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15th week of pregnancy. How is it with sex and the first movements of the baby?

The second trimester is in full swing. Is it possible to predict the sex with certainty? We will reveal what changes are taking place, but also other interesting facts.
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Tummy size at 15 weeks of pregnancy - you are taking on the right pregnancy shapes. The weight gain continues. The size of the fetus is almost pear-shaped and slowly filling the uterine space.
Yet, you still can't feel the baby's movements. You may still experience lower abdominal pain caused by the growth of the uterus.
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Your body finally looks like a pregnant woman. Your belly is growing and you can see it in your maternity clothes.
How does the baby change at 15 weeks?
Just as a woman's body is gradually acquiring the typical curves of pregnancy, the baby in her tummy is also becoming more and more baby-like. Her little eyes are already in the right place.
The baby is now about 10-14 cm long and weighs about 60-80 g. The lower limbs are longer than the upper limbs and the body is slowly becoming more erect.
She is still developing all the necessary reflexes. She is practicing breathing, sucking and swallowing.
Kicking, twisting and stretching are the order of the day. She's also practicing bending her arms, legs and fingers.
She can hear really well. She listens not only to your voice, but to all the sounds of your body, like your heartbeat and stomach sounds.
The skin is still thin and covered with fine hairs - lanugo. The first hairs and fine eyebrows are slowly appearing.
The bones become stronger and the muscles develop. The nervous system and immune system continue to develop.
The table shows the approximate measurements of the foetus at 15 weeks, as measured by sonography
Total length | CRL Distance from vertex to coccyx | Weight | HC Head circumference | BPD Transverse head diameter | AC Abdominal circumference | FL Femur length |
14 cm | 105 mm | 70 g | 110.4 mm | 32,6 mm | 91,9 mm | 16.3 mm |
Read more about fetal size in the article:
Ultrasound in pregnancy: fetal size, what is fetal biometry?
What about sex determination?
Your doctor should already be able to tell you if you are having a girl or a boy. However, this depends on the position of the baby in the womb as well as the quality of the ultrasound. However, ultrasound scans are normally only performed three times and preferably to check the baby.
In some cases, the sex of the baby is not even determined. The most common reason for this is that the baby is just turned over during the examination so that it cannot be seen. The baby may hide its private parts and cleverly confuse the examiner.
3D and 4D ultrasound
Nowadays, it is possible to undergo the popular 3D or 4D ultrasound. The result is a more beautiful and accurate image. Thus, a more certain determination of the sex.
However, such an examination is not part of the standard care for mother and child. Eager parents must pay extra for such an examination and find a doctor who performs 3D or 4D ultrasounds.
The sex is safely determined when the amniotic fluid is collected. Such an examination is only performed when necessary to rule out congenital developmental defects.
Determination of sex from blood
Recently, the analysis of fetal DNA from the blood of a pregnant woman has come to the fore. This procedure does not present nearly the same risks to the mother or the fetus as amniotic fluid collection.
In this method, it is possible to determine the sex as early as the 10th week of pregnancy. In addition to its safety, it boasts a 99.5% success rate. However, again, you have to consider the extra cost and the fact that you have to find a doctor who will carry out such an examination.
Sex determination test
There is also a test for sex determination through urine. Such a test works on the principle of the pregnancy one. It can also be performed as early as the 10th week of pregnancy.
However, in this test, you do not count the lines that appear, but evaluate the result by the colour that appears. This appears in the control window after the chemical reaction of the urine.
However, the accuracy of such a test is slightly lower. You can buy it in some pharmacies or over the internet.
Mum in the 15th week of pregnancy
There is a period of time when nausea or weakness is no longer so pronounced. Energy is slowly returning. However, hormone levels are still changing rapidly.
As a result, the woman may have a greater appetite for sex. However, this can also have the opposite effect and the mother-to-be may not even think about intercourse. This is also due to the significant psychological changes, the change in values and the fact that the baby is coming to the fore.
Mucous membranes and teeth
During pregnancy, the blood supply to the skin and mucous membranes increases. This makes the facial skin look healthier or more elastic.
But a richly blooded mucous membrane is responsible for the feeling of a stuffy nose.
Even the gums are redder than usual. They can be swollen and sensitive. They become painful and more prone to bleeding.
The baby needs a lot of nutrients from you. This, of course, is reflected in your teeth. Not only bleeding gums but also tooth decay are more common in pregnancy.
Therefore, treat yourself to plenty of vitamin C, calcium, but also a check-up at the dentist and consistent dental hygiene.
Anemia in pregnancy
Iron sufficiency, especially in pregnancy, is of great importance. The needs of both the fetus and the placenta lead to an increased consumption of iron.
Iron is needed for the sufficient production of red blood cells. It is an essential building block.
In pregnancy, anaemia - anaemia - is common. Sideropenic anaemia, caused by iron deficiency, accounts for 75 to 95% of cases in pregnant women.
Read more in the article.
What are the causes of anemia?
Since the nausea and vomiting from the first trimester have mostly passed, your appetite is gradually improving. But this is only one of the reasons for your weight gain. The main cause is the baby's faster growth. It is growing really fast now, which can be seen in your tummy.
However, weight gain in pregnancy is individual. Definitely don't let it stress you out. Every woman has a different body structure and each woman's weight gain in pregnancy manifests itself differently.
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Do not neglect to take care of your skin. It is now more prone to dryness and itching. By frequent creaming you can prevent various difficulties and the appearance of stretch marks.
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One of them is heartburn. It appears especially after eating a large amount of food.
Again, hormones contribute to this, which cause the smooth muscles in the body to relax. Such muscles are also found in the digestive system. As a result, digestion slows down. This causes indigestion and heartburn.
Beware of dizziness in pregnancy
Dizziness in pregnancy is a common occurrence. Even in the 15th week, it can still occur.
There are many causes. One is that hormonal changes increase blood flow to the baby. In the mother, this is manifested by a decrease in blood pressure and blood flow to the brain.
Read more about dizziness and related problems in the article on low blood pressure
Also contributing to the feelings of lightheadedness and dizziness is the developing pressure of the fetus on the inferior vena cava. This vein carries blood from the lower parts of the body to the heart. When it is constricted, this flow is disrupted.
Consequently, this causes the heart to struggle to pump enough oxygenated blood into the circulation. This can result in dizziness, lightheadedness and even collapse.
During pregnancy, avoid increased exertion, standing for long periods of time and warm, unventilated areas. Don't forget to get enough fluids and rest.
Headaches in pregnancy also occur frequently. They can be caused by hormonal changes, cervical spine, as well as high blood pressure and the dreaded pre-eclampsia.
Any pain in pregnancy rightly worries the expectant mother. It is therefore important to avoid factors that trigger the pain. If in any doubt, do not hesitate to contact your doctor.
Read also the article.
Read more about the other weeks of pregnancy in the summary article.
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