Urinary tract, excretion, urination, kidney

Protein in the urine during pregnancy? May or may not be a problem
Proteinuria is the technical name for the presence of protein in the urine. It is important to check it regularly during pregnancy, as its occurrence can indicate serious complications such as pre-eclampsia or HELLP syndrome.

Urinary incontinence: what is it and why does it occur + Types and symptoms
Globally, incontinence is one of the most taboo health complications. Due to its high prevalence in both female and male populations, it is currently a serious economic, social and medical problem. What is incontinence, how to recognize it and when is the right time to consult a doctor?

Wetting in children? It is a burden for the child, but also for his family
When is bedwetting acceptable in children and when is it necessary to be vigilant or seek professional help? What attitude should a parent take?

Diseases of the male genital organs and their symptoms? + Venereal diseases
As with other internal systems, various health problems and diseases can occur in the male reproductive system. Some may affect sex life only temporarily, others, on the contrary, may signal a more serious problem. What are the different diseases of the genital organs in men?

How to treat kidney stones? With herbs? How are they formed and how do they manifest themselves?
Pain is a sign that something is wrong. Kidney colic is one of the worst pains. Anyone who's experienced it will say they've climbed the wall. Its intensity is high.

Kidney care: how to regenerate and strengthen them?
Kidney disease often brings with it the risk of complications, which are as dangerous as the disease itself. But how can we avoid kidney disease? We should think about our kidneys all the time. They need to be looked after properly. They are very important for us and our health.

Inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis): what are its causes and symptoms?
Prostatitis is the lay name for inflammatory processes in the prostate from various causes and diseases. It is a urological-sexual problem in men. Why does prostatitis arise and what are all the possible causes?

Phimosis and paraphimosis (narrowing of the foreskin): what are its causes and symptoms?
The foreskin, the skin protection of the glans, is part of the male reproductive organ. A narrowed foreskin can cause health complications in childhood and adulthood. What is the difference between phimosis and paraphimosis of the foreskin?

What is the prostate: what are the possible diseases + How to keep it healthy?
Do you know what a prostate is? It's movember and men's health check-up month is coming up.

Urine leakage in pregnancy and after childbirth: what causes it? 3 exercises you can do at home
Urinary leakage is a common accompanying phenomenon that occurs during pregnancy or after the birth itself. What is the cause of incontinence and what are the options for therapy and prevention?

Pain under the left rib: is it a symptom of some disease?
Pain occurring under the left rib can occur with muscle strains, after injuries, but can also indicate a serious problem.

Pain under the right rib. What's the pain telling us?
Pain under the right rib can occur with physical exertion, but it can also indicate a more serious problem.

Proteinuria - Excess Protein in the Urine
Protein in the urine is a sign of impaired kidney function, or occurs for other disease causes. However, some small amount of protein tends to be present in the urine even in the absence of disease.

What does blood in the urine, hematuria mean? (invisible, in pregnancy, in children)
Blood in the urine is usually present for a variety of reasons. These are often benign. However, it happens that behind this symptom there is a serious and malignant disease.

Pain under the Right Shoulder Blade
Pain shooting below the right shoulder blade can be caused by organ diseases, but also by muscular or skeletal problems. Often it originates from the spinal area.

Kidney diseases: from inflammation to stones to failure? And their symptoms
Kidneys, like other organs of the human body, are very important for its functioning. But what does it cause when their functionality is disturbed?

Blood in the urine. You wouldn't expect it as a symptom of these diseases
The presence of blood in the urine (haematuria) is not a separate disease. It is a serious symptom of diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract. It occurs in a large number of other diseases or arises as a result of an accident. We can observe it when taking certain types of drugs or even when we are perfectly healthy. It occurs independently, but also as one of the symptoms. Sometimes it is visible to the naked eye, sometimes it is detected accidentally during microscopic examination of the urine. In some more serious diseases, the patient may even urinate blood coagules (clots). What all can cause it?

Kidney (urinary) stones: what are the causes and symptoms?
Kidney stones are professionally called urolithiasis. Concrements (stones) are present in the urinary tract. Why do they form and what are the first symptoms of urolithiasis? What are the available treatment options?

Urinary tract inflammation: what are its symptoms and causes + Prevention
Bacterial urinary tract infections are among the most common infections in childhood. What are their causes and manifestations?

Adenovirus infection: what is adenovirus, what is its transmission and symptoms?
Adenoviruses cause mainly acute respiratory diseases in humans. However, they can attack various body systems. What is an adenovirus and how is the disease transmitted? What is the appropriate treatment and preventive measures?