- helikobakterpylori.sk - more information about flatulence
- gastroenterolog.com - portal focused on problems related to the digestive system
- viapractica.sk - expert article on flatulence
Are you suffering from bloating? 5 tips to solve it + get to know the causes and help

Bloated abdomen, cramps and passing gas significantly affect your physical well-being and social life. Follow these 5 principles and you can get rid of this annoyance.
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What causes excessive flatulence and flatulence?
It results in pain and unpleasant cramps, but also in an excessive passage of gas, i.e. "farting".
What will help? And no, it's not just medicines or home recipes.
A proper regimen is also needed.
Gas formation or flatulence is technically called flatulence. It is the accumulation of gas in the digestive tract that causes a feeling of a full belly, overflowing bowels, cramps and the passage of gas through the rectum.
When it is more frequent, it makes life very uncomfortable not only for the sufferer but also for those around him.
The actual passage of gas through the rectum is technically called flatulence. Many are more familiar with the colloquial term farting.
A disease, a symptom, or a normal phenomenon?
It is important to remember that gas production is a natural part of the digestive process. So when are we talking about a disorder?
If you experience gas passage more than 25 times a day for two weeks, you may be talking about a medical condition. It is a good idea to address this situation, as well as if the production and passage of gas makes your life difficult or causes you pain in any way.
Women are more likely to suffer from increased flatulence, especially before the onset of menstruation or during pregnancy.
Gas in the digestive system has three origins:
- from the external environment, from binge eating, drinking bubbly drinks, etc.
- from the reaction of digestive juices and stomach acids
- in the intestinal system by the action of intestinal bacteria
When bloating is normal
Although it is not unpleasant, there are situations when bloating occurs even in a completely healthy individual. An inappropriate combination of foods or overeating can cause problems even in a person who otherwise has no problems.
It is also important to bear in mind that age also significantly affects the ability to cope with the burden of food intake.
Pregnancy is another case in point. Almost every pregnant woman experiences digestive problems associated with bloating. These are caused, among other things, by a number of hormonal changes. These cause a decline in peristalsis and thus a large number of digestive problems, including constipation and bloating.
Read more in the article.
Meteorism as a consequence of illness
People often suffer from flatulence that is caused by another disease. This is when it is important to know the cause of the bloating and address the underlying disease. Often, among other digestive problems, flatulence occurs with intestinal infections, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, for example .
If you suffer from excessive flatulence for a long time, it may also be lactose intolerance.
What helps with excessive flatulence and flatulence?
By following certain guidelines, you can avoid or at least minimize problems with flatulence and bloating altogether. The result will be felt not only in the area of digestion, but also in your overall health.
1 Allow yourself time and comfort when eating
Hurried times bring with them hurried eating. Eating quickly while standing or walking, binge eating and stress cause many digestive problems. Insufficiently chewed food and swallowing air all contribute greatly to the presence of gas in the digestive tract.
Avoid overeating and binge eating.
Food is meant to strengthen and satisfy us, not to cause trouble. Follow the adage: Eating is a necessity, but eating well is an art.
2 Be aware of the right content of your diet
A varied and balanced diet will solve many health problems. Try to include enough vitamins, minerals, probiotics, fibre and omega-3 fatty acids in your diet.
Sufficient production and presence of digestive juices and enzymes helps with bloating, but also for overall digestion improvement. These break down the different components of food, create a suitable environment for digestion, but also protect the body from pathogenic microorganisms.
There are many factors that create the right conditions for digestion, including sufficient probiotics and prebiotics. Read about them in the article Probiotics - the bacteria we need for our health.
What about fibre?
Fibre is a component of food that is difficult to digest on its own. Yet its intake is important. Fibre deficiency is nowadays associated with many diseases of civilisation. The positive properties of fibre include the protection of the intestinal mucosa, the regulation of the digestion of sugars and fats, as well as the overall support of digestion.
Insoluble fiber acts like a sponge in the intestine, binding toxins to itself and carrying them out of the body.
Soluble fiber, through the action of intestinal bacteria, ferments in the intestine. This produces fatty acids and gas. This is why many people are concerned about fiber. Gas can cause problems such as cramping, flatulence, and subsequent passing of gas. Yet this fiber is necessary for proper functioning of digestion.
If you are not used to fiber intake, start with it carefully and in small amounts. Over time, the body will get used to it and the problems with flatulence will subside.
Read more in the article.
An overview of some dietary components and their sources, necessary for proper digestion
Fiber | currants, raspberries, blackberries, elderberries, rosehips, coconut, peanuts, almonds, dates, figs, lentils, beans, peas, oats |
probiotics | acidic dairy products, yoghurt, bryndza, vegetables preserved by lactic acid, apple cider vinegar |
prebiotics | garlic, onion, leek, cabbage, chickpeas, lentils, beans, banana, apple, red melon |
omega 3 fatty acids | salmon, tuna, mackerel, fish oil, flaxseed, walnuts, rapeseed, hazelnuts, almonds |
support the production of gastric juices | chilli peppers, ginger, apple cider vinegar, black olives, root vegetables, lemon, spinach, celery, cabbage, sea salt |
3 Beware of diets that cause flatulence
There are some foods that produce more gas than others when digested. These are especially those high in sugars or raw foods.
Perhaps the most well-known foods that cause gas are legumes. Beans, peas or chickpeas can often cause considerable problems. Try soaking the legume for 12 hours before cooking. Drain the water and cook the food in clean water. This will reduce gas formation during digestion.
Herbs and spices added to food, such as cumin, sage and rosemary, can also help to reduce gas formation or make it easier to pass.
Tea made from mint, ginger or fennel will also aid digestion and relieve gas problems.
Medicines for flatulence are usually only temporarily successful. The problem needs to be tackled holistically. It is not enough to eliminate flatulence as a symptom, but to look for the cause.
4 Think about getting enough exercise
Avoid a sedentary lifestyle. If you move your body, you will also support your peristalsis. This is the technical term for the movement of the walls of the intestine that moves its contents. When it functions properly, you will avoid lengthy and problematic digestion.
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5 Drink plenty of water
The human body is mostly made up of water. A lack of it manifests itself in multiple areas of the body's functioning. Among other things, it causes digestive disorders as well as increased fat storage.
Make sure you drink enough water and you will speed up the metabolic processes in the body. The body will get rid of waste substances and toxins more easily and digestion will improve.
The daily water requirement is around 0.4 litres per 10 kg of weight. This is even higher during physical activity or on hot days.
Coffee, beer and milk are not included in your drinking regime. Your body will be most grateful for plain, clean water.
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