Rice sandwiches: are they as healthy as you thought?

Rice sandwiches are the subject of heated debate in certain circles. Many people think they are a very healthy pastry. While this may be true, it is important how we incorporate sandwiches into our diets. Join us for a look at how and when to eat them.
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Everyone reaches for rice sandwiches at different times in their lives. There is perhaps no person who has not at least tasted them. They are supposed to be a healthy alternative to bread. However, some sources question whether they are actually a healthy substitute.
They are also called puffed sandwiches. The name comes from the English puffed, which means swollen. It also describes the method of production, as they are made from grains of moist rice under pressure and at high temperatures. In fact, they are made on a similar principle to, for example, popcorn or burizones.
Rice crispies are considered by everyone to be a very healthy alternative, mainly because they are a fully wholemeal product with a simple production method and no added substances.
They also have the advantage of a long shelf life, minimal cholesterol content and excellent digestive properties. Many doctors actually recommend a diet of these sandwiches for digestive problems.
Eventually, they make us fat
They are also loved by celiacs, who substitute them for other baked goods. Rice cakes are gluten-free and can be found in any regular grocery store. The advantage for celiacs is also the lower price. Above all, they last a long time, which cannot be said of gluten-free baked goods. It is convenient to eat them for breakfast with cottage cheese, ham and cheese with lots of vegetables, for example.

However, many nutritionists agree that they are not a complete substitute for bread. The way rice cakes are made disturbs the starch structure, so that the glucose units in rice cakes move from the starch into the bloodstream more quickly. This causes a sharp rise and fall in blood sugar levels. Such rapid fluctuations cause hunger and cravings for sweets.
So we end up either eating more or we replenish the sugars in a different way and our weight goes up. So it is not a suitable alternative for weight loss diets.
Instead of chips and before training
It is advisable to eat rice sandwiches before training. This is when their easy digestibility comes in handy. They also act as a source of quick energy. Before training they give us energy and do not burden our digestion, which is important when exercising. In this case they are a good supplement.
For example, it is better to prefer rice sandwiches to potato chips. In this case, they are a low-calorie substitute for an unhealthy snack. They also contain minimal fat and plenty of fibre, so they do not burden our digestion as much as the aforementioned chips.
However, the fibre they contain can even cause constipation and digestive problems if eaten frequently. In this case, the motto: too much of anything is bad for you. So be careful and combine them with plenty of fruit and vegetables.

Some studies today even suggest that they may contain higher levels of carcinogenic substances. This is also not healthy.
Although rice sandwiches seem like a great diet food, this may not be the case. They may have fewer calories than regular bread, but they don't have enough of the other important nutrients we need. It's best to combine rice sandwiches, even whole grain ones, with protein and fiber.
Flavours are not suitable
Flavoured ones are not suitable either. We know different flavours such as cheese or sweet versions, chocolate, yoghurt or vanilla.
Even these versions are not suitable as a complete meal. They lack nutrients and contain additives such as colourings and preservatives. It is these substances that multiply the glycaemic index.
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