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Ringworms in children and adults in summer can be troublesome. What helps with them?

Ringworms are a skin manifestation that occurs not only in the summer months. These small rashes are most often formed in children, but are not uncommon in adults either. It is not a serious condition. However, when neglected, it can have an unpleasant course.
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The incidence of ringworm (Latin hydroa) is not at all unique. It increases especially in warm environments when the skin is not sufficiently ventilated.
How and why sweat rash occurs
Our largest organ is the skin. One of its important functions is sweating. It is the body's natural cooling mechanism. You can also read more about sweating and the problems associated with it in the magazine article How to deal with excessive sweating.
If for any reason the sweat glands are prevented from producing sweat, sweat glands are formed. These are mainly areas of the body that are not sufficiently ventilated, become easily inflamed and clog the outlet of the sweat glands.
The most common sites of occurrence and the factors that promote the formation of sweat glands in the table below
Factors promoting the formation of sweat | Warm environment |
Increased body temperature | |
Sweating | |
fever | |
Inadequately ventilated areas of the skin | |
inappropriate clothing | |
The most common places | buttocks |
neck | |
armpits | |
torso | |
skin under the diaper |
What sweats look like
Sweat, which is normally brought to the surface of the skin and cools the body, accumulates in the sweat ducts. These become damaged as a result of the retained sweat and tiny clear blisters form in the subcutaneous tissue.
They may look like red pimples with drops of water. They crack easily, the area dries out and begins to peel. The areas usually itch uncomfortably.
Rash can afflict not only newborns
The skin is the most sensitive and vulnerable, especially in newborns and infants. Because it is still very delicate and sensitive, it is also susceptible to various skin infections. Also, the thermoregulation and function of the sweat glands is still reduced, and conversely, the function of the sebaceous glands is increased. This combination contributes to the fact that sweat blisters form especially in young children.
However, they are not uncommon in older children and adults either. They can occur mainly through the use of inappropriate clothing, during illness accompanied by sweating or as a result of other causes where the skin is not sufficiently ventilated.

There is also an increased incidence in obese people. In this case, the term 'diaper rash' is more likely to be used. These people sweat more. Sweat accumulates in the skin folds and the skin is not sufficiently aerated.
If, in addition, individual areas of sweaty skin rub against each other, this creates an ideal environment for the development of sweat or diaper rash. The most common areas are the armpits, the inner thighs or the rectum.
The moist environment, friction and pressure is ideal for the formation of decubitus ulcers.
How to treat diaper rash
Don't cover or cream the affected area. Don't use perfumed soaps or shower gels. Also, don't disinfect the skin. This will dry and irritate the skin even more.

It's a good idea to gently rinse the ringworm with a lukewarm chamomile solution and dust with powder. Oak bark decoction or hypermanganese solution are also excellent. Both are easily available from the pharmacy. To soothe itchy and irritated skin, there are creams designed specifically for treating ringworm. These contain calendula, chamomile or aloe vera.
Are ringworms dangerous?
Ringworms are not inherently dangerous. Rather, they are an unpleasant manifestation of inflamed skin. However, they do cause some discomfort if hygiene or treatment is neglected.
The skin becomes irritated, sensitive and may itch unpleasantly. Such skin is more vulnerable and no longer performs its protective function against various bacteria or fungi. Scratched and damaged areas become easily inflamed and the healing process is complicated. Pus and even scars may appear after healing.
See a doctor if the rash does not go away within two days, is inflamed or you are not sure if it is really a rash.
How to prevent diaper rash and diaper rash
The key to prevention is to remember to keep the skin well ventilated. Clothes made of tight, leaky and synthetic materials should be avoided.
If the child sweats, change him or her.

Young children should be changed more often, especially in summer, and the skin should be properly treated. Dress the child appropriately for the weather. Do not overheat him/her unnecessarily with large layers of clothing.
Do not put plastic pads in cots. Leave the baby unwrapped with bare skin occasionally, especially in summer.
Keep the apartment ventilated, if possible letting the air flow gently.
Avoid warm and humid environments outside. The temperature in the home should be about 21-24 degrees and about 18 degrees at night.
Let's look at all the summer problems together:
Our health in summer - sun, heat, injuries and illness
hygiena a kúpanie bábätka
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