Joints, bones and musculoskeletal system + joint health and vitality

Bone density: what are the healthy values on examination and how to increase them?
Human bones have a density that is reflected in their strength. A painless densitometry test detects bone density values that change over the course of a lifetime.

Rheumatism harms the body at any age: why does it arise and what are its symptoms?
Rheumatism is a disease that we associate mainly with painful joints. However, it is important to know that it is harmful to the whole organism, at any age. It does not avoid children or the young.

What is a biolamp and what are its effects? When to use it and when not to use it?
Biolamp treatment is an additional light therapy. It uses the influence of polarized light for biostimulation.

Rehabilitation: what is it for? Types and methods
All of us may need rehabilitation during our lifetime, whether it is related to a long-term illness or a sudden medical injury. How is rehabilitation divided and who performs it?

What is the function of bones and joints? Dietary supplements and vitamins to support them
The bones of a person perform not only a locomotor function, but also a protective, blood-forming and calcium storage function. Thanks to the joints, a person can perform smooth movements by which he moves.

How to sit properly? Choosing an office chair for healthy sitting and prevention
Improper daily sitting can cause muscle pain, musculoskeletal imbalances and spinal problems. What are the principles to follow when sitting and what should be avoided?

Ludmila Mojžíšová's method: exercises to promote pregnancy? What does it help?
Ludmila Mojžíšová's physiotherapy method is based on specific exercises and postures that help in the treatment of gynaecological diagnoses. The method is especially known for its success in the treatment of functional sterility (infertility).

Ankle sprains and strains: a common problem for athletes and everyday people
Ankle sprains most often occur during sports, but can also occur in other ways. Ankle sprains are common when walking, gardening or even getting out of bed .

What is vibration sickness? It is one of the most common occupational diseases
Vibration sickness is one of the occupational diseases and represents the second most common occupational disease in a considerably long list. It occurs in hazardous workers who are exposed to vibrations of 20 to 400 Hz over a long period of time.

Frozen shoulder syndrome: causes, manifestations, treatment? What helps with pain
Are you suffering from shoulder pain during activity, at rest, and especially at night? Is movement in your shoulder severely restricted? Maybe you also suffer from frozen shoulder syndrome. What exactly does this condition mean? What are its causes and treatment options? Read more...

Trigger points, muscle pain: what are trigger points? How to remove them?
Trigger points (also called trigger points - TrPs) are places in the muscles that cause local but also transmissible pain to the patient. Relatively little is known about their origin, but there are several theories. Treatment is still experimental but effective.

Vojt's method: benefits for diagnoses? When to use + exercises, points
The Vojta Method is a method based on the principle of reflex locomotion. Its discoverer, Václav Vojta, has made admirable progress with it in polio patients. What exactly is it? How and in which patients is it used?

Foot injuries: sprain, swelling or fracture? Often, but not only in summer
Summer is the time for various sports, recreational and mountain activities. In particular, you should be careful of foot injuries, which are very common in summer.

How does hallux valgus occur: bunions? The influence of shoes + treatment and splints
Ladies, look out! Do you love high heels? They're beautiful and they make a woman's feet look sexy. But only temporarily. If worn for long periods of time, they distort the arch of the foot and can cause toe deformity. Hallux valgus doesn't look so nice. Take care of your feet so you don't have to hide them from the world.

Carpal tunnel syndrome: what are the prevention, exercise and treatment options?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a hand disease that affects mostly women. It is caused by oppression of the median nerve. It causes discomforts such as stiffness, tingling, numbness to severe seizure pain, occurring mostly at night. Prevention of this occupational disease is either a change of occupation or correct hand position and exercise. How to do it?

Does Grade 4 coxarthrosis end in hip replacement?
The degenerative process affecting the hips is called coxarthrosis. This disease not only disrupts the structure in the lumbar region, but also causes ankylosis of the articular joint, inequalities in the length of the lower limbs and leads to a disturbance in the stability of the spinal axis. It significantly affects the patient's life. Ultimately, a total hip arthroplasty (TEP) is necessary.

Osteoarthritis and diet, prevention, treatment, cartilage restoration? How to stop it
It is not for nothing that they say we are what we eat. Diet significantly influences various processes in the body and affects the psyche of a person. It is important not only in the onset of diseases, but also in their prevention and treatment. Osteoarthritis and its onset can also be influenced by diet. Appropriate foods are important in delaying its onset, but also support the treatment itself. In the first stages of the disease, even dietary changes and supplements are preferred over pharmacological therapy. Which foods are suitable for patients with arthritis?

Stop arthritis: how to live with arthritis and how to treat it?
Arthritis is only a fraction of musculoskeletal disorders. However, due to the increasing tendency of elderly patients, we are encountering it more and more often. It is a degenerative disease of the articular cartilage affecting the hands and feet or the spine. This degenerative process has various causes, but most often it is caused by aging. Aging is an irreversible process, which was short-lived by alchemists of the past, but also by today's medicine. However, it is possible to alleviate its symptoms to some extent and thus make the life of an arthritis patient more fulfilling. How to do it?

Water in the knee and swelling: what are the main causes? What will help in the treatment?
Are you suffering from water in the knee or knee pain? What are the most common causes?

Healthy joints: how to help yourself to them? What is good for nutrition, lubrication + exercises
Joints and joint connections are anatomical structures of our body. We put stress on them every day without realising it. Every movement we make depends on them. Keeping joints healthy is therefore an essential aspect of maintaining mobility for as long as possible, even in old age.