What is the difference between overweight and obesity?

Overweight and obesity afflict many. Both cause major health complications. Worryingly, it is not just the adult population that is affected. Increasingly, children and adolescents are also affected. If a person does not try to address it, it is a mistake.
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Poor lifestyle, sedentary jobs, not enough exercise or poor eating habits. There are many factors behind being overweight and later obese. Not all of them are to blame, but trying to tackle the problem is worthwhile.
What is overweight and what is obesity?
The difference between overweight and obesity is not great. You could say it is a difference of a few kilograms. How much? This is individual and depends on the height and weight of the individual. Both can be determined by the body mass index (BMI).
Overweight is defined as a precursor to obesity. Overweight can be said to precede obesity. It is often referred to as its first stage. Thus, it represents an increased risk of impaired health.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is defined by the BMI index as follows for different populations on our planet:
- for the European population, between 25 and 30
- for the Pacific and Asian populations, between 23 and 25
For the European population, a BMI value above 30 is already considered obese. Various reference indicators are also used, such as waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio or skinfold thickness.
Want to know where you stand? Read the article on calculating BMI.
A waist circumference of more than 94 cm for men and 80 cm for women is considered overweight. If this circumference is more than 102 cm for men and 88 cm for women, it is already considered obese.
Causes of overweight
The causes of overweight can be various. Not in every case is it the patient's fault. However, many of them can be influenced by the person and attempts can be made to change them. They can be divided into the following groups:
- hormonal influences
- poor eating habits
- psychological influences
- the use of certain medications
- metabolic disorders
- genetics
- low energy expenditure compared to energy intake
Obesity is defined as the excessive storage of energy in the form of fat. The causes are varied. It most often occurs when energy intake is higher than energy expenditure. Several factors combine to cause this.
These are the already mentioned higher energy intake, lack of exercise, hereditary and psychological influences. The way of nutrition in childhood plays a significant role.
Read about obesity in childhood or young adulthood in our article.
The types of obesity are listed in the table.
Type of obesity | Cause |
Primary |
Secondary |
We distinguish the so-called android or male type of obesity. In this case, the fat is broken down in the trunk and abdomen. In this case, there is a multiplication of internal fat in the abdominal cavity. This is metabolically highly active. It produces hormones that cause a further increase in obesity.
Another type is called gynoid or also female type with accumulation of fat in the hip area. Male android type of obesity is more dangerous.
Calculate your BMI with our BMI calculator.
The following table shows the levels of obesity and their risk according to BMI
Degree of obesity | BMI index | Risk of complications |
Malnutrition | less than 18.5 | low, but in this case there is a different risk of health risks |
normal weight | 18.5 to 24.9 | not elevated |
overweight | 25 to 29.9 | slightly elevated |
Grade 1 obesity | 30 to 34.9 | moderately elevated |
Grade 2 obesity | 35 to 39.9 | High |
3rd degree of obesity | 40 or more | High |
According to waist circumference size, men with a waist circumference of 94 cm and women with a waist circumference of 80 cm are at increased risk.
The risk is very high for men with a waist circumference of 102 cm or more and women 88 cm or more.
Obesity is one of the most prevalent diseases and its prevalence is rising sharply.
In 1975, less than 15% of the US population was obese. In 2000, it was about 30%. By 2025, it is projected to be about half the population.
The emergence of obesity
The primary cause is greater energy intake than energy expenditure. This accumulates adipose tissue, which consists in an increase in the volume of fat cells, the so-called adipocytes.

In addition to its role as an energy reservoir, thermal insulation and mechanical protection for the body, adipose tissue also acts as a secretion of hormones. Under normal conditions, it also serves as a protection against the increase in the level of other fat cells (so-called lipids) in the blood after eating, and thus their deposition in undesirable places.
In obesity, however, adipocytes that are overfilled with fat are unable to absorb the lipids in the blood. Thus, they begin to produce substances that cause the development of type 2 diabetes or atherosclerosis.
Genetic factors also play a role in the development of obesity. Man is not inherently set up to fight an abundance of food, but a lack of it. Without an excess in food intake, weight gain is impossible even with limited exercise.
Causes of obesity
There are various known causes of obesity:
- Excess diet and its inappropriate composition - excess sugars and fats
- Lack of exercise - sedentary lifestyle, unwillingness to move more than necessary
- Metabolic factors - low energy expenditure at rest, intensity of metabolism in the body
- Psychological causes - laziness, bulimia, compensating for boredom or stress by increased food intake
- Environment and its influence - eating habits of people close to you and adopting a lifestyle
- Endocrine diseases and the influence of hormones - for example, reduced thyroid function or hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy
- Medications - hormonal preparations, insulin and other diabetes medications have a big impact
- Congenital diseases - causing obesity are very rare
How much energy do we take in in our diet:
Calorie tables: what are the nutritional/nutrient values of foods, foods?
Diagnosis of obesity
A doctor's view is sufficient to determine its diagnosis. More detailed examination is needed to determine the degree of severity.
This does not, however, tell us anything about the proportion of fat and muscle mass. Therefore, the waist or waist-to-hip ratio of the patient is also measured. The amount of subcutaneous fat also needs to be measured.

A complete examination including biochemical examination of the blood and lipids in it will determine the possible presence of diseases caused by obesity.
Sometimes an examination by an endocrinologist or a specialist in metabolic disorders is needed.
Primary obesity that is not caused by another disease accounts for 95 to 98 % of cases.
Treatment of obesity
The most basic rule in treating obesity is to reduce energy intake and increase physical activity.
The primary and essential thing is lifelong dietary modification. Short-term diets do not make any sense. Once the weight is adjusted, everything will come back if the person does not stay in the modified eating habits. Regularity in eating, balance of energy and carbohydrates throughout the day should be maintained. It is also important to reduce the fat content and increase the amount of fibre, vitamins and minerals in the diet.
Increase physical activity
This is a very important factor that supports dietary modification. It has a significant impact on improving the patient's overall health and not only on weight reduction. Physical activity should be at least 45 minutes at least 3 times a week, with an intensity of 50 to 75% of anaerobic capacity. Daily activities such as walking, taking the stairs instead of taking the lift, etc. can also be included in physical activity.
Medication treatment
Medications that reduce appetite, known as anorexics, are used. Another group of medications reduces the absorption of nutrients from the digestive system. However, these medications cause digestive problems for patients.
Surgical treatment
It is usually indicated for the most severe patients. It consists of reducing the volume of the stomach. In addition, operations are used to render part of the digestive tract non-functional.
Obesity is a disease that causes a number of complications. It is divided into mechanical and metabolic. Mechanical include:
- musculoskeletal disorders (damage to joints, spine and intervertebral discs)
- difficulty in breathing
- skin diseases
- impaired wound healing
Metabolic complications are mainly cardiovascular complications of obesity:
The resulting insulin resistance causes type 2 diabetes.