Stretch marks in pregnancy not only on the abdomen? Do you know when they arise?

Stretch marks in pregnancy not only on the abdomen? Do you know when they arise?
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Stretch marks form during pregnancy in many women. How do they form and how can they be prevented? Find out in our article.

Pregnancy stretch marks are more of an aesthetic problem than a health problem. Many women feel frustrated and inferior because of them.

However, they can be fought to some extent. There are not only preventive measures, but also creams, oils and various ointments. What really helps and what applies to them?

What are stretch marks?

Our skin protects us from the harmful effects of the external environment. It consists of three basic layers. It is the skin, the dermis and the subcutaneous tissue.

Stretch marks are caused by excessive and rapid stretching of the skin, for example, by gaining weight in a short period of time, by rapid muscle growth during weight training, or even during pregnancy.

In connection with weight training and muscle gain, you can read an interesting article.

When the skin crosses a certain elasticity and elasticity threshold, cracks form on the skin. They then turn into tiny striped scars. This happens in the middle layer of the skin called the suture.

You can read more about stretch marks, risk factors and whether they can also indicate other diseases in the article.

Pregnancy stretch marks

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes many changes. This is also true for the skin and mucous membranes.

Various changes occur on a woman's skin during pregnancy. Unfortunately, stretch marks are among those that can persist even after the pregnancy has ended.

Pregnancy stretch marks are known professionally as striae gravidarum. They can be pink to burgundy red in colour and later begin to fade. Although these changes to the skin are natural and do not represent a health problem, they do affect the psyche of women.

As far back as ancient Egypt, pregnant women tried to avoid stretch marks by rubbing various oils on their skin.

The most typical place for these skin tears to appear during pregnancy is the belly of the mother-to-be. However, they can also appear on the hips, thighs and breasts.

The influence of hormones during pregnancy also contributes to the appearance of these scar-like cracks. They affect up to 90% of pregnant women.

Can stretch marks be painful?

During pregnancy, a woman can experience many unpleasant sensations on her skin. Not only the tightening of the skin, but also the influence of hormones often cause itching, pinching or an uncomfortable feeling of tightness.

If you are experiencing similar discomfort, talk to your doctor about it. He or she may also recommend a visit to a dermatologist.

Read our article.

When do stretch marks form in pregnancy?

Pregnancy stretch marks usually appear sometime during the third trimester of pregnancy. They more often affect first-time mothers.

Several factors such as heredity, being overweight, nutrition or age have an influence on their appearance.

The formation of these scar-like fissures is mainly related to the elasticity of the skin and the amount of collagen. Therefore, younger women with a proper diet and lifestyle are less susceptible to them.

Stretch marks in pregnancy negatively affects:

  • family history of stretch marks
  • overweight and obesity
  • dehydration
  • inadequate nutrition
  • lack of rest, stress

During pregnancy, don't forget to eat a balanced diet and get enough vitamins and minerals.

What helps against stretch marks?

Although stretch marks start to appear sometime during the third trimester of pregnancy, it is definitely worth fighting them from the very first days of pregnancy.

Are you at the end of your pregnancy and have you avoided stretch marks?

Unfortunately, these cracks, scars and other changes to the skin can also appear during or after childbirth itself. Stretch marks that form during lactation and the increase in breast volume during breastfeeding are also common.

You may be interested in this article about a possible complication during breastfeeding.

Creams, ointments and oils

No product can give you a 100% guarantee that you will avoid these beauty defects. Nevertheless, prevention is of great importance.

Don't forget to use the products twice a day on other risk areas such as the thighs, hips and breasts.

Remember that the skin is particularly sensitive during pregnancy, so it is important to use products that are gentle and suitable for you.

Which brand you choose is up to you. We've put together some tips and advice to help you navigate your way through the selection process.

Vitamins A, C and E content

Your skin needs vitamins too. That's why, in addition to getting enough vitamins in your diet, you should also supplement them through creams or other products.

Nourished skin is more elastic and resilient. Vitamins A, C and E are particularly beneficial.

Table showing the effect of vitamins on stretch marks and skin

Vitamin A
  • skin protection
  • keeps skin healthy and young
vitamin C
  • antioxidant
  • promotes collagen production
vitamin E
  • antioxidant
  • hydrates the skin
  • promotes skin strength and elasticity

Firms and promotes skin renewal

Ageing is an irreversible process. Our skin also ages. The external environment also has an impact.

Therefore, skin care with the right cosmetic products is needed. This is not only true during pregnancy.

Choose creams that contain not only vitamins but also substances that promote the growth of new cells.

Natural oils such as coconut, olive, argan and sunflower oil are among the ingredients with a positive effect. Aloe vera, chamomile and shea butter, for example, also have a positive effect on the skin.

Read our article.

Moisturizing and moisturizing properties

Adequate hydration is very important for the health and elasticity of the skin. Creams with moisturizing effect soften and soften the skin. This makes it more elastic and resistant.

Improves blood circulation to the skin

Blood-confused skin is nourished skin. With less blood circulation, less oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the skin. This makes it weak and prone to damage.

Prefer natural formulas

During pregnancy, the entire skin becomes more sensitive. Not every product may suit you. Therefore, when irritation occurs, you better not use the cream and look around for another one that suits you.

Any pharmacy will be happy to help you choose the right product.

It is ideal to apply the products at least twice a day. It is also advisable to use massage gloves to further promote blood circulation to the skin.

The influence of lifestyle on the appearance of stretch marks

It is not only in the fight against stretch marks that a proper lifestyle is important. There are factors that significantly affect the entire skin.

Diet and drinking

A balanced diet and a varied diet are very important in pregnancy. Enough fruits, vegetables, antioxidants and whole grains have a positive effect on the whole body.

Don't forget to drink enough to ensure that your skin is hydrated, firmer, more nourished and more resilient.

Read also our article.


Exercise acts as a prevention, not only against stretch marks. Any movement must, of course, be appropriate for the period of pregnancy. Regular physical activity improves not only the overall health, but also the blood circulation and elasticity of the skin.

For better blood circulation in the skin, do not be afraid to use light hardening as well. A shower with alternating cold and warm water will promote blood circulation and overall blood circulation in the skin.

Relax and unwind

It is perfectly natural for pregnant women to experience increased fatigue and weakness. It is not entirely known what causes this. It is probably the effect of hormones. It is possible that it is a defense mechanism that protects the mother from undue stress.

Definitely don't try to fight it and give yourself plenty of rest and sleep. Avoid stress. It's not just your skin that will thank you for it.

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The aim of the portal and content is not to replace professional examination. The content is for informational and non-binding purposes only, not advisory. In case of health problems, we recommend seeking professional help, visiting or contacting a doctor or pharmacist.