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Insomnia in children: babies, children even in puberty. Solve it with drugs, teas?

Insomnia in children: babies, children even in puberty. Solve it with drugs, teas?

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that afflicts not only adults, but also children. The definition of insomnia has its own specifics and not every night waking up means the disease. Especially in children, their current condition is often misunderstood as insomnia. Sleep in adulthood differs from that of a child, even among children there are differences with respect to age. In order to make a diagnosis of insomnia, it is necessary to know these differences as well as other associated problems during wakefulness.
Children's sandbox as a possible health risk?

Children's sandbox as a possible health risk?

Activities in children's sandpits are one of the most popular activities for children. Shaping sand or building sandcastles develops not only their imagination but also their fine motor skills. However, there are also health risks for our little ones.
Aggression in children. How to manage an unmanageable child?

Aggression in children. How to manage an unmanageable child?

Aggressive behaviour is determined by the individual's current situation, his or her resistance to negative influences, but also by the overall development of society. Human aggression has always been with us. Its increasing prevalence and the shift in age to childhood is high and represents a serious problem. The danger of this behaviour endangers the patient and his or her surroundings.
Autism spectrum disorders in a nutshell: do you know the symptoms?

Autism spectrum disorders in a nutshell: do you know the symptoms?

Public interest in autism spectrum disorders has been growing in recent years. Probably because they were considered an oddity until recently, but research has confirmed brain dysfunction. The incidence of these disorders is not high. Only 1-2% of children and adults suffer from them, but it is on the rise. Which disorders are we talking about?
Treatment and diet for heartburn: what to eat and which foods are inappropriate?

Treatment and diet for heartburn: what to eat and which foods are inappropriate?

Are you one of those who sometimes suffer from an unpleasant burning sensation in the esophagus, or have you even been struggling with this problem on a daily basis for many years? If you answered yes, then we have some valuable advice for you on how to quickly and effectively get rid of this unpleasant problem or at least relieve the burning in your throat. Heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux is a condition that can be relieved in most cases by medication, but also by eating right - diet.
What diet and foods are suitable for stomach ulcers?

What diet and foods are suitable for stomach ulcers?

Stomach ulcers hurt, cause nausea or heartburn. They are dangerous if they burst, when they threaten the patient with bleeding. They occur when the stomach lining is damaged. How does this happen and what is the prevention? Spring, but also autumn is their season.
Scarlet fever and its typical symptoms: how to recognize it in time?

Scarlet fever and its typical symptoms: how to recognize it in time?

Scarlet fever is one of the most common bacterial diseases. It mainly affects children between the ages of 3 and 10 years. It manifests itself mainly with exanthema (skin rash), but also with fever, chills or lack of appetite. If treated early with antibiotics, it has a mild course and does not require hospitalisation.