Women's magazine: female fertility, hormones
How to relieve painful menstruation? What helps: medication, exercise, diet
Painful menstruation is a common gynaecological problem. Many women are limited in their daily life. It is the cause of absenteeism at work or school.
What are lactobacilli and what effect do they have on digestion?
Why is Lactobacillus beneficial for the body? In which foods can it be found naturally? Can lactobacilli affect the course and symptoms of various diseases?
Pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation or menopause? What helps? + 5 tips
More than half of women experience pain and uncomfortable cramps during menstruation during their lifetime. It often occurs in young women, but can also make life uncomfortable for older women and women in menopause. What really helps against severe menstrual pain?
Why is zinc important in the female body? How to supplement it? + Effects
Zinc came to more people's attention during the COVID-19 pandemic. Do you know how important it is for women's health?
Thyrotoxicosis and thyroiditis: what is it and what are the causes, symptoms?
Thyrotoxicosis is a consequence of excessive action of thyroid hormones on the human organism. Why does it arise and how does it manifest itself?
Autoimmune thyroiditis: Hashimoto's disease. Causes, symptoms
Autoimmune thyroid disease affects approximately 5% of the population. The immune system attacks the thyroid gland itself. What are the causes, symptoms and treatment options for Hashimoto's thyroiditis?
Enlarged thyroid gland: what is goiter, what symptoms and causes does it have?
An enlarged thyroid gland can cause various health problems related to breathing or swallowing. Why does goiter occur and how to treat it? When is it advisable to see a doctor?
Itching and nipple pain: what are all the possible causes?
However, if it lasts for a long time, is non-specific or turns into pain, it is advisable to contact a doctor to find out the cause.
Myoma of the uterus: cause, symptoms. Is it dangerous for a woman?
Uterine fibroids are the most common benign tumor of the uterine musculature in women. What is it and how does it manifest itself? Can it be dangerous?
Breast self-examination: how to prevent and care for breast health?
Home breast self-examination is the foundation of women's health prevention. How does the examination proceed step by step and what is important to focus on?
Genital herpes: what does it look like and what symptoms does it have? Method of prevention
Genital herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. It is an easily transmissible infectious disease occurring in both men and women. How to recognize genital herpes correctly? What are the ways in which the virus can be transmitted and what treatment options are available?
Menstrual hygiene: how to choose a menstrual aid? Know the risks and principles
Intimate aids make women's lives easier, help maintain hygiene and prevent health problems. In the past, the topic of menstruation was taboo, but today it is a topic that needs to be talked about publicly. What is intimate hygiene and what is the right choice of menstrual aids?
Female Infertility: Causes, Diagnosis
Female infertility means that it is not possible for a woman to become pregnant.
Avitaminosis or Vitamin Deficiency: Risks
A rational diet with a balanced intake of essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins is key to maintaining and improving health. What is the function of vitamins and why is their daily dietary intake important? What causes a vitamin deficiency and how does it manifest?
Ludmila Mojžíšová's method: exercises to promote pregnancy? What does it help?
Ludmila Mojžíšová's physiotherapy method is based on specific exercises and postures that help in the treatment of gynaecological diagnoses. The method is especially known for its success in the treatment of functional sterility (infertility).
Cervical Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, Prevention
Cervical cancer is a disease that can be caught during regular gynaecological examinations by screening, which is carried out once a year in the gynaecologist's office. When caught early, it is one of the most successfully treatable cancers.
Inflammation of the Ovaries and Inflammation of the Uterine Appendages
Inflammation of the ovary is a gynecological infection that often occurs simultaneously with inflammation of the fallopian tube, either by extension of the inflammation taking place in the vagina and uterus, or by inflammation of the surrounding organs. Most ovarian infections are caused by bacterial infection. Bacteria enter the ovary through the vagina or through the bloodstream.
Chlamydia Infection: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
A chlamydia infection is a widespread infection that affects women and men alike. It is caused by bacteria of the genus Chlamydia or Chlamydophila. They cause a wide range of infectious diseases of the genitals, eyes, and respiratory system.
Cyst in the breast (lump): what are the symptoms? Pain may not be present
A cyst in the breast is a hollow anatomical formation of varying size. It is separated from its surroundings by its own wall. The inside of the cyst may be filled with fluid or connective tissue. It may have several causes.
Cyst on the ovary: Why does it arise, what are its symptoms and diagnosis?
An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac. It is surrounded by a thin layer of tissue. It occurs in the ovary or on its surface.