Are your legs aching and heavy, and not just after a hard day? We'll give you advice on how to relieve them

Are your legs aching and heavy, and not just after a hard day? We'll give you advice on how to relieve them
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Feeling heavy is not just a problem for older people. Increasingly, it is also a problem for younger people. There are many reasons why our feet feel like lead. Relieve your heavy feet while there is still time.

After a long and tiring day, it is not strange for anyone to feel heavy and sore feet. However, symptoms such as heavy, swollen or painful feet can hide much more.

What causes heavy feet?

The most common cause of these difficulties is a problem with the venous system of the lower extremities. Nowadays, chronic venous disease and venous insufficiency represent a modern-day problem of civilization.

Half to two thirds of the population have some experience of them. This is mainly due to the sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise that characterise our times.

The discomfort of heavy legs, cramps or swelling may be the initial symptoms of incipient venous disease. In venous disease, the vein wall weakens and loses its elasticity. Blood accumulates in the vessels and oxygenation is impaired.

Symptoms of venous disease include colour changes in the skin, such as visible varicose veins or so-called whiskers. Unfortunately, at this stage, many people consider such problems to be the result of all-day stress and regard skin manifestations as an aesthetic problem.

The problems are related to the accumulation of blood in the veins of the lower limbs. They arise as a result of certain triggering factors. These can be both controllable and uncontrollable.

The factors that are not controllable include:

  • gender
  • hormonal changes
  • pregnancy
  • family predisposition
  • the influence of medications and certain diseases

Factors that we can influence are:

  • sedentary lifestyle
  • lack of exercise
  • obesity and overweight
  • diet
  • inappropriate footwear and clothing
  • stress

Therefore, any changes in the skin in the lower legs should not only be considered an aesthetic problem, but also a health problem.

Although the disease is one of the lifelong ones, but if caught early and treated, it can be slowed down and maintained to a certain extent. Without treatment, the problem worsens and develops very quickly.

You should be especially alert if you experience:

  • heaviness in the lower limbs
  • swelling of the lower limbs
  • tingling, burning or cramping
  • visible veins, calluses or calluses on the legs

Read also the article on atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease of the lower limbs.

Women and lower limb vein problems

Women in particular experience problems with the veins of the lower limbs. This is due to hormonal influences, frequent wearing of heeled shoes and pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the weight of the mother-to-be increases, as does the volume of blood circulating in the blood vessels. The pressure exerted by the fetus also puts a strain on the lower limbs.

Do your legs swell in pregnancy? It can be a serious problem.
Read article: How to recognise pre-eclampsia in pregnancy

Support blood circulation and venous return

There are blood vessels in the body through which blood flows. Arteries carry blood throughout the body. Veins, on the other hand, carry it back to the heart.

This blood return, especially from the lower extremities, is hampered by gravity. In order for blood to flow smoothly from the lower extremities, it needs certain mechanisms.

One of them is the venous valves. They are located inside the blood vessel and prevent the backflow of blood.

Another mechanism is the muscles of the lower limbs. They exert a certain pressure on the veins and thus move the blood towards the heart. We are talking about the so-called muscle pump.

The large veins are located next to the large arteries, which contract and relax rhythmically, which acts like a pump.

All of these mechanisms work better when we get enough exercise. Regular exercise and sport promotes muscle pumping and venous return.

An active lifestyle, training or at least occasional walks are effective prevention not only against heavy legs.

However, not every sporting activity is suitable!

The valves in the veins can react sensitively to lifting heavy loads or weight training. This can have a particularly negative effect if the weight training technique is not correct.

On the other hand, sports that rhythmically stretch the muscles of the lower limbs are preferable, such as swimming, cycling, running, dancing or walking.

An active lifestyle and plenty of exercise will not only help your blood vessels to function better, but will also help you achieve overall fitness, vitality and a positive mindset.

