Is your preschooler often sick? How to strengthen the immunity of children?

Is your preschooler often sick? How to strengthen the immunity of children?
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Starting kindergarten is often the beginning of frequent sickness. Why is this and how can it be prevented?

The function of immunity is to maintain the homeostasis of the living organism. This means maintaining the stability of the internal environment. This includes protection against pathogenic microorganisms. The mechanisms of innate and acquired immunity serve this purpose.

Both these components of immunity act as protection against infection, although they have different functions. The innate immune system reacts quickly when microorganisms invade the body.

The acquired immune system has what is known as immunological memory, which allows it to remember if it has encountered a particular microorganism in the past. It reacts more quickly the next time it comes into contact.

From birth, humans are exposed to various microorganisms. Thanks to the immunity that develops over time, the body is protected against them.

Already in the period before birth, the cells of the immune response are already forming. Childhood is the period when they mature. In puberty or adulthood they reach full function.

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Factors affecting childhood immunity:

  • Breastfeeding
  • A balanced and wholesome diet
  • Drinking habits
  • Hygiene
  • enough sleep
  • fear, anxiety

Immunity of the preschooler

A child's sickness rate tends to be significantly higher when he or she starts school. This phenomenon is quite common, as it is the first time that a child comes into close contact with various infections that his or her immunity has not known before. The child's immune system, which is still developing, can easily succumb.

However, this period is usually temporary.

This condition lasts until the so-called immune memory is reached. However, if you have any doubts, consult your doctor.

In a collective, there is an exchange of viruses and bacteria, which leads to more illness in the child.

The most common illness during this period is inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. It is often accompanied by coughing, stuffy nose and increased temperature.

Other common ailments include inflammation of the sinuses, middle ear, nasopharynx, bronchi or lungs.

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The causative agents are most often viruses, which are spread by droplet infection, i.e. coughing, sneezing and sniffling. In this way, harmful and pathogenic germs are very easily transmitted in a collective of children.

The child's immunity is closely linked to the nervous system. Therefore, the stress caused by starting kindergarten and separation from the mother greatly influences morbidity during this period.

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How to deal with preschool illnesses?

Prevention is the first priority, but it is a matter of a longer-term nature. A proper lifestyle or a balanced diet should be part of everyday life. Not just a matter of a few days before starting kindergarten.

The right diet

After the birth of a child, breast milk is the most ideal for kick-starting its immunity. In addition to nutrients and other important components for the child, breast milk contains many antibodies.

These antibodies acquired from the mother are used up over time and the baby builds up its own immunity. The baby's immunity also develops through contact with bacteria, viruses or fungi. It gradually learns to defend itself against these.

The child's immune system develops significantly around the age of one year. However, full immunity is not achieved until puberty.

Most of the immune cells are located in the intestines. That's why diet has a big impact on the immune system. The whole complex of minerals, vitamins, enzymes and probiotics is important.

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A varied and balanced diet is important to support immunity. It should include plenty of fruit, vegetables, fish, cereals, legumes, but also meat, eggs and dairy products.

A child needs plenty of vitamins, minerals and less fatty and sugary foods. Even a proper drinking regime is extremely important.

A diet that is beneficial and inappropriate for boosting immunity

Diet for immune support Foods to avoid
vegetables and fruit artificial colours
sea fish preservatives
eggs sweet foods
legumes white flour
nuts refined sugar
kefir fried food

Replenishing the ingredients needed for good immunity does not happen in a week. It's a matter of lifestyle. But it's never too late. Set up your household and habits so that your child's diet meets his or her needs. Guide your child to a healthy diet yourself.

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Drinking habits

Sufficient fluids and good drinking habits apply to all age groups. Children and the elderly do not feel thirsty as adults do. Therefore, offer children fluids even if they do not require them themselves.

Feeling thirsty is a delayed symptom that should not occur with a proper drinking regime.

