Eye disorders
Eye disorders include
- Corneal disorders
- Retinal and choroidal disorders
- Refractive errors
- Conjunctival disorders
- Disorders of the lens
- Optic nerve disorders
- Eyelid disorders
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Cataracts are a degenerative disease of the lens. It is one of the most common causes of blindness in people in the world. What causes it and how is it treated?
Do you have conjunctivitis? You can recognize this most common eye disease by the typical unpleasant discomfort, such as itchy and red eyes and increased tear flow.
Diabetic retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy is a disease that affects the ability to see. It can manifest in varying degrees of visual impairment and even blindness. It is related to diabetes.
Dry eye syndrome
Dry eye syndrome is a growing problem. Long periods of looking at a mobile phone, monitor, television or being in an air-conditioned environment contribute to it. More serious problems can also be behind its development.
With farsightedness, we see well-distant objects. The problem is reading or watching TV. Children refuse to draw, paint, sit closer to television, and fail at school.
Barley on the eye
Barley grain and wolf grain are among the inflammatory diseases of the eyelid. Although not particularly dangerous, they are both unpleasant and aesthetically annoying.
Macular degeneration is a disease that affects the retina of the eye. The exact cause is not revealed. The genetic influence and action of internal and external factors, as well as lifestyle, are assumed.
Myopia is a visual error, also referred to as a refractive error. The rays of light are directed in the lens of the eye to create a sharp image on the retina. In myopia, the rays converge in front of the retina. The result is a blurred image and poor visibility of distant objects.
Retinal and vitreous diseases
Retinal and vitreous diseases involve various problems that affect these two closely adjacent structures. Risk of eye damage. Early diagnosis is important.
Retinal detachment
Retinal detachment is a serious eye disease that can lead to poor vision and permanent loss of sight, i.e. blindness. Early treatment may be helpful.
Strabismus is a condition of uncoordinated eye movements in which the eyes do not properly align with each other when looking at an object. Please not that this is not just an issue of aesthetics.
Amblyopia affects approximately 4% of children. Early detection and early treatment are important. Otherwise, permanent complications are a threat.
Astigmatism is a common visual acuity disorder. Do you see out of focus, blurry, have headache or have night vision issues?
Keratoconus is a degenerative disease of the cornea. It is not clear why it arises. Early diagnosis and treatment are important, however, a complete cure is not possible.
Presbyopia occurs mostly after the age of 40. It affects everyone as a result of the natural aging process. The first symptom is the inability to focus on near objects. The impairment is also known as "short arm syndrome", since reading material must be held further and further away in order to be sharp.