Stomach, gastro-intestinal system and indigestion

Windstorms: a problem for adults, children and pregnant women?
Abdominal pain, bloating, discomfort in the lower abdomen are also a signal of stuck winds.

Alcohol poisoning, vomiting and other symptoms, what is the first aid?
Alcoholism and alcohol poisoning is not a unique phenomenon. Alcoholism is the 'scourge of humanity' and a frequent cause of social conflict. It is the number one addiction and a frequent cause of death from excessive consumption, even among the young. Irrational and excessive drinking causes damage to mental and physical health and gradually removes the drinker from society. He loses his own self and, in acute poisoning, often his own life.

What causes chronic pelvic pain and how is it treated?
Pelvic floor pain itself causes difficulty in urination or intercourse. It is caused by various contexts of disorders in this area. They are included as chronic pelvic pain syndrome.

The most common inflammatory bowel diseases. Do we know their symptoms?
Inflammatory bowel diseases can be short-term in nature, but can also have the attribute of long-term and lifelong treatment. Let's take a look at the most common inflammatory bowel diseases and their symptoms.

Are you suffering from bloating? 5 tips to solve it + get to know the causes and help
Bloated abdomen, cramps and passing gas significantly affect your physical well-being and social life. Follow these 5 principles and you can get rid of this annoyance.

What diet is best for pancreatitis?
Pancreatitis afflicts a high percentage of patients. It causes various problems, including pain, which cannot be managed without medication and a strict diet. Proper diet and strict dietary restrictions are important, especially in the acute phase of the disease.

Pancreatic cancer: causes, symptoms, stages, investigation and treatment?
Pancreatic cancer is the most insidious cancer with the highest mortality rate ever. The first symptoms usually appear only at an advanced stage, when treatment is almost impossible. More than 95% of patients diagnosed die from it. Only about 2% live to 5 years.

What to know about pancreatitis? Acute, chronic: causes and manifestations
Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease of the pancreas that is wrongly attributed exclusively to alcohol-dependent patients. Current scientific evidence shows that less than 10% of alcoholics suffer from it. Thus, the coexistence of other risk factors is also at the etiopathogenetic forefront.

Viral hepatitis A: Is lack of hygiene to blame for transmission?
When we hear the words viral hepatitis or hepatitis, many of us think of a syringe addict. To some extent, this image is based on truth. Hepatitis has many types. There is a type that people can get infected with even without being addicted to psychotropic substances. Poor hygiene habits, but also travel to risky countries, result in the emergence of various diseases. One of them is the just mentioned viral hepatitis type A.

Coeliac Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disease of the small intestine. A person suffering from this disease is unable to digest gluten. The problem is, gluten is a common component of food.

Listeria and contaminated food: Why does it occur, how does it manifest itself?
Listeriosis is a serious bacterial disease with a poor prognosis. If left untreated or treated too late, it can result in death. Despite the good sensitivity of listeria to antibiotic treatment, it still poses a threat. Weak individuals and pregnant women are at risk. The average person is most often infected by contaminated and inadequately prepared food. In these, the bacterium thrives especially in the warmer temperatures that the summer months bring.

When is black stool normal and when to see a doctor? Blood in the stool
It can be the first symptom of a serious disease, but it can also be the result of our diet. Black stools (sometimes also called melena) are caused by the consumption of certain types of drugs, foods, dietary supplements, but they can also be the only indicator of upper gastrointestinal bleeding. In general, an average of 8 to 10% of people die from gastrointestinal bleeding. Therefore, this warning sign should never be taken lightly and we should look for the real cause of its occurrence.

What is infectious hepatitis and how is it transmitted? (Hepatitis A/B/C/D)
Hepatitis is the name sometimes given incorrectly to inflammation of the liver, or hepatitis. The main reason for this name is the symptom, i.e. yellowing of the skin, technically also icterus. Hepatitis is caused by a virus. There are several subtypes of hepatitis. Infection can be through food, meat, water. Transmission through bodily fluids, blood. Contact, kissing, injection, in the past also transfusion.

Are you suffering from stomach ulcers? These are the most common causes
Gastric and duodenal ulcers are diseases of civilisation, affecting approximately 10% of the population. They are caused by an imbalance between protective factors and aggressive factors.

How to recognize appendicitis? What symptoms does it have?
Abdominal pain is one of the main symptoms of appendicitis. The appendix is basically a worm-like protrusion (appendix) at the beginning of the large intestine.

Escherichia coli: What infections does it cause and how is it treated? (E. coli)
Escherichia coli is a bacterium that is commonly found in the human gut.

Helicobacter pylori as an insidious enemy: How is it transmitted and manifested?
Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium with a worldwide distribution. How is it transmitted and what are the symptoms and treatment of this insidious infection? Why is it dangerous?

What are the basics and principles of the gallbladder diet? What foods to eat and not to eat?
Are you suffering from gallbladder problems, gallstones or gallbladder surgery? Learn the basics and rules of the gallbladder diet.

When gallbladder stones come into play: what are the causes and symptoms?
Gallbladder diseases most often occur in connection with gallbladder stones. Why do these concrements form? How to avoid them or how to live with them, read in our article.

Gallbladder and gallbladder pain: what are the most common causes and diseases?
The gallbladder is an organ that has an important function in the process of digestion. When it malfunctions, it can cause a lot of trouble. Let's take a look together at its most common diseases.