How does the ovulation test work, when to test, what confirms positivity?

How does the ovulation test work, when to test, what confirms positivity?
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Ovulation tests are becoming an increasingly popular tool for women and couples trying to conceive. They reliably detect ovulation based on luteinizing hormone levels and are therefore a good indicator of fertile days.

Ovulation tests are used by women who are trying to get pregnant, but also by those who are not ready for pregnancy and do not want to get pregnant.

  • Women planning a pregnancy eagerly await a positive result from the test, which indicates fertile days. It is during these days that they have the best chance of fulfilling their lifelong dream.
  • Some women do not plan a pregnancy, do not feel like motherhood and want to enjoy life, or prefer unprotected sex with their partner. They hope that the ovulation test will help them to stay in this lifestyle for as long as possible.

Ovulation tests are not a good indicator for women who do not want to get pregnant, despite their reliability.
This is because sperm can survive for up to 5 days in a woman's body after unprotected intercourse a few days before ovulation, when the test shows a negative result.
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Ovulation tests increase chances of having a baby

A woman can become pregnant at the time of ovulation, when a mature egg is released from the follicle and travels into the fallopian tube. In the fallopian tube, the egg survives for only 12 hours.

It is this short time, which can be detected by an ovulation test, that is crucial for the baby to be conceived.

Ovulation occurs between the 12th and 17th day after the first day of the last menstrual period.

A woman is most fertile on the day of ovulation, but the two most fertile days are considered to be the day before and during ovulation.

Because of the longevity of sperm, it is recommended to have sexual intercourse at least 5 days before the expected ovulation, on the day of ovulation, and also 2 days after ovulation. The presence of sperm increases the longevity of the egg to 24 to 36 hours.

Calculate fertile and infertile days.

What is an ovulation test?

An ovulation test is a medical device used for self-examination and to diagnose ovulation.

With the help of an immunochromatographic test, it is possible to detect the presence of human luteinizing hormone in the urine, the level of which rises shortly before the start of the ovulatory phase (1 to 3 days).

What does the test kit and the test itself consist of?

The test kit normally includes a test stick that is wrapped in a waterproof package, instructions for use and a desiccant to absorb any moisture in the package.
Some ovulation test kits may also include a urine collection container.

The test stick consists of three basic parts.
The first part is the plastic end of the test stick, which can be grasped securely. This prevents touching the test membrane and causing a false result.
The second (middle) part is the control window, where the test result appears as one or two lines. This is covered by a protective film.
The third part is the absorption layer, which is used to absorb the urine sample.

On what principle do ovulation tests work?

An ovulation test contains a modified membrane and a control zone in which antibodies that specifically react with luteinizing hormone are bound.

However, to detect a positive result, luteinizing hormone levels must be higher, and this is right at the time of ovulation.

When the absorbent layer has absorbed enough urine, it passes through the membrane to the control zone.

The tests react positively according to the sensitivity indicated on the packaging and in the package insert.

Tests with a sensitivity of 10 to 20 mIU/ml are usually available.

More about luteinizing hormone

Luteinizing hormone is a hormone produced in the adenohypophysis, which is the front lobe of the pituitary gland (the hypothalamus of the brain).

This hormone is secreted in a pulsatile pattern about 20 times during the day.
Its levels are slightly higher in the summer, decreasing as winter approaches. The highest levels are shortly after falling asleep and during ovulation.

It is important for the final stage of maturation of the egg in the follicle. It is also responsible for its expulsion from the follicle.

More specifically, it promotes the formation of the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum is a temporary endocrine gland of the ovarian cortex whose cells stimulate the production of progesterone and testosterone. This means that they promote ovulation.

Which ovulation test to choose?

There are several types of ovulation tests.

But which one is the most suitable?

The choice is up to you, depending on whether you prefer a lower price or easier use or quality.

In addition to tests that use a urine sample, there are also ovulation tests from saliva.
These are called ovulation microscopes. They are very simple to use and can be repeated for up to 2 years.

Table with types of ovulation tests

Type of test Reliability Price Length of testing Benefits
Strip 98% to 99% cheapest option 5 minutes price
Digital 98% to 99% acceptable option 5 minutes Price
cassette with microscope 98% to 99% more expensive option 15 seconds possibility of repeating the test

When and how to test?

