Male genital disorders

Male genital disorders include

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Enlarged Prostate: Causes, Symptoms, Risks

Enlarged Prostate

Benign enlargement of the prostate is one of the most common urological diagnoses in men. It is accompanied by specific symptoms that can impair quality of life. Can prostatic hyperplasia be combated? When is it advisable to see a doctor?

Hydrocele: What are the symptoms of hydrocele in the scrotum and is it dangerous?


Hydrocele is caused when a large amount of fluid accumulates between the testicular lining. It is manifested by swelling of the scrotum.

Inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis): what are its causes and symptoms?

Inflammation of the prostate - prostatitis

Prostatitis is the lay name for inflammatory processes in the prostate from various causes and diseases. It is a urological-sexual problem in men. Why does prostatitis arise and what are all the possible causes?

Male infertility: what causes male infertility? How to detect it

Male infertility

Infertility affects up to 15% of couples. Male infertility is becoming a more common problem every year. What are all the possible causes of reduced male fertility?

Phimosis and paraphimosis (narrowing of the foreskin): what are its causes and symptoms?

Phimosis and paraphimosis

The foreskin, the skin protection of the glans, is part of the male reproductive organ. A narrowed foreskin can cause health complications in childhood and adulthood. What is the difference between phimosis and paraphimosis of the foreskin?

Premature ejaculation: Causes, treatment, tips to get it under control

Premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a common problem that causes psychological distress in men. Of course, the condition causes interpersonal difficulty for women as well. The International Classification of Diseases classifies the issue as a sexual dysfunction, not caused by organic disorder or disease. What exactly causes it and what can the affected man do about it?

Prostate Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, Prognosis of Treatment

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. What is the cause of its occurrence and the first symptoms? When is it a good time to see a doctor?

The undescended testicle: What is cryptorchidism? And its consequences

Undescended testicle

Undescended testicle is one of the diseases of the male genital organs. It means the absence of testicles in the scrotum.

Varicocele: What symptoms do scrotal varicose veins have? Are they dangerous?


Varicocele is a common disease of the male genital tract. It is characterized by a disruption of the vascular supply to the testicle and enlargement of the veins in the scrotum. It can lead to reduced sperm production and quality, even infertility.

What is impotence: what are the symptoms and causes of erectile dysfunction?

Impotence - Erectile dysfunction

The word impotence is now used within the general public to refer to a male sexual health problem associated with infertility. But what exactly does impotence mean and what are its causes?