- viapractica.sk
- health.gov - Prevent Back Pain
- webmd.com - 16 Ways to Avoid Back Pain
- mayoclinic.org - Back pain at work: Preventing pain and injury
How to avoid back pain? Exercises for pain between the shoulder blades and lower back pain

For some, it's an everyday problem, for others a new obstacle. Back pain causes complications in a person's everyday life.
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Back pain has various causes. It is best to do things to avoid it. Its complete elimination is sometimes only possible after a long period of exercise and rehabilitation.
Pain in the back or other parts of the body can only be eliminated if:
The cause is known.
Back pain
It is most often caused by improper loading of the spine and surrounding muscles. This is often due to lifting loads, improper rotation or sports.
Acute back pain occurs especially in the lumbar or sacral region, and not infrequently in the cervical spine. It occurs with sudden and uncontrolled movement. Often with incorrect posture when lifting a load, when the back is bent and the legs are extended at the knee joints.
However, there are also chronic causes that are closely linked to poor movement habits of individuals. The so-called dynamic movement stereotype. This is a repetitive and long-established movement pattern.
For example, when lifting heavy loads or just incorrect posture when walking, standing or sitting. Often also due to incorrect head and neck position during sleep. It all starts at school age. Who does not remember a heavy school bag on their back?
Predispositions for back pain are:
- incorrect movement stereotype (incorrect movement habits)
- lack of active exercise and sport
- improper exercise
- sedentary jobs
- excessive unilateral loading on the spine
Read our next article on back pain.
Also in the article you will find information about:
What is back pain syndrome.
What exercises will help for a pain-free back.
What is core.
And an example of core training for a problem-free spine.
Back pain syndromes
So-called algic vertebrogenic syndromes are painful conditions that arise in the spine and its adjacent structures.
Impairment syndrome
Also known professionally as derangement. In terms of anatomy, this is damage to the intervertebral disc. It is either a protrusion or a herniation (rupture of the disc capsule).
This syndrome is characterised by a response to mechanical stress. Certain movements or positions increase the pain and opposite movements decrease it.
Dysfunctional syndrome
In this syndrome, the pain is caused by deformation of the adjacent soft tissue, such as the muscles. These are conditions following previous injuries to the area or following intervertebral disc surgery.
Often the cause is degenerative changes or simply incorrect body position. When the posture is weak, the muscle structures shorten.
Pain is caused by irritation of damaged and scarred tissue. It always arises at the end of a movement, which in this case is restricted. This restriction is always in a certain direction. For example, when bending, stretching or bending.
Postural syndrome
In this syndrome, the pain is caused by mechanical deformation of the soft tissue, or by poor vascular supply. It usually arises in the joint capsules. It is linked to muscle tension in the area.
Other causes are lifting heavy loads, prolonged bending at work or incorrect posture in a standing position.
In most cases, the pain can only be eliminated by correct body positioning.
About 15% of back pain is caused by problems in a completely different area of the body.
Exercises for a pain-free back
It is best to prevent back problems.
We need to take care of the correct posture when standing, walking and even when sitting. We need to keep our back straight and upright in every position.
To make it easier for us, we need to keep our backs strong and firm. This can be achieved by regular exercise.
A very important body area for proper posture and strength is the middle of the body.
The so-called internal stabilization system, also called the "core". These are the muscles of the abdomen, lower back and buttock muscles.
What is core training?
Core also means the core of the body. It is the exercise of the deep muscles of the torso. These muscles are involved in the stabilization of the lumbar spine, the correct posture of the body and its balance.
Therefore, this training focuses on stabilizing the so-called core, its correct movement timing. It emphasizes stabilization of the spine, correct posture and its balance and coordination.
Core training is suitable for pain-free backs. It is designed for both professional athletes and the general public. However, it mainly helps people with sedentary jobs or lifestyles.
It is an effective help for:
- back pain
- incorrect posture
- muscle imbalances
- problems during childbirth or menstruation
- incontinence
- improving coordination and stability
Increases physical strength and is the basis for healthy functioning of the human body.
