes
- Painful bowel movements
- Painful urination
- Paranoid
- Pathological fracture
- Period pain
- Petechie
- Pins on almonds
- Pressure in the eye
- Pressure on the chest
- Pricking in the ear
- Proteinuria
- Purulent discharge from the eye
- Rash
- Raspberry tongue
- Reddened penis
- Reddened skin
- Redness of the conjunctivae
- Redness of the eyelid
- Reduced tearing
- Right Flank Pain
- Scars
- Scratching in the throat
- Sensitivity to light
- Shooting Pain in the Ears
- Shooting pain in fingers and toes
- Shoulder Blade Pain
- Shoulder Pain
- Skin pain
- Slow nail growth
- Slow wound healing
- Slowed heartbeat
- Smelly discharge from the vagina
- Sore Throat
- Speech disorders
- Spirituality
- Squinting
- Stomach pain after a meal
- Stool with blood - blood in the stool
- Strie
- Strokes on the nails
- Stubby fingers
- Stuck winds - stopping the outflow of gases
- Sugar in urine
- Swallowing disorders
- Sweating
- Swelling of the limbs
- Swollen eyelid
- Swollen fingers
- Teeth wiggling
- Testicular pain
- The Hump
- The Island
- Thickening of the voice
- Thinning
- Tingling
- Tinnitus
- Tooth pain
- Tremor
- Tremors
- Twinkles before the eyes
- Uhry
- Ulcer
- Urethral pain
- Urinary retention - anuria/retentiveness
- Vaginal Discharge
- Vaginal discharge
- Vomiting
- Vomiting after eating and nausea
- Vomiting blood
- Water in the abdomen
- Wetting of the skin
- White Spots on Teeth
- White patches on the skin
- White spots on the nails
- White tongue
- Winterreise
- Yellow whites of the eyes
- Yellowish skin
- Pain
- Respiratory system
- Cardiovascular and lymphatic system
- Skin, Hair and Nails
- Ears, nose and oral cavity
- Reproductive system and organs
- Excretory system
- Digestive system
- Musculoskeletal system
- Nervous system
- Systemic symptoms
- Behavioural Manifestations of Medical Conditions
- Visual system
- The category you were looking for was not found. Please try another one.
- List is empty.

Stuck winds - stopping the outflow of gases
Winds are a common part of human digestive processes. Stale winds are a relatively common health problem with various causes. In most cases, stale winds are not a signal of a serious illness and the problem subsides in a short time. What are all the possible causes of stale winds and bloating?

An ulcer is a defect of the mucous membrane or skin (depending on its location). It can lead to various complications.

Anxiety is an unpleasant feeling that is quite common in the course of life. However, it can also be a mental illness, specifically an anxiety disorder. What is anxiety and how does it manifest itself? How to treat this condition appropriately?

Fatigue. It doesn't let us get out of bed without feeling exhausted. It makes everyday life difficult.

Almost everyone experiences a blister in life. The most common type of blisters are blisters caused by friction and mechanical damage. Blisters can also arise as a result of various diseases. What health problems are manifested by a blister? How to treat it correctly?

Slow nail growth
In most cases, slow nail growth does not necessarily indicate any serious disease. The rate of growth is individual and depends on many internal and external factors. What are the possible causes of slow nail growth?

Sweating (hydrosis) is a natural phenomenon. Sweat is produced by sweat glands in the skin. Its secretion cools the body.

Flatulence - bloating
Excessive gas formation in the digestive tract is a natural part of human health. However, excessive flatulence can signal a common dietary error or various diseases of the digestive system. What are the possible causes?

Flat feet
Flatfoot (pes planus) occurs mainly in obese patients. It is the absence of an arch. The foot touches the ground completely.

Bloating - flatulence
Abdominal bloating is a relatively common problem. It occurs when there is an excessive amount of gas in the digestive tract. In most cases, it is caused by a dietary error. It can also signal a specific digestive tract disorder. What are the possible causes of bloating?

Deepened nails
Ingrown nails are also known as spoon-shaped nails. They can indicate various disorders, both local and general. It is a pathological shape of the nail plate. What are the causes of ingrown nails?

Brittle nails - onychoschizia
Brittle nails are a concomitant of certain diseases. Proper hygiene and lifestyle protect the nails from increased brittleness.

Teeth wiggling
Milk teeth in children loosen naturally to be replaced by adult, permanent teeth. But in an adult, this is a phenomenon that indicates a disease. Neglect can mean serious complications.

Bleeding gums
Bleeding is a problem that indicates inflammation or other diseases of the gums. For example, gingivitis, periodontitis or periodontitis. Its cause is also insufficient and improper oral hygiene. The risk is higher in diabetics, smokers and women due to hormonal changes.

Bleeding after sexual intercourse
Bleeding after sex occurs after the first sexual intercourse, when the hymen is disrupted, sometimes after a rough or violent sexual act and after sexual abuse. In some cases, the cause is a disease, inflammation, sexually transmitted disease or tumour.

Blood circulates in blood vessels and its main function is to carry oxygen around the body. This is important for brain cells, the heart and other cells, tissues and organs. In addition to oxygen, it also transports other components.

Cramps in the abdomen
Almost everyone experiences abdominal pain and cramps in the digestive tract during their lifetime. Cramps can signal dietary errors. They can also indicate various diseases. When is it appropriate to see a doctor? What helps relieve them?

Scars form as part of the healing process after skin damage. Most people will get a scar of some kind during their lifetime. It can be the result of an accident, surgery or a poorly healing skin condition.

Brown spots on the skin, in the form of freckles, occur in some people from an early age. We know of cases of hyperpigmentation after sunbathing. These cases do not indicate a disease. But sometimes they can be a sign of a disease. It can be a disease of the skin, but it can also be a disease of another system.

The Hump
Degenerative changes are not the only cause of its occurrence. Also, it is not only older age. Incorrect posture and a negative working environment also contribute to its occurrence. Other diseases can also be the reason for the development of a hump.