The first signs of pregnancy. How to recognize them?

The first signs of pregnancy. How to recognize them?
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Whether you are trying for a baby or not, it is good to know the first signs of pregnancy. These often occur before a positive pregnancy test.

The symptoms of pregnancy can be quite confusing in the early days. You may notice some changes in yourself quite early after fertilization, even if the pregnancy test does not reveal anything yet.

Several factors are required for new life to grow in the womb of the mother-to-be. The woman must be in the period of ovulation, when a female sex cell (egg) is released from the ovary. This must then be fertilised by a male sex cell (sperm).

Read more about fertilization and a woman's menstrual cycle in the article.

FAQs include:
When do the first signs of pregnancy start?
What are the very first signs?

The very first signs of pregnancy

For some women, they don't occur at all. Sometimes they just don't notice them or don't attach much importance to them. So let's take a look together at the most common ones.

Skipping menstruation

The very first and obvious symptom is the omission of menstruation. However, the absence of menstruation can also be a sign of other changes in the body. Thus, there may be a number of other reasons why the menstrual cycle has not arrived or has arrived late.

Possible causes of cycle disorder or absence of menstruation:

With excessive and sudden physical exertion or a decrease in subcutaneous fat, estrogen levels are reduced. This can cause disturbances in the menstrual cycle. Many professional female athletes experience a complete absence of menstruation.

Read more about the menstrual cycle in the articles:

Tight and sensitive breasts

Breast tenderness and pain can also indicate a possible pregnancy. However, just like abdominal pain, tight and painful breasts often occur before the onset of menstruation.

In many cases, it is easy to confuse the first signs of pregnancy with the so-called premenstrual syndrome. Abdominal pressure, tight breasts, irritability, fatigue or increased appetite are common even before the onset of the menstrual cycle. It is all the action of hormones.
Read also the article on premenstrual syndrome.

Pain and cramps in the abdomen

Uncomfortable pain or cramps in the abdomen are mainly attributed to the growing uterus and other physiological changes that occur in a woman's body. However, they also occur in the first few days after fertilization. This is when hormones and digestive problems are mainly to blame.

The pains are similar to those that occur during menstruation. In this case, however, the menstruation itself is absent.

Read more about abdominal cramps and pain at any stage of pregnancy in the article.

Bloated abdomen, constipation

Pain not only in the lower abdomen but also in the whole abdomen can be caused by digestive problems.

Flatulence, constipation and other digestive problems make the pregnancy period unpleasant for many mothers-to-be. This is mainly due to hormones that weaken the tone or tension of the internal muscles of the intestines. As a result, the intestinal contents slow down.

With long-term problems, hemorrhoids can develop. Treatment consists mainly in adjusting dietary habits.

Prevention and treatment of constipation in pregnancy:

  • Adequate fluid intake
  • sufficient exercise
  • a diet rich in fibre
  • plenty of sour dairy products in the diet

In case of persistent severe constipation, medicines such as suppositories or probiotics can be used. However, always consult your doctor about dealing with constipation with medicines.

Read more in the article.

Nausea, vomiting, but also a change in taste

The concept of morning sickness is widely known in connection with pregnancy. It is indeed a common symptom of pregnancy, although not every woman has to feel it.

Approximately 60-80% of women suffer from general physical weakness, nausea and vomiting. It is a relatively normal phenomenon if a woman vomits 1-2 times a day. And it does not have to be in the morning hours at all.

The cause of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy is still not completely clear. It is probably related to the change in hormone levels in the woman's body.

Nausea, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach or vomiting is also related to changes in the digestive system. Digestion slows down during pregnancy, the stomach is harder to empty. All this adds to the feeling of fullness, heaviness and nausea.

Many women experience nausea when fasting. Therefore, it is recommended that a pregnant woman should always carry a little something to eat. These difficulties usually last until the third or fourth month.

In pregnancy vomiting usually does not require treatment. Basically, it is not a pathological (disease) condition and does not seriously endanger the mother or the fetus.