Sample core training
There are many forms and modifications of training for a pain-free back. Likewise, there are many methods and exercises in "core" training itself.
The difficulty lies mainly in the length of the series and the breaks between them. To avoid demotivation at the beginning due to overexertion, we choose a more moderate form.
We will do interval training. One set of each exercise will be sufficient to start with. The length of the set (exercise performed) will be 20 seconds. The break between sets will be 40 seconds.
Gradually increase the number of series (volume of exercise). Or we can go the route of increasing the intensity of the workout. That is, we will lengthen the series by a few seconds. However, we will shorten the break by the same amount of time.
For example, 25 seconds set, 35 seconds break.
Core training exercises
Exercise number is 1: Plank.
This is a well-known and basic exercise.
Assume a lying upright position, as if you were going to do classic push-ups. However, lower your arms to your elbows and rest your forearms on them as well. Rotate your palms upwards.
Straighten your back, which should be in line with your buttocks, and extend your legs. They should be slightly apart, about shoulder-width apart, and resting on your toes.
Stay in this position until the end of the set, 20 seconds in this case.
Exercise number 2: Knee extensions to cross.
Again, assume the lying upright position. This time, however, stay on your outstretched arms. You are resting on the mat with your palms only. Alternately, you will pull your knees towards your chest. This will be in a criss-cross pattern, however. Pull the knee of your right leg towards the left side of your chest (left arm) and vice versa.
Hold for the prescribed time.
Adjust the frequency of the alternation according to yourself. However, it should not be less than 4 repetitions on each side until the end of the prescribed limit. Later, as the intensity increases and the time interval increases, the volume of the exercise (number of repetitions) will also increase.
Exercise number 3: Boat.
Lie on your back. Bend your legs at the knees and raise your shins so that they are at right angles to your knees. That is, they will be flush with the floor.
Bend forward and lift your chest off the mat towards your knees. It doesn't take much. Just as long as your thoracic spine doesn't touch the mat at all. Your lower back stays on the mat. Your arms are extended next to your thighs and point towards the tops of your feet. Your palms are turned upwards.
Remain in this position for the prescribed time without moving.
Exercise number 4: Plank with outstretched leg.
Again, assume the same position as in exercise number 1, i.e. standing upright with your forearms resting on your forearms. Everything will be the same as the plank, except for one difference.
During this exercise, you will alternately and slowly lift your lower legs. They will be stretched and tight the entire time. You will lift them to a position just a little more than horizontal with the floor.
The frequency will be approximately such that you can get at least 3 reps per leg in 20 seconds. Remember, you are lifting them alternately.
Exercise number 5: Lying sideways lunge with a sideways roll.
Assume the same position as in exercise number 1, i.e. plank or plank. Only in this case, rotate to one side. Still lean on your elbow with your forearm bent at the elbow.
Your feet are on top of each other and in line with your torso. For better stability, you may want to start with your feet behind each other and not on top of each other. The arm you're not leaning on should be extended upwards, as it were.
Stay in this position for the specified time without moving. Then turn onto your other side and repeat the same on the other side.
Over time, you can add to this exercise by slowly lifting the top leg. It will be extended and tensed. However, it will only lift to a position horizontal with the floor. Perform several repetitions over a period of time.
But no less than 4 in 20 seconds.
In the table below, we show once again the entire "core" workout for a pain-free back
Exercise | Length of series in relation to the break in seconds |
Plank | 20:40 |
Knee extensions to cross | 20:40 |
Boat | 20:40 |
Plank with outstretched leg | 20:40 |
Lying sideways lunge with sideways twist | 20:40 x 2 |
If you dare, you can repeat the entire round one more time to increase the volume of your workout. More importantly, however, is to maintain regularity and exercise at least every other day. The muscles must also recover.
Later, when the body adapts to the load, you can also exercise every day.
However, it must be remembered that if you want to reach a certain goal, you must look for a way to reach it and persist. If you reach the goal, then persist. Keep exercising. Only this will keep you at the point you have reached.
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