Meditation and relaxation techniques: what are their importance, benefits and health effects?

Meditation and relaxation techniques: what are their importance, benefits and health effects?
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Meditation is both a training and a relaxation for the mind. In recent years, interest in meditation techniques and relaxing the mind has been growing rapidly. What are the benefits and health effects of meditation on the human body?

Meditation is a special technique that provides the mind with rest. Scientific studies have been described confirming the positive effects of meditation on a person's mental and physical health.

Where meditation comes from, what are its health benefits, techniques and many interesting information can be found in the article.

Where does meditation come from?

In Western cultures, we closely associate meditation with Eastern cultures and religions. In particular, with Tibetan, Hindu, Buddhist and Taoist teachings. It is the foundation from which meditation stems and plays a significant role in these religions.

But let us not forget the presence of a form of meditation in Islam (Muslim) or even Christianity.

In modern well it is recommended not to associate meditation technique directly with religion.

It is primarily a training of the mind with the aim of self-development, calming down and stopping the flow of incessant thoughts.

Modern science points out that meditation does not have to be associated with esotericism. There are now many proven positive effects of meditation on physical and mental health.

What is meditation?

Meditation is a training of the mind in which mental rest occurs.

Through meditation it is possible to control your thoughts, feelings and the flow of energy through the body itself.

The technique works with attention, concentration, imagination, breathing and your own feelings.

The goal is to achieve a state of consciousness that is different from the waking state in which we spend most of the day. In meditation, the ability to focus and not drift the mind into the past or future is improved.

In layman's terms: meditation is a method by which one learns to shut off one's own thoughts, eliminate stress and draw energy from the present moment.

Brain waves, which are generated by the electroactivity of neurons, have different frequencies. They vary according to the physical and mental state and the current activity of the individual.

The alpha frequency level is the resting state of the brain. It aids overall mental coordination, calming, and integration of body and mind. Reaching alpha level in meditation is related to the journey to one's true self and subconscious.

Meaning and effects of meditation

The real effectiveness of meditation gradually becomes apparent with long-term regular use of the meditation technique. Its effects slowly and gradually work their way into a person's everyday life. However, the first positive effects can be felt after the first meditations.

The effects of meditation are both physical and psychological.

During meditation, breathing slows down, the heart rate calms down, blood pressure decreases and the production of the hormone dopamine increases.

Shutting down the mind and living in the present

Meditation techniques teach a person a lasting sense of contentment and equanimity. They help with the lack of physical and mental energy caused by everyday responsibilities.

They can help us live each day in the present moment and displace or redirect intrusive thoughts about the future or the past.

They increase attention and concentration

Regular meditations help to improve focus on one particular stimulus, eliminating other stimuli and distractions while enhancing the ability to concentrate and remember. It develops the cognitive abilities of the individual.

Improving the quality of sleep

Meditation relaxes the human body, reduces musculoskeletal tension, and tunes a person into a calm state. Through meditation, a person may notice an improvement in the quality of sleep in the form of faster falling asleep and uninterrupted sleep.

The mind gradually learns to control the incessant thoughts that often lead to insomnia itself.

Improved creativity

Meditation improves the capacity for creativity and the emergence of an unpredictable flow of thoughts. The result is better imagination and the ability to suggest more solutions in everyday life situations.

Development of emotional intelligence

Proper meditation technique can enhance the ability to control one's own emotions, manage stressful situations and improve social interaction with the environment. The goal of regular meditation is therefore a calmer mind even in the more challenging situations of everyday life.

Meditation and its physical-psychological effects:

  • Improved regulation of thinking
  • Elimination of feelings of stress
  • Calming and deepening of the breath
  • Reducing blood pressure
  • Reduction of heart rate
  • Increase dopamine production
  • Relaxation of the musculoskeletal system
  • Improving cognitive abilities
  • Improving creativity
  • Improving sleep quality
  • Development of emotional intelligence

Interesting information in the article:
Sleep hygiene: 10 simple rules for quality sleep

The meditative state is closely related to relaxation of the musculoskeletal system, increased blood circulation, a calm heartbeat and deep breathing. There is a reduction in the activity of the sympathetic nervous system.

On the contrary, the parasympathetic nervous system predominates, which calms the activity of the central nervous system. It is a state that is the exact opposite of stress activation. In it, the organism is harmonised and functions are regenerated.

Lying meditation with relaxing music and guided meditation
Lying meditation with relaxing music and guided meditation. Source: Getty Images

How to meditate properly?

In many cases, beginners experience initial frustration due to improper technique and the inability to detach from their own thoughts. However, the effect of meditation lies in the training of the mind itself and the progress the individual makes.

In the beginning of meditation this is likely to be somewhat more difficult. As time goes on, however, the flow of thoughts - their coming and going and the regulation of the thoughts themselves - becomes easier to control.

Nowadays there are many meditation techniques. The choice of the appropriate one is always individual. However, it is advisable to follow certain hints and tips for the best possible initial meditation environment and conditions.

The ideal is to apply meditation every day, at least for 10-20 minutes. 1 hour a day is recommended. For some individuals, even more times a day.

However, the choice depends on the health of the individual, the timing, and the individual's own will and desire to meditate.

Find a quiet and comfortable place

The place should be quiet calm and free from distractions. It is also important to make yourself comfortable while meditating. The ideal is to sit on a sofa or bed. It is recommended to adopt a semi-sitting position.

It is advisable to give the spine some support at the beginning. It is also possible to lie down, but beginners run the risk of moving from meditation to sleep.

