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Does home treatment and herbs help for pneumonia?

Does home treatment and herbs help for pneumonia?

Pneumonia is a serious disease regardless of the cause of its occurrence. Its treatment should not be underestimated. Herbs and herbal products are a suitable alternative for prevention and to supplement therapy.
Alcohol poisoning, vomiting and other symptoms, what is the first aid?

Alcohol poisoning, vomiting and other symptoms, what is the first aid?

Alcoholism and alcohol poisoning is not a unique phenomenon. Alcoholism is the 'scourge of humanity' and a frequent cause of social conflict. It is the number one addiction and a frequent cause of death from excessive consumption, even among the young. Irrational and excessive drinking causes damage to mental and physical health and gradually removes the drinker from society. He loses his own self and, in acute poisoning, often his own life.
Gluten-free cake? Recipe for a cup cake with coconut or nuts

Gluten-free cake? Recipe for a cup cake with coconut or nuts

Bábovka is one of the most traditional and popular sweet dishes of all time. However, even celiacs do not have to deny themselves this favourite delicacy from the workshop of our mothers and grandmothers. In the following lines, we will present you with a simple and proven recipe that will help you cope with the challenge of gluten-free bábovka.