Headache, migraine, vertigo

Head spinning in pregnancy: at the beginning and as a symptom, what else does it mean?
Every expectant mother has to go through a series of unpleasant changes. In addition to nausea and fatigue, pregnant women often complain of dizziness. This common symptom can have several causes. Some should not be taken lightly.

3 symptoms that accompany cervical spine pain. Do you know the causes?
The cervical spine is important for several reasons. Its most important job is to protect the spinal cord that passes through it. Its second and not insignificant job is to provide movement and support to the head.

SM system and its use. How to practice it?
Is there an exercise method that can help us eliminate back pain and related problems? There are several. One of them is the SM system, more recently known as the SPS method.

Headache: is a GP visit enough or do I need a specialist?
Do you suffer from occasional headaches? When is it necessary to see a GP and when can only a specialist help?

Headache: sometimes it is harmless, but when is it a serious problem?
Headache is one of the most common health problems affecting the world's population. It may be minor, or it may be part of another illness that can threaten a person's health and life.

The most common causes of tinnitus? Find them here in one place
It comes unexpectedly, lasts unpredictably long and we never know when it will recur. Unpleasant humming, ringing, ringing or whistling in the ears is a phenomenon that occurs repeatedly in association with certain situations and diseases. Yet we do not know much about the exact mechanism of its occurrence.

What is tetany, tetanic syndrome, what are the symptoms and how is it treated?
Headache, exhaustion, anxiety, body tingling, as well as chest pain or heart palpitations. These and other symptoms can be summarized under the term tetany. For more information about the causes, how it manifests itself, is diagnosed or treated, see the article.

What are the effects of massages? When are they not suitable? + Types and classification of massages
In massage, the soft tissues of the body are therapeutically manipulated. The massage is performed by a massage therapist, a specialized therapist. Most massages are performed manually with the hands.

What is MRI and what is it used for?
Magnetic resonance imaging is an examination that is used to view mainly the soft structures of the human body. It is a radiation-free examination.

What are the common causes of headaches in women and how to treat them?
Headache is common in women. Often it is a migraine. The trigger is also hormonal changes and sometimes other causes. How to help yourself?

How to treat and prevent migraine + 9 natural tips for pain relief
Migraine is one of the third most common diseases. Up to 20% of the population suffers from migraine regularly. Women suffer more often, but boys suffer more in childhood.

Concussion: what is it and what are the symptoms?
A concussion (commotio cerebri) is a transient disturbance of brain function. It is caused by external forces. It is referred to as a mild brain injury.

Headache: The most common causes and how to get rid of it (types of pain)
Headaches are among the most common health problems people seek professional help for. Most cases are non-serious forms that may sometimes be a manifestation of a more serious condition.

How is the cervical spine and vertigo related? What helps with vertigo?
Between the ages of 18 and 65, approximately 15-20% of the population suffers from cervical spine pain. Pain is just one of the symptoms you will learn about in the following article.

How to distinguish a migraine from a regular headache? Symptoms and main features
Migraine is a headache occurring in almost 10-15% of the population. It is a recurrent attack of throbbing pain of moderate to severe intensity. It is difficult to resolve without targeted treatment.

Migraine: What is this headache, what are its causes, symptoms and its treatment?
Migraine is a seizure headache. In addition to pain, it is accompanied by other vegetative, perceptual and sometimes movement symptoms. It is quite common and occurs as a child. It affects more women. The precondition for its origin is a family occurrence.

Meniere's disease: what causes it? What are the symptoms (dizziness and...)?
Meniere's disease (also Meniere's syndrome) is a disease of the balance system of the inner ear. It causes enlargement of the labyrinth of the inner ear, called endolymphatic hydrops.

What is an aura? Which diseases does it often accompany? + other symptoms
Aura occurs in seizure disorders such as epilepsy or migraine. These are unusual sensations that do not normally occur.

Vomiting and nausea: what are the possible causes?
Vomiting is an unpleasant condition that almost everyone has encountered during his life. It is a defense mechanism of the digestive system. What are all the possible causes of vomiting and upset stomach? What is the quick help and treatment?

Welcome to the neurologist: the most common diagnoses in the neurological outpatient clinic
Welcome to the neurologist. We've looked at the most common diagnoses in the neurology outpatient clinic.