What to do for constipation and how to defecate without difficulty?

What to do for constipation and how to defecate without difficulty?
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Pregnancy brings with it emotions of joy and anticipation. However, many of the feelings that accompany pregnancy are not entirely pleasant. Many women are surprised by constipation in pregnancy. How to deal with it or how to avoid it altogether?

Pregnancy is accompanied by many joys and worries. Various changes and processes in pregnancy often manifest themselves in an unpleasant way. Constipation (professionally obstipation) is one of them. Almost every pregnant woman will encounter it to a greater or lesser extent.

Constipation affects even those women who did not have any problems with digestion before pregnancy.

Causes of constipation in pregnancy

One of the essential causes is the pressure of the developing fetus on the organs of the abdominal cavity. The intestine is displaced by the growing uterus, thereby changing its position. As a result, its normal functioning is disturbed.

Constipation problems can afflict women as early as the first trimester of pregnancy. Although the growing baby does not yet exert such pressure on the abdominal organs, constipation can also be caused by reduced gastric secretion and, in particular, increased production of progesterone in the body.

The hormone progesterone acts on the muscles of the uterus, which it dilates. Similarly, it affects the wall of the colon. As a result, the function of the passage of intestinal contents is impaired.

Another possible cause can be a change in the diet of a pregnant woman. In pregnancy, it is known that various unusual cravings can occur. Pregnant women often get cravings for foods that they previously avoided or did not like. A significant change in diet also affects digestion, often negatively.

Factors that contribute to constipation include medications or nutritional supplements. Many women are prescribed iron or calcium during pregnancy. These substances thicken the stool and make it difficult to defecate.

Last but not least is the lack of exercise and insufficient fluid intake.

That psychological tension has a detrimental effect on pregnancy is common knowledge. Perhaps every pregnant woman often experiences different emotions.

Mood swings, anxiety or fear are natural during pregnancy. However, they have a negative impact, not only on digestion. They cause constipation and other problems. Therefore, pregnant women should avoid stressful situations and try to maintain their peace of mind and well-being.

Read also about other pregnancy problems, such as headache or anaemia.

How does constipation manifest itself?

As with the average person, constipation is very unpleasant for pregnant women. It affects even women who have never had any problems with bowel movements before.

The frequency of defecation varies from person to person. Some people visit the toilet twice a day, others do not experience any problems even if they do not go to the toilet for two or three days.

This is also the case with pregnant women. The manifestations of constipation are individual for each pregnant woman. Some women may not have a bowel movement for several days, and it may not be a symptom of constipation right away. The important thing is how the woman feels.

Typical symptoms of constipation:

  • less frequent defecation
  • less stool
  • hard stools
  • feeling of incomplete defecation
  • feelings of bloating

Read also an interesting magazine article: Stool - what should we know about it?

Constipation in pregnancy can also pose serious risks

The large intestine is an environment full of bacteria and various microorganisms. When the passage of intestinal contents slows down or stops completely, there is a risk of the development and spread of various inflammations.

Hard stools can also cause damage to the intestinal wall. This is associated, for example, with the development of haemorrhoids or other bleeding conditions.

Damage to the rectum, especially when pushing hard to pass stools, naturally causes pain. For this reason, in many cases, the performance of the need is unconsciously delayed even further. This makes the whole condition even worse.

With the persistent effort to defecate, there is even a risk of amniotic fluid leakage, onset of contractions and premature birth.

Occasional strong pushing on the stool does not pose any great risk. However, regular and prolonged hard stools can lead to hemorrhoids or premature birth.

How to safely for constipation in pregnancy?

If you suffer from this inconvenience and a new life is growing under your heart, be careful in the treatment of constipation. Although there are medications that are allowed in pregnancy, their use is usually the last choice. So how to help yourself with constipation?


The diet of a pregnant woman plays a huge role, not only in terms of digestion. Proper nutrition and appropriate foods can solve many problems even in pregnancy.

Pregnant women suffering from constipation should include in their diet substances that promote the movement of intestinal contents and help to empty the bowels. Conversely, foods that cause constipation and bloating should be avoided.

The table below shows suitable foods and foods to avoid

Foods that facilitate bowel movements Foods that worsen the defecation process
Soups Fried and fatty foods
raw vegetables and fruit sweet and salty foods
black bread, bread containing bran spinach, cabbage, onions, garlic
dried fruit apple and grape juice
buckwheat, oatmeal, cereals rice
lean meat, poultry, fish white bread
vegetable oils, olive oil coffee, chocolate

Fibre also plays an important role in improving digestion. Adequate fluid intake is also essential. A pregnant woman should drink at least 1.5 to 2 litres of fluid a day.

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Many women are afraid to take fluids because of the development of swelling. But eliminating fluids is not the solution. Lack of fluids causes many difficulties and complications. Excessive salt intake should be avoided, because it retains water in the tissue and contributes to the development of swelling.

It is advisable to eat smaller quantities and more frequently, ideally 4 to 5 times a day. The time between meals should not exceed 4 hours.

Sufficient exercise

Many pregnant women are afraid of exercise. They are afraid of harming the unborn baby. However, lack of physical activity causes, among other things, slowing down of digestion.

It is not advisable to do sports and other physical activities that are associated with shocks or are otherwise dangerous. But a daily walk in the fresh air or swimming will only benefit the expectant mother and the baby.

There are also various group exercises designed for pregnant women. However, it is advisable if you consult your gynaecologist about them.


Medicines are one of the last options for dealing with these problems, as they can have an adverse effect on both the mother and the unborn baby. If they are already necessary, they should be prescribed by a doctor.

Practically all anti-constipation drugs contain substances that are contraindicated in pregnancy. They contribute to strengthening the wall of the colon, but at the same time to tension in the uterus. This can even cause contractions and, consequently, premature birth.

More acceptable are glycerine suppositories, which act only locally on the bowel. They do not affect the tone or tension of the uterus. However, like some other medicines, these suppositories are recommended and prescribed by your doctor during pregnancy.

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