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What causes nausea and what causes sudden nausea?


Nausea is a symptom that occurs frequently. It manifests itself along with a feeling of nausea, often with vomiting. Its causes are multiple. Some experience it when travelling, women during hormonal changes and during pregnancy. In more severe cases, it is a manifestation of a disease.

Do you know the causes of mood disorders? (Bipolar, alcoholism, ADHD in children)

Mood disorders

Our mood depends on many external and internal factors. If the mood is altered over a long period of time, or if the changes are recurrent, it points to a problem. Mood can be morbidly good or bad. Affective disorders occur in childhood, but also in adulthood or old age. Most of the time it is a mental disorder, sometimes the cause is in another underlying illness.

Constipation: what can it be a symptom of? + Causes and treatment


Constipation is an unpleasant condition that almost everyone encounters during their lifetime. With constipation, there is a decrease in the frequency of defecation. It is often accompanied by abdominal pain, discomfort and harder stools. What can constipation signal?

Does long menstrual bleeding mean a menstrual cycle disorder?

Long menstrual bleeding

Long menstrual bleeding is classified as a menstrual cycle disorder.It is difficult to describe it as a separate chapter. It is usually associated with heavy bleeding, with other symptoms (pain, weakness, anaemia).Long menstruation is manifested by a prolongation of the menstrual cycle (bleeding). Often its intensity also increases.In practice, this means that the duration of...

The main causes of decreased libido: Will medication help reduced sexual desire?

Decrease in libido

Psyche, stress, illness, menopause and other factors negatively affect libido. Libido is the appetite for sex, the sexual desire. And it is primarily to ensure mating, i.e. reproduction, but also the need to achieve pleasure.

Light stool: what does it mean and what is it a sign of? + Stool colours

Light stool

Light-coloured stools can most often be a sign of liver, gallbladder or pancreatic disease. The colour of stools is influenced by a number of factors, one of which is the presence of bile.

Light sensitivity: what causes light deficiency (photophobia)?

Sensitivity to light

Sensitivity to light is a sign of eye disease. Symptoms such as eye pain, scratching, itching or eye fatigue are also associated. In other cases, it may indicate a neurological problem, such as meningitis.

Chest pressure: What is the cause of the dreaded chest pain?

Pressure on the chest

Pressure pain in the chest tends to be present with heart problems. It does not stop there, of course. It can also be caused by other diseases.

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Pressure in the eye

It is caused by a disease of the eye, but also of the eyelid. It can be a symptom of inflammation, but sometimes a tumor or other serious disease is behind the pressure. An eye examination is the best option when difficulties occur.

Dark urine: what are its main causes?

Dark urine

The colour of urine reflects the state of hydration of the body. Urine is darker in the morning, but during the day and with a proper drinking regime, its shade lightens and becomes light yellow. It can be coloured by certain fruits and vegetables. Dark urine also has causes in diseases.

Hard ulcer: what are its causes (non-infectious + infectious)

Hard ulcer

This symptom is the main sign of a sexually transmitted disease, namely syphilis. However, it is not only transmitted during sexual intercourse. It is transmitted through bodily fluids and therefore also during kissing. Another non-infectious cause of a skin ulcer is a blockage of the duct of the sweat or sebaceous gland.

Uhry: What causes the black dots? Can they be pushed out?


Eels, as we all know them, are not just a cosmetic problem. There are several reasons behind their appearance. They most often form on the face, especially on the nose. But other parts of the body are no exception. However, in addition to the visual aspect, one must be careful about a complication called inflammation.

Vaginal discharge: what does green, yellow, white discharge and itching mean?

Vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge is individually different as far as each woman is concerned. In some situations, its color, odor, quantity or overall consistency changes. Sometimes the cause is in a hormonal change, sometimes in a disease.

Whooping cough: What are the causes of a mucoid cough, even without a temperature?

Damp cough

Coughing is a defence mechanism of the body. It ensures the passage of the airways. The mucus formed by it performs a defensive function. But in some diseases it is formed in an increased amount and needs to be coughed up. It occurs as a symptom in various diseases.

Water in the abdomen, ascites - what are its most common causes?

Water in the abdomen

Ascites is a condition of fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity. It is most often associated with liver disease.

Coughing up mucus: what causes it? + Morning coughing and colour

Coughing up mucus

Under normal circumstances, mucus has a protective function. Its increased production is caused by certain diseases. An example of this is infection with viruses or bacteria. In this case, excess mucus must be removed from the airways. And this is what coughing is for.

Coughing up blood or blood with mucus, due to cancer and other diseases?

Coughing up blood

Coughing up blood, coughing up blood with mucus when coughing, coughing up small or large amounts of blood can be a sign of a serious illness. This symptom requires a professional examination.

Field of vision loss: what causes scotomas and what is the field of vision?

Loss of field of vision

Visual field loss is the loss of visual acuity or complete loss of perception in the visible area around a person. The cause may be based in the eye, the optic nerve or directly in the brain and visual centre.

Rash: What are the causes of rashes (even inflamed, red and itchy rashes)?


The skin has a protective function. It contains sweat glands, sebaceous glands, hair beds and other components with different meanings. It is the largest organ of the body and can also be affected by various diseases. One of the manifestations of these is the rash. In addition, diseases of other parts of the body are also manifested on the skin by this symptom.

High blood pressure: What does hypertension mean, what values does it have, manifestations?

High blood pressure

High blood pressure is more often found in its primary form, when its cause is not exactly known. Secondary hypertension is then a symptom of another disease.