Spinal pain - lower back muscle strain

Pain under the Right Shoulder Blade

Pain under the Right Shoulder Blade

Pain shooting below the right shoulder blade can be caused by organ diseases, but also by muscular or skeletal problems. Often it originates from the spinal area.
Scheuermann's Disease, Juvenile Kyphosis: Causes and Symptoms

Scheuermann's Disease, Juvenile Kyphosis: Causes and Symptoms

Scheuermann's disease is a disease of the spine. It affects a relatively high percentage of the adolescent population. It is manifested by hyperkyphosis, i.e. abnormally excessive convex curvature of the spine. Pain and other difficulties are associated with back curvature.
Sciatic Nerve Inflammation: Causes and Symptoms

Sciatic Nerve Inflammation: Causes and Symptoms

Back pain in the lumbar region radiating into the lower limbs probably indicates a sciatic nerve problem. The medical terms used for these conditions are sciatic neuritis, sciatic neuralgia, lumbar radiculopathy, and radicular leg pain.
Chest pain: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Chest pain: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

This symptom can have many causes like minor diseases of the muscles and soft structures between the ribs. Also, pain sometimes radiates from the spine and the abdominal organs. However, sometimes the cause is more serious: cardiovascular disease, lung disease, inflammation, anemia. This is a life-threatening condition.