You can also promote blood circulation and venous return by showering your legs, specifically alternating hot and cold showers.

Remember, our blood vessels prefer cold water to warm water.

Cold water can have many more positives for your body than you think.
Read our magazine article: Hardening up: get started this summer.

Don't let your legs get heavy

Don't want your legs to feel heavy, sore or swollen? Try to avoid situations that make it difficult for veins to return.

With certain principles and tricks, you will not only avoid unpleasant sensations, but also prevent various disorders and diseases of the veins.

Prolonged standing and sitting

If you are forced to stand in one place for long periods of time, alternately tense your calf muscles or simply straddle. This will stimulate the muscle pump of the lower limbs and improve blood circulation. You can even twist your ankle with your leg elevated.

When sitting, don't put one leg over the other. This makes venous return and blood flow more difficult.

When travelling by car for long periods, try to take frequent breaks. You can use these for refreshments and a short walk. When travelling by train or plane, also stand up occasionally and move your body as much as possible.

Don't let your holiday be ruined by aching legs.
Read our article: Travellers' thrombosis

Blood vessels like the cold

Avoid warm environments, prolonged sunbathing or saunas.

Heat dilates the blood vessels. Blood flow slows down, impairing the entire venous return.

Our blood vessels react to heat in a complex way.
Also read this article about the collapse that can occur in hot environments.

Footwear, clothing and our sore feet

It is said that one must suffer for beauty. We understand that many professions and social etiquette require a certain standard in dress.

However, it should be borne in mind that, for example, wearing shoes with a 3-4 cm high heel for a long time is one of the most significant factors in the development of varicose veins.

Therefore, ladies should prefer especially comfortable shoes and avoid wearing high pumps for a long time.

Wear loose and comfortable clothing that will not restrict you or interfere with your vascular system.

Clothes that are too tight have a negative effect on the vascular system of the lower limbs. Tight jeans, corsets or overly tight mini-skirts make it difficult for veins to return. Blood builds up in the legs and they become sore and heavy.

Drinking and diet

We hear about how important fluids are for the body at every turn. They are also important in this respect. When there is a lack of water and fluids in the body, our blood becomes thicker. Its flow in the blood vessels is thus impeded - as is the work of the valves.

The diet should contain plenty of fibre and as little saturated fat as possible.

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How much fiber should we eat?

Not only after a hard day or a long day of standing, rest your legs with your feet propped up. In this elevated position, your lower limbs will open up and relieve pain and swelling.

Massage is also suitable. It helps to promote blood circulation and venous return. Lymphatic drainage is also very popular. This is also known as lymphatic massage, which promotes venous and lymphatic circulation.

Walking barefoot can also be effective as a preventive measure. Walking on surfaces such as sand or grass is pleasant. In addition, it also stimulates the nerve endings in the foot and sets the entire circulatory system in motion.

Help from the pharmacy for heavy feet

There are several over-the-counter medications on the market that promote the strength and elasticity of blood vessels.

Some ointments, creams or gels in turn have the ability to promote blood flow, relieve pain and swelling.

There are also aids, such as various compression stockings, which are an effective prevention and treatment for chronic venous insufficiency.

By compressing the superficial veins, the blood flow in the deep veins is accelerated. However, be guided in their selection by trained staff.

When do I need to see a doctor?

Although leg pain, swelling or occasional cramps do not seem to indicate a serious problem, this may not be the case. These signals should not be ignored.

Without a solution, symptoms usually escalate and the condition slips easily into a stage from which it is difficult to find a way back.

Advanced stages of venous insufficiency can lead to diagnoses such as varicose veins, venous inflammation, venous thrombosis or varicose veins.

Therefore, do not hesitate to consult a doctor if you have any doubts.

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The aim of the portal and content is not to replace professional examination. The content is for informational and non-binding purposes only, not advisory. In case of health problems, we recommend seeking professional help, visiting or contacting a doctor or pharmacist.