Colon disorders
Colon disorders include

Balantidiasis is a rare infectious disease of the human colon and digestive tract. What causes balantidiasis, what are its first symptoms and treatment options?

Colon cancer
Colon cancer (colorectal cancer) is a malignant tumour arising from the inner wall of the colon or rectum.

Cytomegalovirus infection
Cytomegalovirus is an unknown virus to many. Many women only learn about it during pregnancy. How is it dangerous?

Diverticulosis and diverticulitis are common diseases, especially in developed countries. At age 40, it affects approximately 10% of people, over 60 years of age, 50%, and at age 80, the incidence is almost 100 percent. It mainly affects the large intestine and its sigmoid part.

Flatulence, bloating, or abdominal bloating are problems stemming from the bowels due to excessive production of gas. The condition often occurs due to improper diet, food, or other organic causes, and even stress.

Ileus - intestinal obstruction
Ileus is a health problem related to the digestive tract. It is a disorder of intestinal patency. It is one of the so-called sudden abdominal episodes. In some cases, ileus is a life-threatening condition and requires early medical intervention. What are its main causes and how to recognize its characteristic symptoms?

Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative colitis is a long-term inflammatory disease of the terminal part of the large intestine, with possible spread to the whole colon. This autoimmune inflammation is characterised by bleeding, suppuration and ulceration of the intestinal mucosa. Its cause has not been clarified. It is characterised by alternating periods of calm and the onset of discomfort such as pain, diarrhoea and bleeding on stool.