Close your eyes, relax and breathe

Close your eyes, breathe deeply and evenly through your nose. It is helpful to learn to engage the abdomen while breathing, and to practice through the abdominal cavity to the lungs. Slowly alternate deep breaths with smooth exhalations through the nose and mouth.

After a while of controlled breathing, it is possible to begin to feel some relaxation in the body and mind. It is recommended that you choose a breathing pattern that is natural to you and does not distract you.

Examples of meditation techniques

The technique itself is an individual choice. Examples of techniques used are mindfulness meditation, breathing meditation, transcendental meditation, guided meditation, meditation with your own mantra or relaxation techniques in the form of autogenic training.

For psychological problems, it is advisable to seek professional help from a psychologist or psychiatrist who can help you find a suitable relaxation method.

Selected examples of meditation techniques are described below.

Mindfulness meditation

This meditation involves simply resting in the present and in a mindful state. The mindfulness technique can be practiced during normal daily activities or while taking a walk.

However, it is important to pay full attention to what you are doing.

In the beginning it is easier to really sit down, close your eyes and observe your own breathing. Gradually the mindfulness technique can be transferred to everyday activities.

Practicing mindfulness meditation helps individuals to focus on the present moment, manage anxious states, and face everyday stresses more easily.

Breathing relaxation meditation

In breathing meditation, there is a focus on slow and deep breathing. The inhalations and exhalations are conscious. At the same time, there is an ignoring and displacing of other thoughts that creep into the mind.

With regular practice of this technique, you may be able to "not think" and turn off the flow of thoughts.

Simply count each breath that is breathed into the body, and with the exhale, breathe out again. Whenever your mind disconnects, smoothly refocus on your own breath and begin counting again.

Relaxation technique with mantra (autogenic training)

Autogenic training is one of the most widespread relaxation (meditation) techniques, which is not only used in psychology. The method was primarily developed by psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Johannes Heinrich Schultz.

The aim is to achieve muscular and overall physical relaxation along with calming of the mind and psychological relaxation of the body.

Autogenic training uses autosuggestive action through concentration on a concept or idea. It therefore belongs to the group of relaxation and concentration methods.

The exercise consists of repeating a verbal formula to which other formulas - mantras - are added through regular meditation. One exercise lasts about 3-5 minutes. It can be gradually extended up to 15 minutes at an ideal frequency of 1-3 times a day.

Examples and ideas of word formulas:

  • Feeling of heaviness exercise - The practitioner creates the idea of heaviness (more weight) first in the dominant hand. Then the feeling gradually spreads to the other hand, the lower limbs and then the whole body.
  • Feeling Warmth Exercise - Begins by focusing on the dominant hand with the idea of feeling a pleasant warmth in the limb, making the connection with relaxation and dilation of the peripheral blood vessels. Eventually a pleasant blood circulation throughout the body can be achieved.
  • Heartbeat and breath regulation - The aim is to learn and perceive a calm heartbeat. Concentration on the breath and its calmness in the sense of surrendering to one's own breathing.

After mastering the basic formulas, it is possible to create your own mantra for individual needs and health conditions.

Example of practicing the feeling of heaviness and relaxation:

"I am calm". Slowly take a deep breath in and out. Make sure you feel comfortable and at ease in the given environment and time.

Concentrate on the weight of your arms and legs. Mentally imagine that your limbs are heavy and their weight is pulling you down. Your muscles are relaxed.

In your mind, slowly repeat to yourself:

  • I am completely calm (1x)
  • My right arm is heavy (6x)
  • My left arm is heavy (6x)
  • Both my arms are heavy (6x)
  • I am completely calm (1x)
  • My right leg is heavy (6x)
  • My left leg is heavy (6x)
  • Both my legs are heavy (6x)
  • Conclusion: I am completely calm (1x)

Example of practicing feeling warm and relaxed:

This exercise is about the warmth of the hands and feet. Feel the pleasant warmth and warming of the body coupled with a pleasant relaxation. Associate the commands in your mind with the idea of warmth.

Slowly repeat them in your mind:

  • Introduction: I am completely calm (1x)
  • My right hand is very warm (6x)
  • My left hand is very warm (6x)
  • Both my hands are very warm (6x)
  • I am completely calm (1x)
  • My right leg is very warm (6x)
  • My left leg is very warm (6x)
  • Both legs are very warm (6x)
  • Conclusion: I am calm (1x)

Guided relaxation meditation

You can individually choose its length and a specific goal. A pleasant instructor's voice from the recording (or live) accompanies you. It helps you to delve into the necessary areas of the mind and tune in to specific thoughts and feelings.

The guided meditation is accompanied by pleasant meditation music and verbal formulas - mantras of the instructor.

The aim is to relax the whole body and psyche and to induce a feeling of peace and contentment upon awakening from meditation.

Príklad hlbokej relaxačnej riadenej meditácie v hladine alfa (video)

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Interesting resources

  • KOLÁŘ, Pavel. Rehabilitation in clinical practice. Second edition. Prague: Galén, [2020]. ISBN 978-80-7492-500-9
  • HAŠTO, Jozef. Autogenic training: practicing concentrative self-release : basic information for practitioners. Trenčín: Psychiatric Department
  • - What does science say about the effects of meditation? Medical News Today. Maria Cohut, Ph.D.
  • - 12 Science-Based Benefits of Meditation. healthline. by Marney A. White, PhD, MS.
  • Video Source: YouTube - Daniel, Deep relaxation - guided meditation - alpha level -100% functional and effective
The aim of the portal and content is not to replace professional examination. The content is for informational and non-binding purposes only, not advisory. In case of health problems, we recommend seeking professional help, visiting or contacting a doctor or pharmacist.