Approximate fluid requirements per day according to the age of the child

Infant 150 ml/kg/day
1 year 120 ml/kg/day
6 years 90 ml/kg/day
10 years 70 ml/kg/day
18 years 40 ml/kg/day

Sufficient water is an important part of supporting immunity. Children often tend to gravitate towards sugary waters, but these do not provide sufficient hydration and also contribute to the development of various diseases. As with adults, pure water is the best choice.

A brief overview of suitable and unsuitable liquids for children

suitable liquids unsuitable liquids
pure water fresh water
herbal and fruit teas flavoured mineral water
fruit juice lemonades
mineral waters - still, with limited minerals strong teas, coffee, energy drinks

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Preparations to support immunity

Dietary supplements and various immune boosting products are no substitute for a varied and balanced diet. The best way to supply the necessary substances is to administer them in their natural form.

However, there are situations where supplementation with immune boosting substances in the form of supplements is appropriate. For example:

  • flu season
  • joining a team
  • weakened immunity due to illness

If your child is about to start school or kindergarten and you want to strengthen his/her immunity with various supplements, it is advisable to do so well in advance. Consult your doctor or pharmacist who will help you with the choice of product and the correct procedure.


Cultivating good hygiene habits is important not only in the social sphere, but also in terms of health. A child learns many skills at this age. Proper hand-washing techniques and hygiene eliminates many pathogens and their spread.

Hygiene and hygiene habits are an important part of childhood. However, it is important to remember that hygiene as such will not strengthen a child's immunity. Rather, it is about preventing the spread of various pathogenic microorganisms.

Experts say that excessive and exaggerated efforts for perfect cleanliness lead to even greater morbidity or even allergies.

Sleep and rest

Getting enough quality sleep is also a significant factor affecting the strength of immunity. A child should get enough sleep.

Children arrive at school or nursery especially after the holidays sleepless and tired. The cause is the holiday regime that allowed children to sleep late and wake up late in the morning.

So shift the sleep schedule a few days before the end of the holidays. This way, the body will get used to it more easily and getting up in the morning will not be so difficult.

Watching TV or spending time on the computer just before bedtime causes children in particular to have difficulty falling asleep and to get less restful sleep. In relation to sleep quality, it is also recommended that the child does not eat heavy or fatty foods before bedtime.

Movement in the air and sun

Being out in the fresh air, even in colder and more drizzly weather, is a form of hardening for children.

Of course, time spent outdoors needs to be adapted to the weather conditions, as does clothing. It is advisable to put several layers of thinner clothing on a child instead of one thick layer. This layering of clothing will ensure better insulation (maintaining body temperature) and easier evaporation of sweat.

The sun and its rays provide our body with vitamin D. This is produced in the skin by the action of sunlight. Vitamin D is an important part of immunity, among other things.

Getting enough sun is especially important in the winter months when there are fewer sunny days. In summer, again, we need to be careful not to cause sunburn or sunstroke.

Functions of vitamin D:

  • absorption and utilization of calcium in the body
  • building bones
  • supporting the immune system
  • protection against the development of inflammation
  • protection against cancer
  • proper cell division
  • proper secretion of insulin
  • regulation of blood pressure

Read more in the article Vitamin D, spring, summer and sun. Our health, strong bones or strong immunity.

Factors that negatively affect the child's immunity

There are some factors that strengthen immunity, but there are also some that weaken it slightly. Apart from lack of appropriate food or water, these can be factors such as stress, fear or a bad family atmosphere.

The aforementioned lack of sunlight, fresh air or smoking in the home can also have a negative impact on immunity.

Avoid crowded shopping malls and similar crowded establishments during the flu season if possible. Go shopping without children or ask your partner.

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Interesting resources

  • - The development of the immune system in children and how it can be influenced
  • - Drinking regime in children
  • - Vitamin D - the hormone we lack
The aim of the portal and content is not to replace professional examination. The content is for informational and non-binding purposes only, not advisory. In case of health problems, we recommend seeking professional help, visiting or contacting a doctor or pharmacist.