It is advisable to start testing at least a week or 5 days before your expected ovulation.

The reason for this is simple. Ovulation happens differently for each woman and may not occur on a set date. 5 days is the interval during which sperm are able to stay in a woman's body.

Thereafter, testing should be repeated every subsequent day until positive.

It is important to remember that an ovulation test is not the same as a pregnancy test!

The pregnancy test is recommended to be done in the morning after waking up with the first morning urine, when the level of the pregnancy hormone hCG is highest.
On the other hand, the ovulation test is done between 10:00 and 20:00, when the urine is not as concentrated.

In order to get the most accurate results, it is necessary to do the testing at approximately the same time every day.

What is the correct procedure for testing?

If it is the right day to start testing, you must also set the right time.

About two hours before the test, it is recommended to limit the intake of liquids and food and not to smoke.
It is also not recommended to consume alcohol or drugs the day before or on the day of testing.

You should prepare a test kit, a clean and dry urine container (if the kit does not include one) and a clock.

Take a urine container to urinate into.
The container must contain enough urine to be able to dip the whole absorbent part into it, up to the max line.

Use your fingers to grasp the test strip only by the designated part so as not to disrupt the test membrane with the antibodies.

Immerse the absorbent part of the test perpendicularly into the urine sample so as not to exceed the max line.

This is usually 10 to 15 seconds (the immersion time is given in the manufacturer's package insert).

Then remove the test and place it on a dry flat pad, with the control zone facing up.

Turn on the stopwatch and read the result after the time limit specified by the manufacturer (usually 5 min).
It is not recommended to read the result long after the time limit. It may be biased, i.e. invalid.

Test results

The package insert of the test kit describes and also illustrates how to read the test results correctly.

Although some tests differ from each other at some points, the reading and evaluation of the results is the same for each test.

Test evaluation:

  • Positive test - Two red bars appear, one in the control zone and the other (more pronounced) in test zone C. This indicates a rise in luteinizing hormone levels, i.e. ovulation.
  • Negative test - A red stripe appears in control zone C or a red stripe in control zone C and a faint red stripe in test zone T - called a ghost. This means that there has not yet been a surge of luteinizing hormone, i.e. the woman is not ovulating at the time.
  • Invalid result - If there is no test strip in either zone, or if a red strip appears only in the test zone, this is an invalid result (damaged test, insufficient urine, incorrect handling of the test...).

Testing should be started approximately one week, at least 5 days before the expected ovulation. Testing should be done from 10:00 to 20:00, never in the morning.

In addition to poor timing, there are situations and factors when testing is not appropriate.

Do not use the test if:

  • it is past its expiration date
  • the test itself or its aluminium packaging is damaged
  • the aluminium container is opened
  • you did not do so immediately after opening
  • it has been exposed to moisture
  • you have touched the test membrane
  • Do not reuse the test
  • do not use the test to determine pregnancy

Is it appropriate to use the test to determine pregnancy?

The Internet and discussion forums are full of exchanges between women who are proud to have established their pregnancy with the help of an ovulation test.

During ovulation, two lines appeared on the test, indicating ovulation, and after ovulation was over, they only had a line in the control window.

Subsequently, between ovulation and the arrival of menstruation, a second line in the test window began to appear and grow stronger each day.
These women also tested positive for pregnancy.

This result may be due to a slightly higher level of luteinizing hormone at the beginning of pregnancy, but the positivity of the ovulation test cannot be taken as conclusive.

If you think you are pregnant, take a better quality pregnancy test. Repeat it at least once.

If a properly performed pregnancy test comes back positive in two consecutive tests, it is highly likely that you are pregnant. This is the best time to see a gynaecologist.

Planning to have a baby is not just about calculating ovulation correctly

Do you think that correct timing and intercourse during ovulation are everything?

Much more is needed to increase the chances of a fertilized egg and pregnancy, and to ensure that everything goes well during it.

Female Infertility

This will help increase fertility and ensure a healthy pregnancy:

  • Avoid stress
  • Avoid dusty environments
  • improve your physical fitness
  • don't overload your body
  • if you are plump, try to reduce your weight
  • eat a healthy, varied and balanced diet
  • ensure sufficient fluid intake
  • avoid all bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs, medication)
  • do not neglect regular gynaecological examinations during pregnancy
  • consult your gynaecologist about fertility drugs

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