Psyche, mind, mood, anxiety or depression - topics on psychology

Christmas holidays: psychological stress and depression? How to survive them without stress?
But is this really true? Psychologists don't think so! In fact, the pre-Christmas stress and chaos, like Christmas itself, is a great strain on the human psyche. For many, this period is one of the most difficult of the year.

Fatigue: Is it related to digestive problems? + 9 tips to prevent it
Fatigue is a very common subjective symptom and quite common in today's hectic times.

Meditation and relaxation techniques: what are their importance, benefits and health effects?
Meditation is both a training and a relaxation for the mind. In recent years, interest in meditation techniques and relaxing the mind has been growing rapidly. What are the benefits and health effects of meditation on the human body?

How does alcoholism affect health, psyche? Cut it out, treat yourself
Have you had a hard day at work and there's a bottle of good wine waiting for you at home? Does the craving for a drink or two follow you all the way home? Or do you lose yourself in the thought of alcohol more often? Alcoholism is an addiction to alcohol.

What are the right positions for healthy sleep? Choosing a pillow and mattress
Sleep position has an impact on a person's health, especially on the musculoskeletal system. In addition to proper sleep hygiene and sleep position, the choice of mattress and pillow is also important for a good night's sleep.

Sleep hygiene: 10 simple rules for quality sleep
Quality regular sleep is important for the proper functioning of the human body. What do we mean by sleep hygiene? What are the tips for better sleep and what to avoid?

Meteosensitivity and meteolabilities: how does the weather affect us?
We often use the terms "meteosensitivity" and "meteo-sensitivity" as synonyms to describe our body and organism's response to a change or sudden fluctuation in weather or climate. However, these two terms express different states of the organism. They are not the same.

What is circadian rhythm and biological clock? + Disorders and 16 foods to help you sleep better
What is the internal biological clock or circadian rhythm? What is related to this concept and what does it mean for our daily life?

How long sleep do we need? What is REM, non-REM and why do we need to dream?
It is true that we should sleep long enough to feel refreshed and full of energy when we wake up in the morning. But how long is that?

Burnout Syndrome: Do you have it too? + How to overcome it
Burnout has been referred to in the distant past as a state of exhaustion of body and soul. The term burnout syndrome was first described and defined in the second half of the 20th century. What do we need to know and what not to overlook?

Is spring and autumn fatigue a myth or a fact?
Spring and autumn fatigue are not myths. Changes in weather, an individual's adaptive capacity and their current state of health can cause exhaustion of varying intensity during these periods. Why is this the case?

Do you have symptoms of depression?
Depression is one of the psychiatric illnesses. Perhaps for this very reason, people do not like to admit to themselves that they suffer from it. Nor do they like to talk about it openly.

Anxiety, fear, depression or other symptoms? The causes go back to the past
Anxiety, fear, sadness or other psychological states are manifestations of disturbances in the normal functioning of the psyche. They lead to depression, burnout and, in tragic cases, suicide. Changes in psychological experience are the result of a potential or actual threat. Their causes vary, but they always bring with them suffering.

Alcoholism: the proven effects of alcohol on our bodies
The pleasant feeling of being drunk on alcohol, which in small quantities improves mood, self-esteem or sociability, is appealing. At the same time, it is only a small step towards alcohol dependence - alcoholism. Alarmingly, more and more young people are drinking alcohol. They are not fully aware of the health risks it entails.

Pathological gambling - gambling. What are the consequences for life?
Pathological gambling has been a psychiatric disorder since 1994. According to the International Classification of Diseases, it is a personality disorder, specifically an addictive, impulsive disorder. Some experts also refer to it as a "non-substance addiction" because it shares many characteristics with other addictions.

Restless legs syndrome: How to manage it? Can exercises help?
Do you have the urge to move your legs all the time because of discomfort? Does this movement bring you only temporary relief? Does the discomfort increase at rest, especially at night? Perhaps you suffer from restless legs syndrome.

Apathy, fatigue, sleepiness: do you know the causes? 5 tips to overcome them
Are you too overcome by fatigue? Are you sleepy, do your eyelids droop, do your eyes glaze over, do you yawn often? Is your bed all you can think about? Do you stop noticing your surroundings, are you unfocused, exhausted and apathetic?

What is chronic fatigue syndrome? It is not just ordinary fatigue
Are you suffering from unexplained fatigue that lasts too long? Do you seem to be immune to caffeine and all tricks against it have failed? Does sleep not help?

This is a must-see! Proven advice: how to cope with autumn depression?
The arrival of autumn brings with it many changes affecting the human body. The end of summer, the transition to winter, cold weather with lower temperatures, the change from summer to winter time, shorter days, longer nights, less daylight. Some people feel these changes more than others. What all affects us and how to cope with fatigue and depressed mood?

Alcohol and its effect on the human psyche
Alcohol is one of the most widespread drugs. It is addictive. Alcoholism is a mental illness. Alcoholism is characterised by behavioural changes when the patient is drunk, but chronic use leads to changes in the personality of the consumer.