HPV - Human papillomavirus
Laryngeal Cancer at a Young Age? Manifestations and Causes
Laryngeal cancer is one of the most dangerous cancers that can affect the human body. It is a malignant type of cancer arising directly from the lining of the larynx.
What is HPV and the HPV vaccine? It's not just warts...
What is HPV and why is vaccination against this virus so important?
What is cervical conization and how is it performed? Recovery and pregnancy
Cervical disease can be an indication for surgery - conization. How does the surgery and subsequent recovery proceed? What risks can cervical conization bring?
Oral cancer: what are its causes and manifestations (of the lips and tongue)
Oral cancer is a serious cancer. It has a high mortality rate due to late diagnosis at an advanced stage. What are its first manifestations, prevention and treatment options?
Genital Warts: Causes, Symptoms, Types
Genital warts are small growths around in the genital or anal area. They are a common sexually transmitted disease, especially in the young population, caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). If they multiply, they can be annoying and unpleasant.
Cervical Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, Prevention
Cervical cancer is a disease that can be caught during regular gynaecological examinations by screening, which is carried out once a year in the gynaecologist's office. When caught early, it is one of the most successfully treatable cancers.
What are warts and how to protect yourself from transmission (+ types of warts)
Warts are non-cancerous infectious growths on the skin. They are not pretty and can make life uncomfortable and cause pain. They occur quite often at any age. Why do they occur, what causes them and how to get rid of them?
What are the risks of changing sexual partners? Sexually transmitted diseases
Diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact are called sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). They are transmitted from person to person during sexual intercourse. Bacteria, viruses, parasites and yeast can be transmitted in this way.
What is the prevention of cervical cancer? Risk factors and symptoms
Cervical cancer is a worldwide problem. It is the second most common cancer in women under the age of 45 and the third most common cause of death in women.
What female cancers and cancers do we know? (symptoms + treatment)
Cancer is a relatively common and always serious diagnosis. The public views it with great respect. Most cancers affect both sexes, but there are some that occur exclusively in women. Which are they?