Digestion and the gastrointestinal tract

Yellow Fever: Symptoms, Transmission, Vaccination

Yellow Fever: Symptoms, Transmission, Vaccination

Yellow fever is a haemorrhagic infectious fever most commonly found in areas of Africa and South America, where it often causes epidemics and numerous deaths. The disease is virtually incurable. The only prevention is vaccination, which is compulsory when visiting these countries.
Jaundice: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Jaundice: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Jaundice (icterus) is a yellowish discoloration of the tissues by an increased concentration of bilirubin: the bile pigment. Small increases (subicterus) can be seen on the sclerae (whites of the eyes) and soft palate. Jaundice is not a disease in itself, jaundice is a symptom of a disease.
What is food poisoning and dirty hands disease? (+ symptoms and first aid)

What is food poisoning and dirty hands disease? (+ symptoms and first aid)

Even a common activity such as preparing and eating food can be quite poisoning. The ubiquitous bacteria, viruses and parasites are waiting for their opportunity to multiply and cause problems. It only takes a little carelessness or carelessness to get them into our bodies. They can cause a variety of problems in the human body, from banal, spontaneously receding to serious damage to health. How to avoid such food poisoning and what is "dirty hands disease"?
Alcohol poisoning, vomiting and other symptoms, what is the first aid?

Alcohol poisoning, vomiting and other symptoms, what is the first aid?

Alcoholism and alcohol poisoning is not a unique phenomenon. Alcoholism is the 'scourge of humanity' and a frequent cause of social conflict. It is the number one addiction and a frequent cause of death from excessive consumption, even among the young. Irrational and excessive drinking causes damage to mental and physical health and gradually removes the drinker from society. He loses his own self and, in acute poisoning, often his own life.
Pain under the Right Shoulder Blade

Pain under the Right Shoulder Blade

Pain shooting below the right shoulder blade can be caused by organ diseases, but also by muscular or skeletal problems. Often it originates from the spinal area.