Swollen eyelid: does allergy also accompany various diseases?

Swollen eyelid: does allergy also accompany various diseases?
Photo source: Getty images

The eyelids are sensitive to inflammation. Apart from pain, swelling is easily noticeable, redness can be another symptom. The site of the eyelid is sensitive and the person is also sensitive to its disease. There can be various causes behind the swelling, not just inflammation.

A swollen eyelid is usually a symptom of inflammation, whether bacterial, viral or caused by other factors. Very often, such inflammation is manifested not only by swelling, but also by pain, redness, excessive tearing from the eye, etc.

You ask:
What diseases are accompanied by swelling of the eyelid?
Can it occur with allergies, together with itching?
Can cream, ointment or drops help?

Eyelid disease

Most often, a swollen eyelid is caused by a so-called barley grain, technically hordeolum. A painful lump forms on the upper or lower eyelid. As a result of a blockage of one of the superficial glands of the eyelid.

The blockage causes inflammation with its typical features, i.e. swelling, redness, soreness and sometimes blurred vision. Usually within 2 weeks the barley grain ripens, bursts and disappears.

A similar disease is wolf'sbane. Here, too, a lump forms on the eyelid. Along with it, a painful swelling appears and the eye area becomes red. Unlike wolf'sbane, wolf'sbane is not of infectious origin.

the woman's eyes are inflamed, red and swollen
Eyelid swelling is accompanied by redness in inflammation. Photo source: Getty Images

The main symptoms of eyelid disease include:

  • pain, cutting, burning, itching
  • feeling of sand in the eyes
  • redness, irritation
  • swelling of the eyelid
  • tearing
  • discharge
  • peeling of the skin
  • sores on the eyelids

In this case, however, the disease is often chronic, so it also recurs. Often, an abscess is formed. Wolf's claw does not burst on its own, so in this case it is always necessary to see a doctor.

Not only the glands of the eyelid can become inflamed, but also the eyelid margin. This is when swelling occurs. There are several types of such inflammation. Excessive blood supply to the eyelid margin occurs. Scales form, sometimes even smaller boils form, which dry up.

There are rare cases of eyelashes falling out. Viral eyelid inflammation is also dangerous. It is caused by herpes viruses. Treatment is not complicated, but the swelling is unpleasant.

In bacterial conjunctivitis, swelling of the eyelid also occurs. In addition, swollen nodes and purulent secretion from the affected eye are typical of the disease.

In chronic inflammations, which are most often caused by golden staphylococcus, the eyelid itself is also inflamed as a secondary effect. Itching in the eye and, of course, more swelling are also present.

The swelling is also caused by blockage of the tear duct, especially in the case of sinusitis or sinusitis, when there is a high risk of inflammation of the tear duct.

A tumour on the eyelid can cause swelling as well. Basalioma is the most common. It often bleeds, especially when touched. It's not painful. A specialist examination is needed.

Some problems resolve spontaneously within a few days. However, those that persist, recur or present with multiple manifestations should be examined.

Products that can be bought at the pharmacy and are intended for use in the eye can help. These include ointments, gels or eye drops. In other cases, antibiotics and topical disinfectants are necessary.

Cold or warm compresses can be helpful, even in the form of various natural preparations. However, it is best to take advice from a specialist.

In more serious cases, specialist treatment is necessary. Beware of unnecessary delays.

Heart and kidney disease

More serious diseases that cause swelling of the eyelids are cardiovascular diseases. In heart failure, swelling of the lower limbs occurs first, especially in the ankles and calves.

Later, the swelling spreads to other parts of the body, including the eyelids. Heart failure can be acute, but also chronic. The most serious is swelling of the lungs.

The kidneys are responsible for fluid management in the body. In addition to their filtering and cleansing role, they also take care of fluid retention or excretion.

When the kidneys are failing, swelling of the face, especially the eyelids, often occurs. Therefore, if swelling occurs and there is no sign of inflammation at the eyelid site or around the eye, see a doctor.

a grey man has a bandaged eye, for example after an accident, a paramedic is treating him
Swelling is also present after trauma to the eye and its surroundings. Photo source: Getty Images

Eyelid swelling after an accident

A common consequence of eyelid swelling is injury. Injuries to the eye area are a risk for damage to the eye and its function. The swelling may be to such an extent that it is impossible to open the eye.

The swelling causes bleeding, which also results in skin discoloration, i.e. bruising. As the blood is absorbed, the discoloration changes. This problem is also known as monocle.

Other causes of eyelid swelling

Sometimes it can be an allergic reaction. This can be to pollen, dust, mites, but also after ingestion of food or drugs. In addition to swelling, there is redness of the skin, hives. More serious is the swelling of the respiratory tract.

It occurs in thyroid disease (hypothyroidism), when not enough hormones are produced. The symptoms include a swollen eyelid.

Swelling of the body also occurs in liver disease. Swelling is especially noticeable on the extremities, abdomen(ascites). Facial swelling and eyelid swelling may also be present. Eyelid swelling may be the result of infectious disease or sexually transmitted diseases.

And it can also happen that your eyelid swells up from a draft. A strong air current, with poor ventilation technique, can cause multiple health problems, such as even a clogged ear or ear prick.

With exhaustion and fatigue, swelling and drooping of the eyelid also occurs. In addition, it is possible to feel heavy eyelids when tired. The experience is mainly experienced by people working on a computer.

Swelling also occurs as a result of improper lifestyle. Excessive stress, foods high in sodium (salty foods).

Increased alcohol intake can contribute to eyelid swelling as well. Dehydration can also contribute to eyelid swelling.

A cosmetic problem, in turn, plagues older women. Excessive fatty tissue is deposited in the eyelids. This problem is solved, for example, by blepharoplasty, which is a cosmetic surgery.

What is the cause in children?

the boy has a swollen upper eyelid
In children, eyelid swelling can be a complication of the common cold. Photo source: Getty Images

In newborns, swollen eyelids are a common condition. The main cause is blockage of the tear ducts. It affects approximately 60% of newborns. Their tear ducts are not yet sufficiently developed.

In children, swollen eyelids arise from the same diseases as in adulthood. In addition to swollen eyelids, they complain of itching, burning, cutting, tearing. In smaller children who cannot yet speak, the accompanying symptoms should be monitored.

Swelling of the eyelids is common in rhinitis, sinusitis. But other more serious diseases, such as kidney disease, should also be watched out for. Injuries are common at this age.

Swelling and typical blueness (monocle) as a result of trauma is better to examine. In addition to eyelid swelling, in head injuries, it is necessary to observe for signs of concussion or other head injury.

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The aim of the portal and content is not to replace professional examination. The content is for informational and non-binding purposes only, not advisory. In case of health problems, we recommend seeking professional help, visiting or contacting a doctor or pharmacist.