Infections, diseases, ticks

Bacteria, viruses and others: as agents of serious diseases?

Bacteria, viruses and others: as agents of serious diseases?

In the past, the origin of disease was attributed to the wrath of gods, demons and spirits. In healing (magic), amulets and talismans were used. However, with the development of mankind, the real causative agents were being discovered. Among the first to be discovered were bacteria and parasites. Less well known and very old organisms related to bacteria are archaea, the classification of which is ambiguous. In 1897, the famous scientists Loefler and Frosh looked at a pathogen whose existence was known but not described. Thus viruses were discovered. In the context of the search for the causative agent of BSE, prions came to prominence. Fungi are also among the causative agents of disease.
Pneumonia: Symptoms and Classification

Pneumonia: Symptoms and Classification

Pneumonia is an inflammatory disease characterized by lung tissue damage. Depending on the origin of the disease, this inflammation can take both an infectious and a non-infectious form.
Syphilis: Symptoms, Transmission

Syphilis: Symptoms, Transmission

Despite significant advances in diagnosis, syphilis remains a serious medical and social problem. Increasing numbers of cases in recent years are affecting younger and younger age groups, including children and adolescents.
Gonorrhea: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Gonorrhea: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Sexually transmitted diseases include infectious diseases whose spread is closely linked to sexual intercourse and other sexual practices. They are transmitted by mucous secretions, blood, saliva or semen. One of the most common is gonorrhoea.
How to remove a tick correctly and safely? 6 important steps

How to remove a tick correctly and safely? 6 important steps

The tick, the bogeyman of warm weather, is here again. This small parasite can cause great health problems for humans. Therefore, if it is found on the body, it should be pulled out as soon as possible. It is not difficult, but it should be acted upon immediately.
Genital Warts: Causes, Symptoms, Types

Genital Warts: Causes, Symptoms, Types

Genital warts are small growths around in the genital or anal area. They are a common sexually transmitted disease, especially in the young population, caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). If they multiply, they can be annoying and unpleasant.