Overweight and obesity in adults and children as a risk of complications? + Causes at a glance

Overweight and obesity in adults and children as a risk of complications? + Causes at a glance
Photo source: Getty images

Being overweight is a worldwide problem, both for society and for individuals. It results in health problems, diseases. These can be minor but also serious. Overweight and obesity are the cause of diabetes, high blood pressure and other health problems.

Being overweight is a condition where a person is above normal weight and there is an excess of accumulated adipose tissue. In recent decades, more and more people have become overweight. Most of the population today is above normal body weight.

Overweight and obesity?

The term obesity is widespread. Overweight is a precursor to obesity. It is a disease in which significant and visible excess weight, i.e. excess body fat, is present.

Whether or not someone is overweight can be determined by the BMI. In men, excess fat is usually accumulated in the abdomen, in women it is mostly in the thighs, buttocks and hips.

What contributes to being overweight?

Genetic predispositions, metabolic settings, hormonal changes, but especially excess dietary intake and lack of exercise often play a role in overweight.

hamburger with a tailor's tape measure wrapped around it
Inappropriate diet is one of the causes of overweight. Source photo: Getty Images

A number of factors are involved in being overweight:

  • genetics
  • metabolic disorders
  • the influence of hormones
  • psychology
  • certain medications
  • increased energy intake compared to energy expenditure
  • inappropriate eating habits

What does being overweight affect?

Being overweight is also associated with many diseases. Problems resulting from it include high cholesterol levels or high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases. Obesity is a disease that falls under the category of nutritional disorders and results from the accumulation of excess fat stores in the body.

BMI stands for

Body Mass Index is the translation of Body Mass Index. It is an expression of the relationship between body height and body weight. It is calculated as weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters.

The formula for calculation is:

BMI pattern

BMI Calculator
About BMI

What can cause

People who are overweight can also suffer from metabolic syndrome. This is a disease that affects almost a third of the population in Europe. In this disease, there is a problem with the heart, blood vessels. Headaches are also very common. It also affects the musculoskeletal system, i.e. bones and joints.

The disease also accelerates atherosclerosis and very often affects people with high blood pressure. Although there are also genetic predispositions for acquiring it, it is also related to smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

High cholesterol is also mentioned in connection with being overweight. In the body, cholesterol is essential for cell structure. However, if fat accumulates, there is an excess of cholesterol, and the excess cholesterol is also deposited in the walls of blood vessels, leading to atherosclerosis.

The blood vessel is no longer flexible. Blood clots, thrombosis and other problems in transporting oxygen to the body are more easily formed. The solution to this condition is a better lifestyle, healthier food and more exercise.

atherosclerosis, fat deposition in the vessel wall
Fat is deposited in the walls of blood vessels. Source photo: Getty Images

Obesity is a risk factor for a number of diseases such as:

  • Atherosclerosis
  • cardiovascular disease
  • venous thrombosis
  • joint and spinal diseases
  • diabetes
  • gallbladder stones
  • breast cancer
  • skin infections

Read also: Magazine article on overweight and obesity

Hormones may be the cause

Weight gain can also be related to the level of hormones in the body. For example, if the thyroid function is reduced. Very often, people with Cushing's syndrome, an endocrine disorder, can be overweight. It is characterized by an increased production of cortisol.

The main symptoms of the disease are thus weight gain due to persistent hyperglycaemia. Fat is deposited mainly in the neck, abdomen and face. Headaches and high blood pressure are also present.

Gynaecological problems

In women, gynaecological problems are also associated with being overweight. For example, the appearance of cysts on the ovaries, menstrual cycle disorders, sterility and so on.

It is also related to the fact that obese women have more estrogen. This affects the large amount of fatty tissue in the body. High levels of estrogen, which are female hormones, thus directly affect the organs of the reproductive system. It can lead to many diseases and complications.

Overweight and pregnancy

Pregnancy can also be a problem. Overweight and obesity have a negative effect on fertility. During pregnancy, overweight results in some complications for the pregnant woman as well as for the fetus.

The most common complications of being overweight in pregnancy are high blood pressure, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, as well as thrombosis and aggravation of asthma. The fetus is at increased risk of spina bifida and other problems due to complications in pregnancy.

During pregnancy, overweight and obesity are not treated. Even diets, especially reduction diets, are banned. Food control is allowed as a mechanism to limit weight gain.

Children and overweight

The boy is overweight, obese
In childhood, it is the cause of serious diseases, among them diabetes and high blood pressure. Photo source: Getty Images

In children, overweight is a serious problem. It is a worldwide problem. Therefore, it should be given sufficient attention. It has a negative impact on the child's life, and especially on his health.

The most common complications include:

  • Type II diabetes
  • high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases
  • high cholesterol levels
  • cancer in adulthood
  • infertility in adulthood
  • stress on joints
  • psychological disorders

Treatment of overweight and obesity in children is important and should be undertaken early, before the associated problems occur. It should be led by a specialist, a doctor. Treatment involves the whole family, family eating habits and overall lifestyle.

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