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Bleeding after intercourse: a symptom of disease, a complication of pregnancy?

Bleeding after sex occurs after the first sexual intercourse, when the hymen is disrupted, sometimes after a rough or violent sexual act and after sexual abuse. In some cases, the cause is a disease, inflammation, sexually transmitted disease or tumour.
Bleeding after intercourse can be a symptom of any of a number of inflammatory, infectious and sexually transmitted diseases. Diseases affect the vagina, uterus, ovaries or other parts of the female genital organs.
Vaginal bleeding after sex may not only be a sign of disease. It also occurs after an overly intense or violent sexual act.
There are several causes. Read along to find out...
The cause of bleeding after intercourse is not just disease
Often, however, it may not be a symptom of a serious disease. That is why such bleeding should always be followed by an examination by a gynaecologist.
He can rule out dangerous causes on the basis of a gynaecological examination.

An example of this is bleeding if the intercourse was too intense. But it also occurs with forced intercourse, during which the vaginal mucosa is damaged and bleeding occurs.
Bleeding can also occur if the vaginal mucosa is not moistened sufficiently. Vaginal dryness is a problem during intercourse. The mucosal damage already mentioned can occur.
If the vagina is dry and does not moisten even with stimulation, the use of a lubricant is recommended. A lubricant will moisten the mucous membrane, reduce friction and thus reduce the risk of injury during sexual intercourse.
Bleeding after first sexual intercourse
In the case of first sexual intercourse, there is natural postcoital bleeding. The hymen is ruptured and deflated. It is structurally a hymen with a small blood supply and the rupture is accompanied by very slight bleeding.
During ovulation
Bleeding can also occur during ovulation, which is roughly between the 12th and 14th day of the menstrual cycle. This can be manifested by a slightly raised body temperature and a feeling of tightness in the lower abdomen.
Inflammatory, infectious and sexually transmitted diseases
Bleeding after sexual intercourse can also be a symptom of vaginitis and atrophic vaginitis. Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina. In addition to bleeding after intercourse, other symptoms include burning and itching of the vagina and perineum, and a thick, foul-smelling discharge that may be grey, yellow or green in colour. There is also burning during urination.
Atrophic vaginitis is a typical disease that occurs after menopause. Symptoms include vaginal dryness, mucosal inflammation, burning, itching, pain during intercourse. The use of lubricant is recommended during intercourse.

Infectious sexually transmitted diseases are another cause. One of them, for example, is gonorrhoea, which is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases.
It is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The bacterium is transmitted almost exclusively through sexual intercourse. Rarely, it is also transmitted through contaminated personal hygiene equipment such as towels. Purulent discharge from the urethra and pain during urination are also present.
Chlamydia infection is also a sexually transmitted disease. It is transmitted by sexual intercourse and is caused by chlamydia. These are small organisms transmitted by personal contact. In the case of venereal disease, it is Chlamydia trachomatis and also affects fertility.
To recognise the disease, other accompanying symptoms should be noted, such as itching in the urethra and vagina, but also possible bleeding after sexual intercourse.
Among the inflammatory and infectious diseases are also various inflammations in the pelvic area, affecting, for example, the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries. The most common in women is inflammation of the ovaries.
Bacterial infections, most often after unprotected sexual intercourse. Often a cold, for example if a woman wears short shirts or jackets or sits on a cold floor, can be the trigger for such inflammation.
Bleeding after coitus due to tumour and other causes
Bleeding after sexual intercourse, but also between periods, can also indicate a tumour in the uterus. This is how, for example, cervical cancer manifests itself. However, not only malignant but also benign tumours can be found here.
Bleeding can also occur if there are polyps on the cervix. These become irritated during the act and start to bleed. A polyp is a growth on the lining of the cervix.
Cervical cancer screening is an important part of cervical cancer prevention. It is designed to detect changes in the cervix and other areas early. Early diagnosis allows better treatment of any problems.
Are you pregnant and bleeding after intercourse?

It is normal that the sex life continues during this period. However, due to the pregnancy, it is necessary to choose more suitable positions. These are, for example, the position from the side, from behind, but also the position of the woman on top. It is better if the intercourse is gentle.
In some cases, bleeding can occur during or after intercourse, even in pregnancy. The reason for this may be increased blood supply to the lining of the vagina and cervix. During intercourse, the blood vessels of the mucous membranes of these parts are more sensitive and can be disrupted.
It is important to inform the gynaecologist about this bleeding. In pregnancy, there may be situations when sexual intercourse is restricted or prohibited. In this case, it is necessary to follow the doctor's advice.
Video about the causes of bleeding after sex
Diseases with symptom "Bleeding after sexual intercourse"
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