However, if persistent vomiting persists for a long time in the mother-to-be, the health of both mother and fetus may be at risk. Such a condition belongs in the hands of a specialist. Therefore, if in doubt, do not hesitate to contact your doctor.

How to avoid or minimize pregnancy nausea and vomiting:

  • avoid unpleasant smells and unventilated rooms
  • get plenty of rest
  • try to keep something small in your stomach
  • eat small amounts more often

Nausea in pregnancy is often associated with low blood sugar. So don't be hungry. Although you may lose your appetite and be reluctant to eat anything, a small portion of the right food will help to raise your blood sugar. You will feel a slight relief. Often, the feeling of nausea and vomiting comes before the feeling of hunger.

Sensitivity to different smells and odours

In addition to nausea, many women also experience increased sensitivity to different smells and odours. Common situations include when pregnant women start to smell unpleasantly of coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, but also, for example, shampoo or certain foods.

Again, hormones are to blame. It is likely that they are trying to protect the body from potentially harmful substances.

Frequent urination

The fetus is still too small to press on the bladder. However, frequent urination is already occurring. This is due to the increase in fluid levels in the woman's body.

The kidneys are working faster, getting rid of more waste substances. In connection with this, the production of urine in the kidneys increases, and therefore the excretion of fluid through the urine.

However, if you experience pain when urinating, have a fever or have blood in your urine, do not hesitate to contact your doctor.

Moodiness, depression

Pregnancy is a huge change for a woman's organism from the very first days. Not only the body of the future mother has to cope with this. Hormonal changes are, of course, also reflected on the psyche.

It is quite common if a woman feels depressed, has frequent mood swings or the desire to cry for no reason.

Read more in the article.

When to take a pregnancy test?

The pregnancy test works on the basis of the presence of the hormone hCG. This is secreted by the placenta at the moment when the egg embeds in the uterus. This hormone is first present in the blood and only a few days later in the urine of the pregnant woman.

More sensitive tests can detect the presence of the hCG hormone as early as a week after it has nested. However, it is more reliable to test on the day of the expected period, or even better, a few days after the missed period.

It is best to use the first urine of the morning for testing. Do not rush the test too much. The most reliable result will be obtained a few days after you miss your period.

You tested negative but still feel that changes are happening in your body? Repeat the test a few days later. A faint line on the test indicates the presence of a small amount of the hormone hCG, which means pregnancy.

False positive or false negative test?

If the test is done correctly and the hCG hormone is already present in the woman's urine, the result is usually quite reliable. However, there are certain factors that can change the result.

The table lists possible causes of a false pregnancy test result

False positive pregnancy test False negative test
Certain cancers too thin urine
ovarian cysts use of diuretics (drugs to promote urine output)
certain hormone medications use of antihistamines - drugs that block the action of histamine (for allergies)
condition after childbirth, miscarriage, curettage

With pregnancy, a huge number of changes occur in a woman's body. Coping with them can often be difficult. You may also be interested in our other articles about pregnancy:

Menstruation or bleeding after fertilization of the egg?

Some women may experience mild vaginal bleeding, about 11 to 12 days after fertilization.

However, this is not menstrual bleeding!

This bleeding is caused by the fertilised egg nesting in the lining of the uterine wall. It is more like a kind of bloody discharge or spotting.

If the bleeding is heavy or accompanied by pain, contact your doctor. It may be an ectopic pregnancy.

In an ectopic pregnancy, the egg nests in a different place, outside the uterus. Most often it is nested in the fallopian tube. Such a condition is serious and carries quite a big risk for the mother.

Therefore, if you have a positive pregnancy test and experience pain, heavy bleeding or have any doubts, seek medical help.

Unfortunately, most of these pregnancies end in the death of the fetus. The ideal conditions for carrying it to term are inside the womb, not outside it.

You can read more about menstrual bleeding in symptoms:

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