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Acetone Breath: Causes in Children and Diabetics

Acetone Breath

Acetone breath, or acetone halitosis, is a major manifestation of excessive blood sugar elevation in diabetics. However, it can have other causes. Do you smell acetone from your child's mouth?

Proteinuria - Excess Protein in the Urine


Protein in the urine is a sign of impaired kidney function, or occurs for other disease causes. However, some small amount of protein tends to be present in the urine even in the absence of disease.

What does blood in the urine, hematuria mean? (invisible, in pregnancy, in children)

Blood in the power

Blood in the urine is usually present for a variety of reasons. These are often benign. However, it happens that behind this symptom there is a serious and malignant disease.

Slow heart rate - what does a low heart rate below 60 (50) mean? Can it be dangerous?

Slowed heartbeat

A slow heartbeat is referred to as bradycardia. It is divided into physiological (when its cause is not a disease) and pathological (which is already a symptom of a disease).

Pain that Radiates into the Shoulder

Pain that Radiates into the Shoulder

Shoulder pain and pain shooting into the shoulders are among the common problems. It can be acute or chronic. It is uncomfortable and limiting.

Pain under the Right Shoulder Blade

Pain under the Right Shoulder Blade

Pain shooting below the right shoulder blade can be caused by organ diseases, but also by muscular or skeletal problems. Often it originates from the spinal area.

Vomiting of blood, haematemesis: what are its causes (fresh or digested blood)?

Vomiting blood

We usually associate vomiting blood with stomach ulcers. However, it can occur due to several causes and diseases.

White Tongue: Causes and Treatment

White tongue

White tongue is a common harmless phenomenon, especially in the morning after waking up. In other cases, a yeast infection or other disease conditions may be behind the condition.

What does black stool mean in children, adults, in pregnancy?

Black stool

Black stool as a symptom indicates bleeding in the digestive tract. However, it can also occur after eating certain foods or medications.

Sore Throat: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Home Remedies

Sore Throat

Sore throat, or throat pain, is a fairly common problem in both children and adults. It has a variety of causes: viral or bacterial, accidental or another disease. Sometimes, home remedies are not enough.

Lower Abdominal Pain: Causes and Symptoms

Lower Abdominal Pain

Pain in the lower abdomen troubles women or men for a variety of problems that are normally benign. However, behind this type of pain can also hide a serious disease.

Elevated blood iron: what are its causes and complications?

Increased iron levels in the blood

Iron is essential for life. When it is deficient and also in excess, a health problem can arise. Its excess can be caused by increased intake in the diet. But it also arises in disease states and illnesses, for example, in liver damage.

Elevated blood sugar, hyperglycaemia: What raises blood sugar?

Increased blood sugar levels

Hyperglycaemia is a problem mainly with diabetes. Blood sugar levels are higher, which causes other problems. Like vision, nervous system. But it's not just diabetes. It's also caused by other diseases.

Increased saliva production: what signals excess saliva and a mouth full of saliva?

Increased saliva production

It occurs reflexively, i.e. when the senses are stimulated. For example, when we look at food or smell it. It can also be triggered by chewing. In pregnancy, it occurs mainly in the first trimester. And in some cases, it is a symptom of various diseases.

Increased appetite: what does it signal and what causes it?

Increased appetite

Appetite is a natural part of us. Increased appetite occurs mainly after physical activity, in children because of growth. Increased appetite is a normal part of pregnancy. It also occurs as a result of various diseases, for example metabolic or endocrine.

Vomiting and nausea: what are the possible causes?


Vomiting is an unpleasant condition that almost everyone has encountered during his life. It is a defense mechanism of the digestive system. What are all the possible causes of vomiting and upset stomach? What is the quick help and treatment?

Loss of sense of smell and often taste with infection and other illness?

Loss of sense of smell

The sense of smell is one of the senses. It is important for the perception of smells and odours. Its importance in smelling perfume, food or flowers is clear. But its most important function is to detect odours in the environment. It can alert us to dangerous substances whose inhalation could be fatal to life.

Rapid heart rate: what are the causes of a high pulse above 90 to 100? (tachycardia)

Accelerated heart rate

We don't normally feel our heartbeat. When the heart rate increases, the heart rate increases. And in certain circumstances, it's noticeable. It increases with increased physical or mental exertion. But often, the increase is due to disease.

Liver enlargement: what does it signal? What diseases cause it?

Liver enlargement

It is a symptom of diseases of the heart, the lungs or even the liver itself. It occurs in cases of fatty liver, cirrhosis or other diseases, which may be infectious or hereditary.

Enlargement of the heart: because of a medical cause or because of sport? (Cardiomegaly)

Heart enlargement

In an athlete, this is a normal condition, when the heart has become accustomed to the increased need for blood supply to the muscles and the body. Another case is if the cause is a disease. It may be a problem with the cardiovascular, respiratory system. Heart enlargement also occurs in the case of alcoholism or after infections.