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Do you have a schoolchild at home? Help them cope with the stress and pressure of school

Nowadays, there is a growing debate about whether undue pressure and high demands are being placed on children. How to support a child in their education and use their potential effectively so that it is not beyond their tolerable level?
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Humans have a natural tendency to learn and educate. It is important to encourage this tendency in children. You can help young schoolchildren make the most of their potential. This will not only help them achieve better results at school, but also reduce the risk of stress and pressure on the child.
Nowadays, we have compulsory schooling and a huge amount of curriculum. Many people believe that in the age of current information technology, pupils are unnecessarily overloaded. They also have to learn information that often does not correspond at all to current social expectations and requirements.
The education system is often criticised. This has an impact on children. It is therefore advisable to help and support them during this period. Here are some hints and tips on how to do this.
Getting off to the right start at school
Beginnings are difficult everywhere. For a child going to school for the first time, they can represent a huge amount of stress and pressure.
Talk to your child about what to expect at school, what changes will happen and how to handle certain situations.
Don't forget to set up the school routine early. It is extremely important that the pupil goes to school rested and sleepy. So set the bedtime early enough.
Read more in our article Lice and other parasites and diseases in schools and kindergartens
Help your child to manage his or her time in a meaningful way
A child is often unable to arrange and plan his or her own time so that he or she uses his or her energy adequately and efficiently.
Children are often interested in many activities, including learning. However, if the day is not planned properly, there is not enough space for sports, clubs or entertainment. The child is tired and school work can often be too demanding.
A common mistake is for a child to use his or her free time in an unorganised way. A typical example is watching television or spending time on the computer.
Although such activities are also included in a certain amount of rest or relaxation, they are often prioritised at the expense of time suitable for schoolwork. This leaves room for them either late in the evening or not at all. This naturally leads to irritability, tiredness and exhaustion.
The best time for studying is said to be around 5 p.m. Therefore, after coming home from school, it is recommended to unwind, relax and then devote oneself to studying.
Teach your child an effective learning system
Every child is different. Different tricks or aids in learning apply to each one. We have summarized the most common mistakes, tips and aids in learning for you.
Some learners have trouble taking in, processing and evaluating information. They don't understand new knowledge. Their learning system may only have a short-term effect.
The most common mistake is memorising material that the child does not understand. This can, over time, cause a deterioration in their attitude to learning, poorer grades and, most importantly, exhaustion.
Teach your child to express himself. Vocabulary and speech development are important. Even during everyday activities, communicate with your child about his feelings and impressions. You will support him in expressing himself and develop cooperation.
Give your child plenty of time and adapt the pace to his/her abilities.
Guide the child to remember only the most important and relevant information. It is then helpful if he can retell it in his own words.
It is a good idea to follow a certain routine in learning. Learn systematically and, above all, gradually. Learning in fits and starts during exam and test periods will not bring much or even long-term success.
Allow the child to ask questions during the learning process. Answer or search for answers together. This will make the learning more attractive and easier for the child to remember. In fact, during discussions, the learning will be associated with positive emotions.
It is important that the child understands the information. Understanding the material is the most important step to effective learning.
The child must have a dedicated space for learning. A place free of distracting stimuli will ensure focus and efficient brain activity.
A steady and habitual routine of the day, with dedicated time for school duties, is also important. This will achieve a certain adjustment that will make it easier for the child to tune in to the material.
The most common learning mistakes:
- procrastination in school and in the curriculum
- studying to music
- postponing more difficult material until later
- working with the material for longer periods of time without taking a break
- rote learning
The preschool years are the time when various learning disabilities can become apparent. Read about them in the article: Specific and developmental learning disabilities. Do they affect a child's intellect?
Do not spare praise
Praise is important for a child. Even small advances rewarded with praise drive children on and give them the enthusiasm they need. Above all, encourage your child and avoid giving orders or prohibitions.
It is a great motivator for a child if you let him develop his self-fulfilment. Look for ways to achieve things together. Avoid phrases like "it's impossible, it can't be done".
Allow your child plenty of playfulness, creativity and imagination. Doing school in a playful way will be reflected in your child's enthusiasm and grades. This will lead to healthy self-esteem and confidence.
Children need play, relaxation, creativity and letting their imagination run wild.
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Getting enough rest and sleep
Fatigue is a physiological consequence of exertion. Getting enough sleep and rest is a necessity that protects the body from various disorders.
Fatigue is a warning sign that asks for rest for our body. It is not good to suppress this sign. Rest should be given especially to children.
So-called active rest is also important. A child takes a break from school duties by engaging in an activity other than thinking. Examples include a walk, an active game or a sport.
After physical activity, the body requires rest and recovery. After learning and mental activity, active rest is often beneficial.
Each child experiences fatigue at a different intensity and after a different length of time. Some children require rest after a short period of time, while other children report fatigue late. There are children who literally refuse to get tired and work as long as they have enough energy.
The most complicated mental activity is thinking. Ignoring fatigue and other intense activity does not overcome fatigue, it just delays it more.
Influences and external conditions such as negative emotions, fear or distractions cause impaired attention, memory and concentration.
Factors that negatively affect fatigue reduce attention and performance:
- Family problems
- fear of expectations
- negative experiences
- dissatisfaction with appraisal
- illness
- noise
- excessive heat
- insufficiently ventilated room
Child and failure
Even the experience of failure is important. With the right support, the child will learn from his or her own failure, even develop skills and talents.
Parental support is especially important in times of failure.
It is good for the child to know that 100% success is not required. Excessive expectations of perfect results in all areas from parents create enormous pressure on the child.
Children need to feel the support of their parents and the fact that their love is not conditional on the grade they bring
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